C3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 LANCASTER Corn farmers are urged to plant early and shallow. It’s one of the easiest ways to be certain of increasing com profits without adding to production costs. There are several reasons why early planting means bigger yields, but the mam reason centers around the crop developing and growing under conditions that are more favorable to higher yields. - Plants respond more efficiently to water, nutrients and energy, producing more grain with essentially the same inputs. What’s more, grain from early planted com tends to be higher in test weight. Optimum planting date for com naturally varies with the season and location - from mid-March in southern areas to early May in some northern or high altitude areas. Growers only need to plant 1 to Wi inches deep if they plant early. The new precision depth planters that are now available make it easy to control planting depth. A recent depth of planting Canadian Angus champs join Strivers PITTSTOWN, N.J. - Stivers Angus of Pittstown, NJ and Happyvale Angus of Stettler, Alberta, Canada, announce a joint venture agreement to produce outstanding calves through em bryo transplant. Three Happyvale cows will be sent to the USA to reside at Stivers Angus. There they will be placed m the Stivers Angus embryo tran splant program. WIC MOTORIZED SILAGE WAGON WITH HYDROSTATIC SPEED CONTROL ★ Regular Feed Discharge or 40” High Feed Discharge ★ Electric or Gas Operated No Competitor Con Beat The Wic Choppers For Performance And Cost PAWL HORNING R.D. 1, Stevens, PA 17578 215-267-7208 Early corn planting is key to bigger yields demonstration at Greenville, Ohio, demonstrated the importance of shallow planting. Com planted 1 inch deep yielded 150.6 bushels, 2 inches -135.9 bushels and 3 inches - 131.7 bushels- Corn is reasonably well protected from freeze damage until the plants are about 12 inches tall. The growing point is at or below the ground until then and is protect from freezing by surrounding soil unless an unusually long, hard freeze occurs. Leaves may be frozen back but as long as the growing point sur vives, plants will resume growth and put out new leaves in a short time. ' While one cannot promise you’ll never lose a stand because of a spring freeze, it won’t happen often. The alternative of delaying planting until there’s no chance of a freeze is far too costly.' Stand establishment may be more difficult with early planting but chemical treatment of seed and soil, plus high quality seed; largely overcome this. To allow for some seed loss. ET program The three cows involved are: the 1900-pound Happyvale Eileen Bar 81D, Grand Champion Female at the 1973 World Angus Forum and Grand Champion Female at the 1973 International Livestock Exposition; Happyvale Bar Madge 138, Grand Champion Female at the 1975 Calgary Stampede; and Blackcap’s Queen of Happyvale (67D), a full sister to the dam of Wetonka 2446 and the dam of Happyvale Blackcap King 067 J. •*« 5.,~ The NEW Hydra-static speed control gives you a choice of speeds from slow to fast. With a touch of the pedal the wagon moves forward or backward; release the pedal and it automatically brakes. You also have a regular feed discharge or a 40-inch high discharge from one or two sides. The WIC Silage Wagon is operated by gas or electric and available in 30-, 45- or 52-bushel sizes. With the 16-inch wheels it goes wherever you want to take it. ELECTRIC REDDING CHOPPER Wic also makes an electric 200 volt a c chopper or a 24 volt d c battery operated chopper including an automatic charger These two models are equipped in the factory with a manual starter panel and are protected by fuses to dimmish risk of accidents Very quiet these bedding choppers are mostly used on small or medium sized farm As well as being mobile the 220 volt a c model can be installed stationary Motor 220 volt a c 3 h p 24 volt d c 21/2 h p scientists suggest planting up to 2,000 more seeds per acre when planting early. This allows a little lee-way for slower less complete germination and emergence. Plus, early planted com suffers less population stress so more plants can contribute to additional yields. Another potential problem: early growth may tend to be slow with early planting. High fertility and proper fertilizer placements helps counteract this. Weed control becomes very important when com is planted early. Pre-emergence herbicides are particularly valuable allies. A summary of these benefits of early planting; A GREAT IMPROVEMENT ON EFFICIENCY - DISTRIBUTORS - • spreads spring workload. • allows for J early harvest in better weather with reduced field loss and more time for fall tillage. • helps produce shorter, sturdier stalks. • results m higher grain to stover ratio - better quality silage. We Have The Answers To Your Farm Building Problems! Specializing In All Types Off Farm and Commercial Buildings! ★ DAIRY BARNS * HORSE BARNS ★ GENERAL ★ GRAIN STORAGE STORAGE ★ MACHINERY STORAGE Ready to Serve You Throughout Penna.,- Maryland, Delaware, And New Jersey! If you need any type of farm or commercial building, call collect or send the coupon for more information. GAS BEDDING CHOPPER The gas powered bedding chopper is the most popular on the market It's operation is simple and it handles easily Equipped with a Honda 4 stroke gas engine the Wic bedding chopper insures maximum out put while m use Motor 5 7, or 10 h p 4. stroke Honda Starter 5 h p manual and 7 and 10 h p manual or electric start JOHN R. NYSTRAND, JR. R.D. 2, Sugar Run, PA ★ DO-IT-YOURSELFERS ★ We Can Furnish You With A Complete Building Materials Package And Blueprints. Erect it. Yourself and Save Labor Costs! RKD ROSK BUILDING SYSTEMS P.0.80x 366 Manheim, Pa. r Please contact me with information on the foikwnnr i.F | n FARM MJIIOINOS • I J COMMERCIAL BUIUHNOS _ n 00-IT-TOIWSCIFBUIUMNO PACKAGES ■ Fill Out And Mail To Rad tea* Building Systems, ■ PO Bex 3U. ManKalm. Pa. 175*5 | Name | Address or RO ■ Town ® Phone (include area code) Wic has perfected a three point hitch PTO chopper activated by the power of your, tractor Easy to in stall, it is ideal for free-stalls, or in strawberry fields for mulching purposes • harvest of higher test weight grain. • results in greater efficiency in nutrient-utilization. • allows silking and tasseling to occur before most heat and drought stress periods. Call Collect 717-665-7150 .State POWER TAKEOFF ■EDOINO CHOPPER 717-746-1951
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