A22—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 ‘Jogger’ KANSAS CITY, Mo - The American Polled Hereford Ass ociation announces 12 nationally recognized Polled Hereford sires and dams recently have qualified for the coveted Gold Trophy Award. The list mcludes one Gold Trophy Sire and 11 Gold Trophy Dams The newcomer to the Gold Tro phy Sire list is Wili-Via Justa V, called Jogger, tallying 378 points He’s owned by Will-Via Here ford Farm, Mooresville, N.C., Georgetown Farm, Free Union, Va.; Overlook Farm, Little Falls, N.Y ; and Wolfe Hereford Ranch, Wallowa, Ore. The 11 new Gold Trophy Dams and their owners are HHH Oak maid 547, Triple H Ranch, Burl ington, Iowa; Sandra Lee W, DJM Polled Herefords, Hawley, Texas; BT Advance Juno 197 H, RCT Ranch, Mountain View, Mo ; FLF Belle Lass 4732, Kilmorhe Farms, Bradford, Ont.; BT Roundup Meta 37E, Ellis Farms, Chnsman, 111.; JRM Miss Vicki 130 R, James and Robbyn Morris, Louisiana, Mo , and iSvay and Carolyn Bran stetter, HartviUe, Mo ; WSF Miss POWER WE HAVE A COMPLETE CORN AND SOYBEAN LIQUID BLEND FERTILIZER PROGRAM FOR YOU ALSO A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS FOR SPRING SPRAYING. CHECK OUR PRICES. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF GUTWIN SEED CORN Check our complete Fertilizer Program. Fluid Fertilizer applied by our Flotation Equipment. • Bulk Dry Fertilizer • Spreading of Liquid & Dry Fertilizer • Baler Twine RD 2, Cochranville, Penna. 19330 PHONE: Office 215-869-8201 215-869-8006 215-932-3307 Paul 215-444-5170 Located on Rt. 41 Between Avondale and Cochranville Warehouse at Russellville. is newest Polled Hereford Gold Trophy Sire Banner 154 H, Wooden Shoe Farms, Othello, Wash.; T&S Lady Victor T 349, G. Tufts and Sons, Hillsboro, Texas; WP Spidel W Lass 54H, Palaschuk Farms, Ltd., Wishart, Sask.; BT Anita 161 G, ACE Pol led Herefords, Millbrook, N Y , Wasser and Winters Co, Toledo, Wash , and Pudding River Polled Herefords, Salem, Ore ; and Rem itall Goodeve 7G, Sierra Polled Herefords. Grass Valley, Calif Still leading the Gold Trophy Sire list is WSF PRL Justa Banner, gaming 715 new Standard of Per formance points in 1980-81 and boasting a new all-time record high total of 2327 points Justa Ban ner’s owners are C E Brehm Estate, Belle River, HI.; Wooden Shoe Farms; Chester Gullikson, Bath, S.D.; and Ponderosa Ranch Ltd., Lloydmmster, Sask. Second to Justa Banner is Advancer 228 D, owned by Glenview Farms, Farm ington, HI., Beartooth Ranch, Columbus, Mont., Wooden Shoe Farms, and Ellis Farms. In the female bracket, Gold Trophy Dam LBCR Queen of Domino, owned by Wasser and Winters Co., clings to the top notch STILL AVAILABLE... ASGROW SOYBEAN SEED 4268, 3860, 3127, etc. • Lime Spreading • Complete Soil Testing Program • Alfalfa & Clover Seeds with 126 SOP points, while Copper tone F Sara, owned by Split Butte Ranch, Rupert, Idaho, trails close behind. Currently, 71 bulls and 91 females fill the roster of Gold Trophy Sires and Dams, acc ording to APHA Senior Vice President Jim Hams. To be el igible, a bull must accumulate 100 points based on the points his calves earn at designated Standad of Perfection events; a female requires 35 points The APHA Gold Trophy awards acknowledging the outstanding Polled Hereford sires and dam were started in 1967, this marking the fourteenth year of recognitioi About 5000 farms with 20,000 or more birds accounted for 70 per cent of all U.S. egg production in 1979. Between 16,000 and 17,000 farms with 60,000 or more broilers accounted for 90 per cent of U.S. broiler production. The trend is toward large operations in the poultry industry. Sia Dutchman- the Original Big Dutchman cage systems are the “standard” by which all others are measured. So why not start your cage shopping with the No. 1 company in the field. We can provide "all" the components that make up a complete cage system and therefore are able to guarantee reliability, control, cost savings and one-source service. And remember, once your Big Dutchman system is completed, the competently trained staff of Hershey Equipment Company will continue to service it and provide spare parts at DISCOUNTED prices as it has been for over fifteen years. HCKSHCr cmimtHT COMPANY, "WE SIU THE BEST t SERVICE THE REST" Designers of Quality Systems hr PeuHr/, Sme am! Gram Handing. Lester F. Starner, Gardners, accepts the Outstanding Cooperator Award from Cumberland County Conservation District Chairman Roy Snoke. Stamer Conservationist CARLISLE Cumberland County Conservation District recently named Lester F. Stamer, Gardners the District’s 1980 Outstanding Cooperator. Roy E. Snoke, chairman of the District, presented the award at the annual banquet, sponsored by STILL # 1 equipment rj I COMPANY, INC. SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE, LANCASTER, PA. 17603 (717)393-5807 Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit is Outstanding the District along with the Cum berland County Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Service Office. Lester Starner received the award for outstanding con servation work applied to his strawberry and com farm.
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