A32—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Berks KUTZTOWN Various awards were presented at the Berks County FFA banquet held on April 14 at the Kutztown Grange. Proficiency awards in the dif ferent areas of competition among the Future Farmers of America chapter members included: Wildlife, Wade Bernard, Twin Valley; Com Yield and Cora Quality, Clark Sattazahn, Tulpehocken; Hay, Dean Shoemaker, Kutztown, Small Grams, Andy Zollers, Kutztown; Agronomy, Gerald Haas, Kutz town; Meats Judging, Bill Kirk, Twin Valley; Dairy Foods, Kevin Gnest, Twin Valley. Also, Ag Mechanics, Daniel DeTurk, Kutztown; Horse Judging, Brenda Werner, Twin Valley; Dairy Judging, Ist In dividual, Tim Kurtz, Twin Valley; Dairy Judging, 2nd Individual, Bob Russell, Oley; Dairy Judging, 3rd Individual, Scott Hauseman, Oley, Dairy Judging Team, Bob Russell, Scott Hauseman, and Steve Show, Oley. Scrapbook winners include: Ist SERVICE! It's A Very Import Part Of A GUTWEIN DEALERSHIP... • Selected Hybrids Still Available For Spring Planting ★ These Dealers Are Waiting To Serve You With The Best Of Seed Corn! PENNSYLVANIA WILLIAM BISHOP RAY BRATTON DAVID BRYNES WILLIAM DEYSHER DUTCHMAN FEED MILL DANIEL ESH STEPHAN GANDOtPH ROBERT GREIDER JOHN HERR ELI HOOVER HURST BROS MILL J DALE JARDINE CREDONJUMPER PAULM MARTIN CLARENCE MASE RAYMOND MOYER MURPHY (CLOUSE JAMES NEWSWANGER EARL NOLT WALTER OCKER DANIEL OGBURN HARRY PEIFER HOWARD PYSHER ROGER SHERMAN RICHARD SLAYBAUGH GEORGE STAMBAUGH WAYNE STRAIT GEORGE TUBIES WHITE HORSE GRAIN BENWILHIDE WALTER WORTHINGTON JR For Areas Not Represented By A Dealer, Contact: presents county FFA awards at banquet Place, Twin Valley; 2nd Place, Conrad Weiser; 3rd Place, Kutz town. General Public Speaking win ners were: Ist Place, Steve Shaw, Oley; 2nd Place, Chris Behney, Conrad Weiser; 3rd Place, Donald Stoltzfus, Twin Valley. In Conservation Public Speaking, winners were Ist Place, Scott Hauseman, Oley; 2nd Place, David Rice, Kutztown; 3rd Place, Mark Latshaw, Kutztown. Extemporaneous Public Speaking winners were Ist Place, Bruce Latshaw, Kutztown; 2nd Place, Richard Hershberger, Kutztown; 3rd Place, Heidi Springer, Kutztown. Creed Contest, contest winners were: Ist Place, Andrew Hess, Conrad Weiser; 2nd Place, Kevin Gnest, Twin Valley; 3rd Place, Ray Kamp, Kutztown. In Parliamentary Procedure Team competition, Ist Place went to Kutztown and 2nd Place to Conrad Weiser. Other awards include PCA Award, Dean Shoemaker, Kutz- m WTIIE MOWING BETTER PA (Cenbnued) MICHAEL WRIGHT Brod becks McVeytown ROBERT YARGER Tunkhannock FAE YOUNKIN ARTHURZUG Mtddleburg Stevens Trout Run Columbia Cross Roads Columbia Jonestown Reinholds East Earl Carlisle Carlisle Lebanon Lebanon Manheim Carlisle Danville Lowville Chambersburg Gettysburg Pine Grove Bangor Spnngville Biglerville Newville Harnsonville Littlestown Cochranville Waynesboro JOSEPH BLACK JOHN COLEMAN IRWIN HANDY GARY LESLIE MARYLAND WILLIAM CALLOWAY LEWIS DODD ROY EVERHART HERBERT FORD JR DONALD HEMPHILL E L HOLLOWAY ALTON MARINE KENNETH W MYERS PARAMOUNT FEED t SUPPLY ROBERT PRICE SMITH BROS OTA STEVENSON WEBB ( GOODEN RAYMOND CATES PAUL KING EARL NOLT Unityviiie New Freedom Paxinos Rockwood Mifflintown DELAWARE Milton Middletown Seaford Laurel Mardeia Springs Suddlersville Middletown Kennedyvtlle Bishop vtlle Salisbury Cambridge Union Bridge Hagerstown Chester Marion Station Salisbury Goldsboro NEW YORK Preble Tully Lowville town; Basketball Tournament, Oley; Volley Ball Tournament, Conrad Weiser. Distinguished Service Awards were given to Carl Blank, Oley, retired teacher; George Landis, Reading Eagle reporter. Honorary District Farmer honors went to Donald McNutt, Conrad Weiser teacher; Barry Kneller, Tulpehocken teacher; Robert Moyer, Twin Valley principal; Albert Boscov, Reading Fair; David Steigerwalt, Horse Judging contest. The Berks County State Farmer award went to Henry Noss, Conrad Weiser; and the Berks County Star Agribusinessman award to William Lesher, Tulpehocken. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Christopher Haring, Kutztown teacher; Tobi- Hill Farms, Meat Contest; Penn Packing, Hog Show Buyer; Fred Stillwagen, Lehigh Vo-Tech Teacher; Clyde Myers, County Extension Agent; Laurel Schaeffer, Lancaster Farming reporter.
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