C3o—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Solar Oraanhousa-Hasldanca Solar-heated air is fanned into the greenhouse and then flows in the crushed rock for storage and reheating. From there, the air circulates through the residence and returns to the greenhouse for recycling., r central rm nmm o ® TRACTOR Mmlwm « IFAMILY CENTER Weaver’s now offers delivery to SW Berks County and NE Lancaster County every FRIDAY! $5.00 charge if one man can handle the delivery... CALL FOR INFORMATION Hours Mon thru F'l SAM to 7PM, HARDWARE CO* *.O. 4125 FLEETWOOD. M. 1*523 DISTRIBUTOR OF -t—•> ■R*—^ CENTRAL TRACTOR 215-944-7486 IlSkVJil FARM A FAMILY CENTER or 944-9648 30% LIQUID NITROGEN I BY THE TRAILER LOAD OR I BY THE TON | • Sprayers & spraying service | • Poly N liquid corn starter 10-34-0 | • Premium corn starters | • Bulk blends to your specifications | • Urea & Amonium Sulfate ] • Spreaders & spreading service | • Limestone I • SALT - Water softener & | animal salt F.H. KREIDER j 2400 Dairy Rd. H Lancaster, PA 17601 ! 717-898-0129 - - - - The Friendly Ones V" * & Homeowners can grow many vegetables in this specially-designed solar greenhouse. Romaine lettuce and swiss chard flourish September through June; cherry tomatoes, sas I V. Greenhouse (Continued from Page C2B) New & Used Silos New & Used Extensions Tear down & Rebuilt Gunite silo relining & repairs Repiastering, roofs, permanent pipe & distributors Oxygen Limiting Silos above and below ground manure storage Jamesway Unloaders Barn Equipment Write or Call DETWEILER SILOS Rd 2 Box 267-D Newville, PA 17241 Phone: 717-532-3039 717-776-7533 717-776-3288 REPOWEJR With VM DIESEL USED DIESELS SRI Lister SR 2 Lister SR 3 Lister LR 1 Lister SL 3 Lister HRS 6 Lister I Cylinder Deutz SV 195 • 14 H.P 1051 VM. 20 ISOLD OVA ISOOSIanzi essential. Good quality, low SEA researchers are continuing to leakage dampers must be installed monitor its performance by a for proper air control. computer and to measure the cost Because of greenhouse- effectiveness of'the design. They residence is an innovation, the believe that the operating costs Bagsaßi and savings in food and fuel will " ** Tjl make such designs as this the IHI typical home of the future. i&SQt AH New HR SERIES -Air Cooled - Oil Cooked • Water Cooled GENERALFEATURES: • Integrally cast cylinders • Force-feed lubrication with - with inserted and built-in circuit and lobe removable wet type type pump cylinder liners • Diaphragm pump feed • Light hypereutectic alloy ■ Oil and fuel filters with m pistons tegral type element. • Extra-resistant steel con- • Special structure and nectmg rods alloyed with patented engine with con special alloy head bearings sequent increases in per • Surface hardened steel formance and easier crank-shaft operation with low • Drop-forged, caseharden- weight/output ratio low ed and tempered steel smoke emissions, camshaft • Engine based on a design • Anti-friction cast-iron tap- “modulus" formula which pets alloyed allows a maximum parts • Cast-iron tunnel type standardization and inter crankcase changeability. • Rotary injection pump with mechanical governor COOLED QUEEN ROAD REFRIGERATION Box 67, intercourse, PA 17534 Phone: John D. Weaver • 717-768-9006 or 768-7111 or Answering Service - 717-354-4374 cucumbers and cabbage . ve during fall; spinach and kale burst forth in winter, and snow peas take root in spring. Harvesters, Haybines. Tractors, Cornpickers, Balers. HydraulfcSystems. Corn Binders, Choppers 24 HOUR SERVICE
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