BALTIMORE, MD. - At a reorganization meeting last Friday, the Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers Board of Directors elected officers for the 1981-82 year. Fred G. Butler, Sr. of Inwood, W. Va. was chosen to serve as president, replacing Herbert W. Wessel, Jr who declined to run for re-election. Butler formerly was vice president of the board. Owner and operator of a 1500 acre farm, Butler has 300 head of dairy cattle, replacement heifers ani id Holstein steers. He and his wife, Norma Gene, have two children. Fred, Jr., 22, is a graduate of Potomac State and is now active in the family dairy 'business. Daughter Judy Rae, 19, is a nursing student at Sheperd College. Butler, a West Virginia native, h ias been active in both igncultural and community af- ; ->irs He is vice president of the i est Virginia State Farm Bureau, treasurer of the National Milk Producers Federation, and is one of three farmers in the state of West Virginia recently appointed by the state Commissioner of Agriculture to develop a lamb slaughter facility in West Virginia. For the past 15 years Butler has been a member of the Mar- msburg-Berkley County Chamber ){ Commerce Board of Education 12 years and was appointed by Governor Jay Rockefeller to serve m the West Virginia Labor Management Advisory Com mssion. The dairyman is a 32nd Degree Mason and boasts a perfect at tendance record during 29 years of membership with the Lions Club For which he currently is chairman CIKI A Kl^flKlfl? Ask About Ford Credit I 1 1 • At Lancaster Ford Tractor Field Test A Power Sped And Get This Hefty Pocket Knife FREE! Vwm till you teel new Hip Pocket Power on the Ford Blue Power Specials 60 to 86 PTO horsepower * They ve got me teased engine displacement for greater lugging power than before Improved fuel pumps and eontrolled-flow injectors give vou smooth performance easy starting Optional front-wheel drive boosts traction and cuts tillage lime See us (or details today PRE-SEASON FINANCING until Sept. 1,1981 on most Farm & Ind. Tractors MCMP board elects officers Fred G. Butler of the Council of Governors. He is a hfe-long member of the Arden United Methodist Church and is active in many facets of that organization. As a youth, Butler was active in 4-H for 11 years and president of Future Fanners of America. He is a member of the 4-H All-Stars and was West Virginia Outstanding Young Farmer in 1963. He was honored by the West Virginia Future Farmers of America as Agnbusmessman of 1977. In addition to his farming operation, the new cooperative president is owner and president of Wright Motor Company, a Chrysler dealership in Matin sburg. Butler said, “It is a very critical time for the dairy industry with milk production at such a high LANCASTER FORD TRACTOR, INC. THE HOME OF THE RELIABLES 1655 Rohrerstown Road, Lancaster, PA Flory Mill Exit off Route 283 Phone; 717-569-7063 Samuel B. Foard, Jr. level, it is me dairy farmers’ responsibility to discipline themselves in controlling production and the cooperative board and management’s concern to try and pick up additional Class I sales for the fanner.” MCMP’s new vice president is Samuel B. Foard, Jr. of Street, Md. He is owner and operator of an 800- acre dairy farm in Harford County which is part of his family’s original homestead. He began shipping milk to Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers in 1948 and now milks 250 Holstein cows. Foard and his wife, the former Dorothy Amos, are both natives of Harford County. They have four daughters. Connie Richardson and her husband, Frank, now live and work on the Foard farm. Another FORD LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR You’ll make quick work out of mowing, yard clean-up, garden preparation and maintenance, or snow removal from the comfortable cushioned seat on a new Ford Lawn and Garden Tractor Sit down and take the wheel of one of five models 10-HP LGT-100, 12-HP LGT-120 gear or 12-HP LGT-125,14-HP LGT-145 or 16-HP LGT-165 hydros tatic In-line design minimizes vibration and helps give you a smooth, stable ride And you won’t “noise about” all that power because of rubber mountings, hood and side panels lined with acoustical material, shielded muffler All designed to give you the best seat around the house That’s how Ford Blue thinks of you and your lawn and garden chores' THE GREAT FORD MOWER GIVEAWAY Free Mower with the purchase of a Ford Lawn or Lawn & Garden Tractor Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981-A3l daughter, Edie Jones, and her husband, Steve, are crop farmers in Morrison, Tenn., but were formerly Maryland milk producers. Carol, 23, is an oc cupational therapist in Fayet teville, N.C. and Kristine, 11, is still at home. Foard is chairman of the Har ford County Ag Land Preservation Committe, a member of the Soil Conservation Advisory Board, Equipment Division Committee chairman at MCMP and vice president of Holly Milk Cooperative, Inc. near Boiling Springs, Pa. Dairy goat workshop coming in May DORNSIFE Officers of the Heart Of Penn Dairy Goat Breeders’ Co-op announce their first dairy goat management clinic and showmanship workshop. The event will be held in May near Sunbury with activities in cluding demonstrations, exhibits and practice for participants in hoof trimming, tattooing, disbudding, show procedure. AND FORD CREDIT FINANCING FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS If you’re considering a new tractor or equip ment BUT are concerned about the availability of financing, better see us l We have BOTH new Ford tractors and equipment AND the financing you need 1 Arranged through Ford Credit The family are members of the Emery Methodist Church. “As vice president of Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers it will be my goal to encourage cooperation among members and between cooperatives,” Foard stated. Re-elected as corporate officers at the meeting were Boyd C. Cook, of Boonsboro, Md. secretary, and Leßoy E. Norfolk, Jr., of Ran dallstown, Md. treasurer, R.L. Strock of Towson, Md. will con tinue as business manager for the organization. milking and other management and show related subjects. There will be a 50 cent admission charge for those attending with children under 12 and all 4-H’ers admitted free. All goat owners or those in terested in learning more about dairy goats are invited to attend. For more information, contact Roberta Molaro, Secretary, 717/758-8359. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS NEED NEW EQUIPMENT FINANCING? We’ve got the EQUIPMENT ! ' Ford Motor Credit Company - t
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