C32—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block announces he is “helping move agriculture closer to the market-oriented goals of the ad ministration’s proposed farm bill'’ by granting farmers an indefinite extension on repaying their CUSTOM BUILT HEAVY DUTY SPRAYERS 200 Gal., 300 Gal. & 500 Gal. Trailer Models. 110 Gal., 150 Gal., 200 Gal., & 300 Gal. 3 Point Hitch Models. Available with Roller or Centrifugal Pump STANDARD EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: • All nylon plumbing • Adjustable wheel spacing • Hitch jack - 8 way control PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN. Inc. Box 128, R.D. 4, Lltitz, PA 17543 Wood Corner Rd., 1 Mile West of Ephrata Phone:7l7-738-1121 • • FARM SALES SERVICE SUPPLIES Vj|m^ • CUSTOM MANUFACTURING Kin77l cc Amur iirA'M NOZZLES • CRANE fYYI RELIEF VALVES SERVICE IYvVJS tee valves SPRAY GUNS USDA extends com loans reserve com loans. Under Block’s action, farmers who previously had until May 15 to repay loans on reserve com can continue the loans at the same 15.25 percent interest rate. “Farmers will immediately feel some benefits that go along with GOD'S OD Teejet the market-oriented objectives that are woven into the ad ministration’s farm bill,” Block said. “With this action,” he said, Jupiter Wheel Hoes (formerly Planet Jr.) have been serving the cultivating' needs of gardeners around the world for 110 years. Jupiter Wheel Hoes will weed, aerate, condition, plow, furrow and hill your garden up to 10 times faster than a hand hoe without the noise and expense of a motorized roto tiller. For Your Free Brochure D.H. Tilmor Co., Inc. Box 256 d Hinesburg, Vermont 05461 Phone 802/482-3104 “farmers can make their own marketing decisions on farmer owned reserve com. They should fare much better under this philosophy than they would under programs that have outlived their usefulness, such as target prices and deficiency payments. ” Normally, when the market price for corn reaches a specified “call” level, fanners with grain under government reserve loans are notified that they have 90 days in which to either repay the loan or to turn the grain over to USDA. Com reserve loans were called effective January 16, with the repayment date set for April 15. However, Block authorized a, 30- day extension, with the stipulation that a 15.25 percent interest be charged effective April 15. FARMERS AgCREDTT CORP. BTll 9 East Mam Street. Lititz. PA 717-626-4721 BBSS! ' NEW HOLLAND DENTAL SERVICES 430 E, Main St. * New Holland, PA Personalized preventional oriented dental care at reasonable fees. Examination Dentures Cleaning of Teeth Full upper or Lower •20.00 ‘7s.oo arid up Denture relining & - Repair while you wait X-rays, fillings, extractions, crowns, etc.. Senior Citizen discount ? D.P.A. Insurance and union cards accepted. Hours - Mon -Fn. 9am -6pm. Sat. 9 a.m. -Ip.m. 717-354-4900
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