USDA announces 1982-crop wheat marketing quota over 2 WASHINGTON, D.C. - A 1982 national wheat marketing quota of 2.459 billion bushels was an nounced recently by Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block. The announcement is required under permanent legislation which has been suspended through the 1981 crop by the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977. Block said Congress may pass a new law to once again suspend the permanent legislation. C pjJiTT S q^HAXD V Y & To become effective, marketing quotas must be approved by two thirds of the producers voting in a referendum held not later than August 1. If approved, quotas would limit the quantity of wheat which a producer could market without penalty. The date for this referendum will be announced later, if necessary. The U.S. • Department of Agriculture is required to an nounce a national wheat IT'S LANCASTER'S GREATEST SALE' W,de wide select.on of the fine-quality items you want for your family, your home, yourself in two great stores' Eight big days of savings' Don't miss it l NOW IN PROGRESS AT BOTH STORES! 103^ itV-'iJ ft i. SK/I P =r <r '/ marketing quota whenever it is determined, based on a formula m the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, that—m the absence of quotas—the supply of wheat would be in excess of demand. Block said USDA has made such deter mination for the 1982 wheat crop. Block said no further an nouncement is being made now on other marketing quota aspects of the 1982 wheat program because the expected new legislation would V ' C i- make these announcements un necessary. If it becomes necessary to make further program an nouncements concerning marketing quotas for the 1982 crop, they will be made before the referendum is held and will in clude: —the national wheat acreage allotment; —apportionment of the national wheat acreage allotment to the states; and / PARTS OUR GRAND PRIZE I A wonderful expense-paid vacation for two, ar ranged by Waff & Shand Travel Fly to Pans on Pan American's luxur ious Lockheed I-1011 for a fabulous week at the popular Ambassador Hotel, with sightseeing and other features, courtesy of Tourpak, Inc See the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Arc de Tnomphe, Notre Dame thrill to nightlife in Montmartre, the Lido Folies Bergere take trips to Versailles and Fontainebleau enjoy three delicious meals daily Be sure to register on the seond floor of either store 1 Ail oHolls other than Watt & Shand employees and their fom.les ore » I gifale for this pr re W finer s name will be drawn May 9at Peek Cty Tr p m U s» I* taken If 1981 W nne* n» jy choose a S 1000 shopping sp>ti cn an alternate pr re PENN SQUARE 9 TO 5 ★ FRIDAY AND TUESDAY 9 TO 9 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981—C33 Win a Trip for Two to via F¥M\J/W1 PARK CITY 10 TO 930 billion bushels —designation of commercial wheat-producing areas. In 1977, a similar situation arose and a 1978 national wheat marketing quota was announced, but the required referendum was postponed by special legislation. The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977, enacted September 29, 1977, suspended marketing quotas through the 1981 crop.
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