» f 'r J .. .., £s?* ,*-? C’~ ' \ ' 2 * f ' , * - V- ' You lose two ways. When the grain elevator charges 2Vi percent per point of moisture to dry shelled corn, you pay 25 percent of your crop in drying costs if you take the moisture content down ten points. In addition, the com you get back has shrunk in volume and feed value so you need to use more of the heat dried grain to fatten cattle and hogs and produce eggs. That's why Harold Weaver, RD 2, Newviile, Pennsylvania, started to use the on-the-farm natural dry grain storage system from Advanced Ag Systems. This system uses the drying effect and the factor of moving air forced up through the newly harvested grain in the bin. Before we got the natural-dry, air-cooled storage bin two years ago, we were always selling our shelled corn out of the field at harvest time,” Weaver said. "When you thought you took 100 bushels to the elevator, you would find you got paid for only about 60 bushels when the check came in the mail. Now we fill our 7500 bushel bin to the top, turn on the fans and let it dry out naturally. No costly fuel bills. No cracked, dusty, scorched grains. Beautiful yellow kernels fit for any growing pig. fattening steer or laying hen. And our full bin of shelled corn shrank down only tlvee inches last year." Several neighbors have also tried feeding shelled corn from Weaver’s natural-dry grain storage bin with excellent results. John NoR had problems with a pen of hogs that continuously fought *mong themselves. They never seemed to be satisfied even though they had enough to eat. When 7^ * K ■S. *f THIS GRAIN FARMER FINDS YOU CAN LOSE 25% OF YOUR CROP WHEN YOU HEAT DRY SHELLED CORN ~ ( Molt switched from heat-dried corn from the feed mill to natural-dry corn from Weaver's on-the-farm storage bin, the hogs stopped fighting within three days. "It had to be the com,” Molt said. “That's the only thing we changed.”. So ff you find you also lose 25 percent of your crop when you take shelled corn from the field to the grain elevator, write for more information on how this natural-dry wind-chill factor system works. Send your request to Advanced Ag Systems. RO 2. Box 174, Elverson, PA 19520 Or call (215)286-9118 Advanced Ag Systems Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2.1981-C29 YOUR REPRESENTATIVES: KEN SAUDER MILFORD MAST Brownstown, PA 17508 , Elverson, PA 19520 Phone- (717)656-6519 Phone: (215)286-9118 PAUL DETWEILER Newvilfe, PA Ph0ne;{717)776-3288 23 Lir*'?v<^ a*.~ s! ” mm I
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