HARRISBURG - The nine member Pennsylvania agricultural research committee met Thursday to discuss funding for several research projects. The following were approved; —Hybrid mushrooms: develop new hybrid by new culture and ~<,wuck joint received $22,755. f MAX-TEN 200 I I High Tensile Fence Wire I I w Nearly twice I iSSSSSSSI -B I |fl strength of two H p,y barbecl wire I ::*-' ~-ll; ★ EASY TO I I *L iv‘»'*?? economical HI ★ VERSATILE- |t L ■ can be non- HBk ■ Mfm* H I CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: II I WINFIELD AGWAY TEMPLE AGWAY LANCASTER DUBLIN AGWAY 11 I 717/523-1204 215/929-5264 AGWAY 215/249-3556 BI ■ 717/394-0541 B f I CHAPMAN LEBANON AGWAY NEW OXFORD 11 ■ AGWAY 717/273-2621 AGWAY B | ■ 215/395-3381 717/624-7400 B| EagwayjhilkJ' State funds ag research protoplast fushion at Penn State. Received $24,792. -Tomato rot control: develop ment of fruit rot control system for processing tomatoes at Penn State. Received $13,210. -Broiler leg weakness; study effects of diet on leg weakness in broiler chickens at Penn State. Received $13,682. -Buffers for dairy cattle: study of addition of buffers to cattle feed and effects on milk production. -Fetlock joint in horse: study and develop better ways to treat fetlock joint fractures in horses at Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Apri125,1981—A23 University of Pennsylvania Received $13,077, -Hematode control; develop an integrated management system for control of hematode tran smitted disease in plants at PDA’s Bureau of Plant Industry Ri Eggcyclopedia w SADDLE UP! To letter Equipment... Find It In Lancaster Fanning's CLASSIFIEDS! work ITT You veta /our Wings’ BOOKS SHOE SERVICE 107 E STATE ST QUARRYVIUE, PA 17566 717-786-2795 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT IS YOUR LIFE LINE - IT REPRESENTS A LARGE INVESTMENT PLACE ITS REPAIRS WITH THE DIESEL SPECIALISTS WHOSE CAPABLE AND RELIABLE HANDS TAKES OUT THE GUESSWORK CALL NOW MILLER DIESEL INC. 6030 Jonestown Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17112 717*545-5931 YOUR DIESEL EQUIPMENT DESERVES NOTHING LESS THAN THE BEST! WHITE WASHING WITH DAIRY WHITE DRIES WHITE DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY NO WET FLOORS WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY IS COMPATIBLE ... i SPRAYS I WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY * ALSO BARN CLEANING SERVICE I AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR | To have your barn cleaned with air it f will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the | old lime This will keep your barn looking I cleaner & whiter longer. * MAYNARD L. BEITZEL ft Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 I Barn spraying our business, not a i side-line Spraying Since 1961 | HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND | DISINFECTING POULTRY HOUSES | AND VEAL PENS. | available PARK RIDGE, HI. - Everything you need to know about eggs is included in the new 52- page “Eggcyclopedia” produced by the American Egg Board. From Air Cell to Yolk, Eggcyclopedia includes nutritional information, production . terms, definitions, charts, tables and recipes. Self proclaimed as “a work that contains in formation on all branches of egg knowledge com prehensively, in articles arranged alphabetically by subject,” this booklet was prepared from start to finish by the AEB staff. The sVfexB% size reference, printed in two colors, is available at 20 cents per copy from the American Egg Board, 1460 Renaissance Dr., Park Ridge, m. 60068. msma& \KJUS HATS tW M!Ct\ End 0’ Rat Ga Rd 1 Box 668 New Holland, PA 17557 717-354-2340 so
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers