A24—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 Legislative roundup (Continued from Page AI) to allow owners of family farms to pass their operations along to their children. He said he expects to do whatever work is necessary to help agriculture become the number one industry in Pennsylvania. He noted there are a number of fine agricultural laws currently on the books in Pennsylvania but said he sees a need for new legislation to improve on several of them. HB 143, a bill which would allow establishment of agricultural areas, is one such measure which could improve existing laws. It would slow the loss of farmland to non-farm applications. Gneco also said he expects to introduce and promote a com prehensive noxious weed bill early in his tenure as Ag Chairman. He said he basically supports the Grange position against autumn olive and multiflora rose Gneco said he would be using last year’s proposed noxious weed bill as a starting point for the legislation he would sponsor Last year’s bill, which died when the legislative year ended, would A “AS ■■■■ uoimiwisi < whm I CMw NU-KUMFORT is here! The Milking parlor stall you've been waiting for. m CHECK THESE FEATURES: Rugged, all-welded construction of rump rails, splash shields, feed mangers and gates for time-saving installation (up to two-thirds) over com petitive stalls, 11-mounted feed man ;s with stainless-steel wls adjust fore and aft to ■ch average length of d animals. Ivanized. > includes reverse swing air-operated gate pkg. (ted feeding. Nu-Pulse Cochranville, PA 19330 215-932-4700 Only Authorized Oist. for PA, MD & NJ SO. LANCASTER CO. LAPPS HARDWARE A DAIRY SUPPLIES RO 4 Box 96 (Loop Rd) Quarryville, PA 1756* 717 716-3970 T.S. BURKHOLDER Bradford co FARM REFRIGERATION STINER'S mmSL mm-nm 717 «5*1145 Canton PA 17724 717 673 *351 MONTGOMERY CO PENS* VALLEY CROPSTORE INC. Schwenksville PA 19473 215-287-9650 CLAPPER FARM EQUIPMENT, INC. Alexandria PA 16611 814 669-4465 NORTHAMPTON t MONROE CO S HILL A SON DAIRY EQUIPMENT Sales I Service 630 Sullivan Trail Windgap PA 11091 Bus 215-863 4557 Home 215-25*7924 INTERESTED IN A BODMIN MILKER OR DEALERSHIP? PHONE or WRITE have allowed the Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture to declare a plant a noxious weed after review by a noxious weed board. Under current rules, a new law must be passed every time a plant is to be declared a noxious weed. Vice Chairman of the Ag Committee Noah Wenger, Stevens, said Gneco is a good man, a good man for the job, a man who will serve the farm community well. Wenger, a Lancaster Countian popular with the ag community, was not considered for the chairmanship because he currently lacks the seniority for such a position. He will continue as Vice Chairman. Gneco said he would rely heavily on long-time legislative aides, such as Jack Grey, for advice and technical help on agricultural measures Gneco, pointing out he was completing only his first full day as Ag Committee Chairman, asked the farm community to give him a chance to get started in his job. “I’ll be happy to work with all you fellows,” he said referring to farmers and their representatives KEYSTONE DEALERS MONTOUR. ITHUMBERLAN UMBIA. LUZERI CO'S JAKE’S MILKER SERVICE RD2 Watsontown PA 17777 717 649-5947 SULLIVAN CO WILLIAM HUNSINGER RO I Box 4* Dushore PA 18614 717 928-8714 LYCOMING CO JAMES LUCKENBILL RD2 Montcomery PA 17752 717 547 1516 SOUTH JERSEY WOODSTOWN ICE & COAL COMPANY 50 E Grant St Box 184 Woodstown NJ 08098 609-769-0070 WASHINGTON, D C - A 1982 national wheat marketing quota of 2 459 billion bushels was an nounced this week by Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block. The announcement is required under permanent legislation which has been