C2B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 2,1981 Greenhouse-residence puts garden in every home WASHINGTON, D.C. - Imagine a family home where lettuce, cabbage, spinach, swiss chard and cucumbers are grown indoors all year round. Combining the best of both worlds, this greenhouse-residence designed in 1977 by Science and Education Administration researchers in Clemson, S.C., and built there m 1978, is one practical solution to today’s rapidly rising energy and food costs. Since 1975, the SEA Rural Housing Research Umt at Clemson has explored developmg low-cost integrated solar energy systems. The present greenhouse-residence is the third they have designed. The unique design of the structure combined with its utilization of solar energy con serves fossil fuel, while producing food. Site location is critical for such a solar home. The collector, which is mounted at a 60 degree angle, requires the greatest amount of exposure to the sun. The south side WE BUY HORSERADISH ROOTS All Grades CallTulkoff Cash Paid on Delivery From 100 lbs. to 100,000 lbs. Toil Free Call Collect Day-800-638-7343 Evenings Call Collect - 301-358-0956 Ask for Martin Tulkoff or Dan Kichter THINK DESEL THMK LONBARDN 26 different models designed to fit most gasoline engine applications EDLOMBARDINI The Powerhouse The fastest growing line of small, air-cooled diesels in America. Authorized sales, service and parts. Call today for a quotation Distributor HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE -PH: 717-656-6133 2998 West Newport Rd. Ronks, Pa. 17572 2 Vz miles East of Leola - Along 772 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED of the home must be free of tree shading m the winter. Windows can be shaded by roof overhangs on the south m the summer. Trees are desirable on the east and west to prevent overheating of the home m the summer. Solar energy entering the greenhouse is stored and used to help heat both the greenhouse and the residence. The greenhouse helps insulate the residence. In turn, heat escaping from the residence is used in heating the greenhouse. The air in the home and the greenhouse is the same. Attached to the home, the greenhouse is an integral part of the system. It operates in conjunction with a 384- square-foot flatplate collector constructed of two layers of aluminum roofing with painted interior surfaces installed as an absorber plate. In winter, solar-heated air is drawn through the flat-plate collector and then through rock Saves a Lifetime of Gate Opening Simple Installation • Highest Quality Lowest Prices • • Experienced Personnel thermal storage before returning to the greenhouse. Heated air supplied to the house, either from thermal storage or from the auxiliary heating umt, returns through the greenhouse and then back through thermal storage. In summer, the greenhouse and collector are manually separated from the house air. Dampers and vents are opened and dosed to regulate the flow of air. Vents lead from the solar collector to the outside. At night, outside air - 6 degrees Fahrenheit lower than the storage temperature - is. used m remove Ur beat from the 50-cubic yard rock storage to the outdoors through these vents. During the day, air-conditioning supplements rock storge to cool the house. The 248-square-foot greenhouse uses a low-iron double-strength tempered glass glazing and is lined on the inside with ultraviolet ray-resistant film. The floor is gravel. The planting beds, located The SMITH CATTLEGUARD® Now Available In Bethel, Raj • Set In Place On Your Farm {Additional Delivery Charge) • Please send me information on □ cattleguards □ waterers □ feed bunks name address hone CONCRETE SAFETY SYSTEMS , Route 1095 All Farm Products: • Steel-Reinforced Precast Concrete • on the floor, are framed in red wood. Energy, efficient, the home is built of westefjfred cedar siding. Two stones, With 1,472 square feet of living space, it has a living room, dining room,' kitchen, l-% bathrooms, study, two bedrooms, anda carport. Windows are double-glazed and wood doors are weather stripped. Doorways have air lock entrance ways. Walls have 6-mch/Rl9 batt insulation and the ceiling is in sulated with 12-inch/R3B fiberglass. The crawl space is insulated with 2-inch thick polystyrene. The home is all electric with an 84-gallon solar water heater supplemented by a 30-gallon auxiliary electric heater. The system is designed to accept a heat pump or oil or gas forced air heating. These energy conserving features and the Clemson, S.C., location are responsible for low state zip (717) 933-4107 heating costs. In one January to April period, $164 was spent for auxiliary heating - a cost of only $4l per month. The greenhouse may be used as a sun room by people who don’t want to grow their own food. Since the greenhouse relies on returning house air for heating in the winter, cool-season vegetables are better suited for production. Because the widespread use of insecticides in a closed en vironment that is part of a residence is undesirable, plants brought in should be free of insects such as aphids, white flies, and leaf miners. Homeowners could grow half their annual vegetable needs in the greenhouse. Presently this amounts to approximately $250 worth of vegetables. A successful design demands a high level of attention to planning and detail. A properly sealed tight fitted collector and duct work are (Turn to Page C3O) The SMITH CATTLEGUARD was developed in Virginia 20 years ago and is now in use throughout 33 states (in over 15,000 installations).. This one-piece steel-reinforced, precast concrete cattleguard is built to withstand constant use by farm machinery and , .heavy trucks. „ Our design features found topped rails and built-in footing for extra depth, requires no additional construction, and can be in stalled in two hours or less. The SMITH CATTLEGUARD is available in 12', 14', and 16' lengths immediately from our plant in Bethel along with Centerline and Fenceline Feedbunkr ' S s, 200-gallon took Tanks, and the popular 100- gallon Freeze-Proof Waterer. All our products are backed by our guarantee of customer satisfaction. Ib. Licensed by EASI-SET® Industries Bethel, Pa. 19507
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