HARRISBURG Testimony was scheduled to be given this week by Leroy C. Corbin Jr., Chief of the Division of Food Control, Pa. Dept, of Agriculture, in the con tinuing hearings being held con cerning the restart of Three Mile Island’s Unit 1. Corbin’s testimony was in response to the contention that the PDA’s emergency plan has no provisions for criteria for the reactivation through normal restricted usage of previously contaminated property, equip ment, foodstuffs and water sup plies. Corbin explained that the U.S. Food and Drug Admmmistration criteria for reactivation through normal or restricted usage of previously contaminated food stuffs is contained in Federal Register Vol. 43, No. 242, Dec. 15, 1978 The control and use of con Newßidomil contact nematiddes/insectiddes to give you the control and application flexibility you need. So this season, put new Ridomil into your tobacco. And keep black shank and blue mold fungus out. £ 1980 Ciba Geigy Corporation TMZ hearings cover food plan taminated food and animal feeds will be based on laboratory analysis of samples using this FDA guidance, he said. The Agriculture Plan is Section VI (Commonwealth Disaster Operations Plan, ANNEX E, Appendix 7) provides the guidance for handling of foodstuff which will be the basis for advisory information to the public, ac cording to Corbin. Section 1705 of the Pennsylvania Administrative Code of 1929 authorizes the Department of Agriculture: -To enforce the laws of the Commonwealth relating to the production, manufacture, tran sportation and sale of foods used for man, as well as every article entering into and intended for use as an ingredient in the preparation of foods for man; -For the purpose of enforcing such laws, from tune to tune, to PL. ROHRER & BRO- IHC. SMOKETOWN, PA For outstanding control of black shank and blue mold in tobacco. If you need effective control of tobacco's two worst diseases, then ask your dealer about new Ridomil.® But see him soon. Because there simply isn't enough Ridomil available this introductory season. Fact is, Ridomil gives you excellent control of black shank in flue-cured tobacco and blue mold in all tobacco. Just one preplant incorporated treatment of Ridomil before bed formation and transplanting destroys fungi in your soil. After transplanting, Ridomil works systemically inside your tobacco to protect against disease attack all season long. M can be tank-mixed with Ciba-Geigy, Ag. Div., Box 11422, Greensboro, NC 27409 PH; 717-299-2571 purchase from wholesale or retail dealers samples of any food or drink, and have the same analyzed or examined, and prosecute the sale of adulterated, misbranded, or deleterious food or drink; -For the purpose of enforcing such laws, to enter mto any place where food is produced, manufactured, sold, or offered for sale, or kept, and to seize all ar ticles of food produced, manufactured, sold, or offered for sale, or kept in violation of such laws. Corbin further stated that the Region VI Office of the Depart ment, located m Summerdale, is staffed with seven food inspectors and two milk sanitarians. The Department has reacted to past disaster situations, such as floods by temporarily relocating food inspectors from other Regions to CIBA-GEIGV' Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981-A33 the disaster Region; this action would be utilized when deemed appropriate The Department has 50 food inspectors and 22 milk sanitarians available for disaster recovery work. Further, the Department has utilized personnel GIGANTIC ' tIUCTION rt Lancaster classifieds Cost of farm accidents encourages COCHRANVILLE - Sometimes it’s easier to attract attention by appearling to the pocketbook rather than to common sense. In keeping with this theory, farm accident studies are now being conducted in selected states to determine the real costs of farm related accidents. According to extension farm safety specialist Ron Jester, once far- SPRING SPECIAL LOWEST PHCE EVEB tOWWOMBS SAVEm* Safe, Sure Control of insects^ 3 MODELS AVAILABLE Ideal For Farm, Home, Backyard Pool, & Commercial Areas Destroys annoying and disease carrying insects with the latest in modern con trol. The four black lights in this unit attract flying insects from V/2 acres Especially effective for controlling flies, hornets, mosquitoes and other disturbing insects Ideal for use indoors or out Dealerships Available ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY 3 Miles West of Ephrata along Wood Corner Road R D #4 Box 140 Lititz, PA 17543 Phone 717-738-4241 from other Bureaus for non professional duties directly related to disaster recovery work. The Department has work sharing agreements with DER and FDA for personnel and laboratory assistance. safety mers learn the amount of money lost because of senseless accidents, they may try harder to prevent them. Any farmer recognizes the value of good reliable em ployees, says Jester. Such help is in dispensable at critical times during the year such as planting, farrowing and harvest. The loss of employees at these times creates undesirable and costly situations. The accident studies have shown that disabling accidents in Delaware in 1977 resulted in an average of 14 days lost from usual activities and an average medical ex pense per accident of almost $6OO. With the rapidly rising cost of medical, hospital and other ex penses since 1977, a disabling accident today would cost ap proximately $lOOO. In addition, a Purdue University study of a com and bog operation concluded that under certain conditions, the farmer’s time was worth $6OO an hour during planting and no less than $lOO during the rest of the year. Once the farmer realizes the high financial value attached to his time, Jester says, he should strive to keep his employees healthy and able-bodied so that he doesn’t end up as one of their replacements. Who can measure in dollar and cents the value to any one of us of a hand, a foot, or an eye? It is more than good business to be free of injury and im pairment. Just an unthinking moment, a careless move or an unguarded act may trigger action resulting in the loss of a finger or even more serious injury. You alone can develop a safety state of mind that will protect you from injury. And there is no question about it, the rewards will amply repay you for the effort. Emphasizing that a small investment in safety pays big dividends, Jester quotes an lowa farmer who said, “I bought a roll over bar for my son’s tractor—they are cheaper than caskets.” Safety is a good in-
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