CHESTER SPRINGS - The newly-formed Chester County Equine Council is seeking the support of all concerned horsemen and horsewomen interested in presenting a unified voice relevant to pertinent issues and problems facing equine activities. The Executive Board has recently completed the by-laws of the Council with the primary aims including bringing together people representing various horse clubs, trail ruling associations, hunt clubs, equine businesses and in dividuals willing to work togethem concerning legislation influencing the horse industry. At E.M. Herr's. The Bottom Line Cost Is Your Savings JUST ARRIVED [■Truckload's ale' MISSIS OF WOVEN WIRE 5 Gauge-4xB & 5x7 llilS Ca« For Price SPECIAL SALE ON AUGERS * FLEX AUGERS 4" Augers 6” Augers fnifiMh. - -v- “ 8" Augers We Carry Full Line TRANSPORT AUGERS Of Parts* Service , 5% SEVIN DUST 4 lb. Bag • Controls many listed garden insects • Controls mites, lice and fleas on poultry • Controls fleas Jiee andjticks on dogs Scats ' - A versatile insecticide with many important applications around the farm Use it in your garden to control such pests as corn eanvorms flea beetles tomato fruitworms and many otner listed garden insects Also good for dusting fruit trees shrubs and ornamental trees Highly recommended for use on poultry Canbeaoplied directly on birds or in their roosts and dusting boxes And it s excellent for use on dogs and cats to get rtd of fleas ticks and lice CAMPBELL SPRAYERS * EARLY BIRD * PRICES More Sprayer For Your Dollar bracing POLYETHELENE TAWS FOR SPRAYERS 200 gal. Reg. 149.95 SALE »139* s (while supply lasts) 300 gal. Reg. 189.95 SALE *l79 ,s Chester County forms equine council This will encompass the use of public lands for horse activities, including trail riding, the development of educational programs and activities for hor semen, and in general the promotion of and protection of the compatible interest of all of its members. A primary concern involves the large number of land tracts threatened by development in almost all of our townships. The time is now to create representation on our zoning boards and a formidable number of backers to encourage legislation which would not only create new 5% SEVIN DUST Rigo No. 2125AC13 4 lb. bag *1.99 Reg. $2.69 WIESE FARM TILLAGE TOOLS Cali or Stop In To Check Our Price & Quality As Low As Chisel Spikes $6.29 &Up Mhf Twisted Spikes $6.99 &Up f Disc Blades $7.89 & Up Plow Shares $5.89 & Up Shins $6.09 & Up Sweeps $1.99 & Up w Double Points $2.39 &Up Row Crop Sweep WOVEN FENCING • Stay Filler Height Space Ga. 32” 39” 39" 47” 47” 47" 12% 12% 12% 12% 11 12% Quantity Left at These Prices !00 gal 100 gal. 00 gal. 500 gal. Prices less tires & pump FULL LINE OF DELAVAN PARTS equestrian trails, but preserve and maintain the existing ones, the Council says. Open space involving foxhunting as well as pleasure riding is in danger in many vital areas, and the only answer to their protection is our involvement. Efforts must be initiated by those who use this land, and interest in the space preservation must be expressed in force to those branches of government that control their use, the Council says. Someone must start to become involved with the problems that beset horseowners - someone must care enough to provide education Reg. SALE $72.95 61.95 81.95 85.95 93.95 66.95 $77.95 65.95 85.95 89.95 99.95 74.95 Reg. SALE 3 pt. $729.95 W* trailer $869.95 *798“ trailer $979.95 W 5 trailer $1589.95 5 1498* 5 to the public regarding our ac tivities - someone must be willing to work to contact the proper authorities concerned with the legislation that will determine our future in all phases. This Council is designed for the horse owner, and anyone in terested in equine in any way; to enlighten non-horsemen and particularly various levels of Government, and to in general act as a “watch-dog” on dwindling space and on legislation which may harm the horse industry. Without the strong support of horsemen the group will lose teeth we must have the backing of WE UPS ANYWHERE - JUST CALL 717-464-3321 SALE PRICES GOOD THROUGH MAY 2 TO EM HERR IE SUPPLY .. DIRECTION! FARM A HO/ •» _ S 30 f aww lOW _S ★ CM HERR FARM A HOME SUPPLY HW/ m wi C AM ** WIUOW STREET 1 MILE SOUTH Store Hours Mon -Thurs 7 30A.M -6:00 PM Fn. 7:30-9.00 Sat 7:30 AM.- 5:00 PM Uncaster Farming, Saturday. Apri125,1981-A25 FRONT TRACTOR TIRES Harvest King STOCK NO. SIZE PLY NEC. SALE FF2S 7.5 L-15 6 $51.99 *4195 FF3B 5.50-16 4 28.99 2195 FF4O 6.00-16 4 31.99 27.95 FF4I 6.00-16 6 34.99 31.95 FF42 6.50-16 6 39.99 34.95 FFSO 10.00-16 6 89.99 69A FFSS 11.00-16 8 112.99 94J5 Total Price includes F.E.T. Tax Size 9.5 L-15 54.95 $48.95 1.40 11L-15 54.95 $48.95 1.54 12.5 L-16 75.95 $69.95 2.01 HOG PANELS ~ [ <' [ ii [ i i i | n liSliliilii 1 Heiekt iMftt R»fc SALE 34” x 16’ $18.95 *1(195 52" x 16’ $21.95 *18.95 Combination Panel me ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS INC 4" Solid or 6“ Solid or Perforated Perforated Also Available in 8”, 10", 12”, 15”, 18” CALL FOR QUANTITY PRICES riwim 4* lUW.Y R.P.l,HttL272S«itl» t Himi«elld i . Wkm Stmk H* _ \4 ' > those concerned in the county, the erouo says. If you are interested in the future of Chester County’s equine ac tivities please contact Cheryl Moran at the Extension Service, Paul B. Dague Bldg., 235 W. Market Street, West Chester, PA 19380215/696-3500. The first general meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at New Bolton Center, Kennett Square, n the Widener Amphitheatre. Doors 'will open at 7 with the meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. Yearly dues for the Council have been set at $5 for adults and $2 for youth under 18. Hi-Ffotation IMPLEMENT TIRES • Multi-Rib SALE F.E.T. Reg. FIELD DRAIN PIPE (ASCS Approved)
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