suspended through the 1981 crop by the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 Block said Congress may pass a new law to once again suspend the permanent legislation, in which case today’s announcement will be rendered moot To become effective, marketing quotas must be approved by two thirds of the producers voting in a referendum held not later than Aug. 1. If approved, quotas would limit the quantity of wheat which a producer could market without penalty The date for this referendum will be announced later, if necessary The new Ag Chairman can be reached at his Harrisburg office phone number 717/787-8943. Let ters can be addressed to his office at 313-A Mam Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120 GURT CASSADY MANAGER PH 717-626-1065 Before 7AM After 6PM SUSQUEHANNA CO JIMS EQUIPMENT R 1 Box 96 Spnnfvillt PA 18144 717 942-692* WAYNE CO DONALD SCHMIDT RDI Box 25*A Hawley PA 1*421 717 253-2409 UNION 4 SNYDER CO ABE'S SERVICE CENTER RO 2 BoxB2 Mifflinburg PA 17844 717 966-1707 MIFFLIN CO BYLER’S DIESEL & REFRIGERATION Belleville PA 17004 :tsrrco .pa LAURELRUN FARM SUPPLY RD 2 Box H 7 Grantsville MD 21536 301 895 5567 MARYLAND DON’S SALES A SERVICE Ro4Box 42 Hagerstown MD21740 301 733 7281 USDA sets 1982 wheat quota -*»»»»»»»»»»» ft 5 A A A A A A A A A A St ft ft ft ft ft ft ft A A A. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A WE OFFS CLARK-BOBCAT SALESL nurrs end service. Call us for BOBCAT SALES or rental Call us for BOBCAT SERVICE Our wCmRK factory-trained personnel are ready to put you back m operation Call us for BOBCAT PARTS We have parts availability from the shelf Bobcat 610, 1978 model, Wisconsin gas engine, 54” utility bucket, exc. cond. Bobcat 720, 1979 model, hydrostatic drive, consm gas engine, 60” utility bucket, exc. cond. A A A A A A A A A s $ A A A A A. A A GREATER RROFITS Call for a demonstration! 4500 Paxton St • Harrisburg, PA Route 309 (Drums) • Hazleton, PA A A A A A A A A A S 5 $ S 5 5 || CLARK MELROE DIVISION , f««(««<«««(««««««(«(«««(«««(«((«« ( « (((((<(<<<(<((<<<(<(((<(((<(<^^SV‘8L'%^ r The U S Department of Agriculture is required to an nounce a national wheat marketing quota whenever it is determined, based on a formula in the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, that-m the absence of quotas -the supply of wheat would be in excess of demand. Block said USDA has made such deter mination for the 1982 wheat crop Block said no further an nouncement is being made now on other marketing quota aspects of the 1982 wheat program because the expected new legislation would make these announcements un necessary. If it becomes necessary to make further program an nouncements concerning Hl* USED BOBCATS Call us for more details subject to prior sole or rental. HIGHWAY marketing quotas for the 1982 crop, they will be made before the referendum is held and will in clude - the national wheat acreage allotment; - apportionment of the national wheat acreage allotment to the states; and - designation of commercial wheat-producing areas. In 1977, a similar situation arose and a 1978 national wheat marketing quota was announced, but the required referendum was postponed by special legislation. The Food and Agriculture Act of 1977, enacted Sept. 29, 1977, suspended marketing quotas through the 1981 crop. bobcat (717) 564-3031 (717) 788-1127 »»»»»»»»»J^ ') § S s* v M V V V V V S' V V V v 5* 9 v v v 9 V V V 9 S' y' v y v s' y v v S' S' S* S' V V V V V S' V S' V M V V S' V M V V S' V V S' V S' s V S' V V V S' V V S' S' V S' s' V s S' s' S' »s V S' S' S' S' S' V s' S' S' S' S' S' S' V S' S' S' S' S' M S' S 5S _ » s- S' S' V S' S' V s S' S' V S' S' Wis- y v V V v y cu.ll -4*
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