C36—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Bradford honors (Continued from Page C 34) with technical assistance from the ASCS. Kiefer lives on a 318-acre dairy farm and has participated -in conservation practices for many years and already has an am bitious program for field drainage mapped out for this year. Eugene Barrett, chairman of the committee, presented Glenn Ford and Daryl Parks with pins for being on the ASC committee for 15 years. Lazell Watkins, newest member on the ASC Committee, was given a certificate for his election to the board for a three year term. Lyle Harding, executive director of the ASC, and Susan Shanks, secretary in the ASC office, were both awarded with certificates for 10 years of service. Michael Lovegreen, executive assistant of the Bradford County Conservation District, acted as master of ceremonies, and in troduced the featured speaker, Gordon Conklin, editor of the American Agriculturist, a monthly farm magazine published in Ithaca, N.Y. Conklin entitled his speech, “At the Hinge of History”, and discussed the major problems facing the nation’s fanners today. Each point was emphasized with We Specialize In AenalWori UsinfOurTvmJß*^3 ELECTRICAL \ CONTRACTING \ X\ ~ ‘ F> I Specializing In 1 > I AGRICULTURAL J WIRING j WkdisSti' Also Residential. Industrial / And Commercial Work / C* M. HIGH CO. 320 King St We Have Poles In Mjrerstown, PA 170*7 Stock 25,30’, 35't «5' Phone 717-WC-7544 Myers tractor mounted PTO GlasStran Sprayers CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING QUALITY FEATURES: • Exclusive fiberglass tank with sight gauge won’t rust or corrode • Rugged, welded steel angle frame with handy 3 point foot rest • Field proven Myers DU-ALL Spray Pumps • Built-in mechanical tank agitator • Combination check valve shut off and suction line strainer with stainless steel screen permits cleaning strainer without loss of spray chemicals • Pressure guage, suction strainer and pressure regulator included • Rigid GlasStran Tanks weigh less than steel tanks, cost less than stainless steel and are corrosion proof • Rust proof tank top synthetic mesh strainer • Can be used with handgun or spray boom • Available in 100 S 150 gallon tanks You are In Good hands At Lancaster County's Only Dealer Specializing in Sprayer Sales & Service LESTER A. SINGER RONKS, PA 717-687-6712 Mon -Fn 8 to 5, Saturday 9 to 12 appropriate jokes, making the talk most amusig to the audience. Energy and inflation were two of the major problems discussed by Conklin who predicted that, as m the past, technology will triumph and solutions will be found. Mentioning concerns specific to conservation loss of farmland and soil compaction Conklin declared that a great deal is being done to preserve farmland. Plans such as development rights are receiving a high level of ac ceptance by non-farm people who are concerned about their food resource. Soil compaction, caused by bigger and more powerful equipment, can be handled by minimum tillage and longer rotations, he said. Always in an optimistic tone, Conklin predicted that the federal cut in the ASCS budget will not be as much as proposed, although the most exotic programs may be phased out, because President Reagan and Agriculture Secretary John Block were both directors m the ASCS at one tune. Conklin concluded his talk by saying that “we live in a land blessed as no other - we produce food in abundance. The greatest strength of the United States is its Participating Long Dealer About His Special Weekend Sales Of Long 2-Cylinder Tractors And Power Matched implements. Smyrna Equipment Co Inc 302 653-6679 wmit EASTON ABC Farm Equipment Co 301 822 1772 GAITHERSBURG Norman t Staiger Inc 301 428 3200 MEWiaSEY ABSECON Costa s Equipment 609-641 6750 ELMER Roork Farm Supply 609-358-3100 TOM’S RIVER Contractor s Place 201 341 6622 PBIWSYLVAIHA ALEXANDRIA Clapper Farm Supply 814-669-9015 ■LAN DON Maidencreek Farm Supply 215-926-3851 CHAMBERSBUJtG Forrester Farms 717 263-0705 DUNCANSVILU Ventura Tractor 814-695-9591 EXTORT Route 66 Tractor 412 327 7226 LACEVVILLE Pary s Farm Equipment 717 869-1*64 MANSFIELD Canyon Implement MYERSTOWN Wenger s Farm Machinery 717 866-2138 PROSPECT Flmner Implement 412 865 2600 QUARRYVILLE Grumelli Farm Supply 717 786-7318 ST MARY SargmgersTractor I Implement 814-781 1181 215 257 5135 UNION CITY Kafferlin Sales & Service 814 438 2056 WAYNESBURG Deynzer Assoc 412 852 1074 Delano kicks off Farm Bureau’s WASHINGTON, D.C. - Robert B. Delano, president of the capacity to produce food in great abundance. Farmers shape the course of human history more than we think”. The entertainment was planned by Susan Shanks. Several talented farm people sang duets and solos to illustrate the life of a farmer. To accompany the music, Susan and her husband, Dave, flashed pic tures of familiar places and people on the screen. The meeting was adjourned after the presentation of nearly 100 door prizes donated by local merchants. 'Ask Your 24 & 28 PTO UTILITY TRACTORS And Power Matched Implements DELAWARE SMYRNA r -** ** tv 9 *> - w- >. ~i*< -v KiA* * v '' «Jw '« . 'iU-” §* s->,~ *- . - ■ BEDFORD Creps Tractor 814-623-8239 BEHTLEHEM Leiser's Inc 215-691 3070 717 724-2731 SILVERDALE IG Sales HOMC OFFtCe TAftlOftO N C Tractor retail price comparison brochure available on request i ' ~ :r\ /- Quality-Built, Fuel-Efficient 2-Cylinder Diesels Priced Up To 25% Less* WHY PAY MORE FOR LESS? ■ LONG 2-cylmder diesel tractors are priced up to 25% LESS than competitive models of comparable horsepower ■ LONG 2-cylinder tractors are precision engi neered for outstanding fuel efficiency and perfor mance to give you MORE for LESS ■ LONG 2-cylmder diesels give the small farm operator, turf care professional, and weekend gar dener a choice of three small utility tractors with power matched attachments to handle a variety of jobs at LESS cost ■ LONG 2-cylmder diesels provide MORE of the DEALER INQUIRES INVITED LONG MFG.N.C. INC. farm, city festival American Farm Bureau Federation, presented a short course in basic agricultural economics to urban-oriented consumers as Farm Bureau kicked off the third annual observance of Farm/City Festival. Delano told Washington area consumers the nationwide Farm/City Festival is an effort initiated by the women’s com mittee of Farm Bureau to improve communications and provide in teraction between farm and nonfarm people. “Low farm prices are not necessarily the consumer's best friend,” Delano said, warning that most expected food cost increases will not be farmer-caused but will h.p. . ;f. r * V.*g£^ <4 v ' See your Long dealer, or contact reflect double-digit inflation and increased marketing costs. He said fanners’ production .costs have outstripped cash receipts for several years and pointed out about 68 cents of every dollar spent for food goes to those who process, package, haul and deliver food to consumers Delano called for a farm program with less government intervention and a market oriented agriculture with full access to domestic and foreign markets; active support for the economic recovery program package now before Congress; and an economic climate in which farmers will be able to earn a profit. "5v '^C features of larger tractors, including live PTO, category I 3 pt hitch (I & II on 310 std model) with draft and position control, automatic depth control, variable wheel spacing, and lights Hydrostatic steering is optional Available with turf or farm tires ■ The LONG 24 PTO h p 260-C and 28 PTO h p 310-C are MORE than small garden tractors, they are compact size, fuel-efficient farm tractors with power enough for garden, turf, and small-acreage farm operations yet, cost LESS than many smaller horsepower garden tractors ■ Why pay MORE for a competitive 2-cylinder com pact or standard size tractor, when you can own a quality-built LONG tractor for LESS money 9 “SMALL IN SIZE—BIO IN ROWER" Sox 259 (#8 Long Lane) Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Tel. (717)697-8277
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