•—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981 6 Poultry problems (Continued from Page M) flowers and plants, and practices photography. Paul Konhaus, Mechamcsburg, the Turkey Industryman of the Year, also was honored. The owner of Konhaus Farm, a retail marketing business, Konhaus raises 50,000 turkeys for his three stores where he employs over 200 people. Konhaus farms 700 acres in Cumberland County, and has been raising turkeys for about 45 years He was named Master Farmer in 1960. Member and staff of the Penn sylvania General Assembly also were recognized. They included: Senator Edward Helfnck, Majority Chairman of the Senate Agricultural Committee; Senator Patrick Stapleton, Minority Chairman of the Senate Agricultural Committee; Representative Samuel Hayes, Jr., House Majority Leader; Representative Noah Wenger, Vice Chairman of House Agricultural Committee; Neal Buss and William Scnntag, Senate Agricultural Committee; and Jack Grey and Warren Lamm, House Agricultural Committee. Also taking part in the evening’s festivities was the president of United Egg Producers, Al Pope. Mixing business with pleasure. Pope discussed some of the major issues the egg cooperatives are working on. Pope said UEP is constantly working on the nutrition issue created by the cholesterol con troversy. And improving the grading standards is another key issue. But the hottest issue currently is animal welfare, he said. The UEP president explained the organization has recently appointed a director of animal welfare, becoming the first commodity group to take this type of action. “UEP is more interested in animal welfare than its ad vocates,” Pope stated. He listed three steps UEP has taken on the matter; —an industry code of good management procedures has been developed; —it explains the industry situation, descibmg beak trim ming, force molt, and that chickens have better mental health when kept in cages than on open range; and —it has developed a cer tification program for producers. “I’m excited about our animals welfare policy,” he exclaimed. “We’re doing a good job 98 percent of the producers are already doing what’s planned. But it’s an emotional issue for producers they tend to get up set.” The following businesses sup ported the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation’s fund raising effort; Advanced Packaging Products Company Inc and Complete Packmgmg Inc Montgomeryville Agricultural Lending Institutionsd Pennsylvania Agn Inc Ephrata Agn Equipment Inc Ephrata Agway tnc Harrisburg Air Products and Chemicals Inc Allentown American Bank and Trust Co ofPenna Reading American Can Company Wayne Animal Health £ Specialties Inc Manheim Pennsylvania Harrisonburg Virginia Atlantic Feed Products Corporation and By Products Inc Secaucus New Jersey Babcock Farms Inc Ithaca NY Baltimore Spice Company Baltimore Maryland The Beacon Milling Company Inc York BigDutchman/Barker International Inc Atlanta Georgia Bird In-Hand Farms Inc Lancaster United Egg » reducers president A 1 Pope chats with Vicki Wass, the Pennsylvania Egg Promotion Specialist, with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture during the Federation's fund raiser. C 4 T Refinery Inc and Whitman A Rice Com pany Richmond Virginia AF Carvolth A Son Company Newtown Square College Hill Poultry Inc Fredericksburg Commonwealth National Bank Lancaster Cryovac Division WR Grace 4Co Bala Cynwyd DeKaib Afresearch Inc Hettam Eberrofe Equipment and Supply Company Ma'iheim Empire Koshar Poultry Inc Mifflmtown Farm Bureau Souderton Farm Credit Associations Lancaster Favorite Equipment and Supply Company New Holland favorite Manufacturing Inc New Holland First National Bank of Lancaster County Strasburg Flame-Rite Casino Gordonv/lle Fleet Sales and Leasing Corporation Coopersburg Golden Dipt Company Milistadt Illinois CoodsPoulry Inc Columbia Greider Farms inc Mount Joy Griffith Laboratories USA Inc Union New Jersey Hamilton Bank Lancaster Hershey Equipment Company Inc Lancaster Hess Mills Paradise Hubbard Farms Inc Walpole New Hampshire Hy Cross Company lancasrer Jersey Coast Egg Producers Lakewood New Jersey Koch s Turkey Farm Tamaqua Kb-Ka Le Ko Egg Ranch Denver Kunzler tCo Inc and Wohlsen Construction Co Lancaster Lancaster County Poultry Association Lancaster County Carlos R Letfler Inc Richland Lehman sEu Service Inc Qreencastle Horace W Longacre Inc Franconia Longenecker s Hatchery )nc Elizabethtown C F Manbeck Inc Fredericksburg Mandata Poultry Company Herndon Marschalk and Company Inc New York New York Modern Maid Food Products Inc Garden City New York Modern Poultry Supplies Inc Lancaster Moyer Packing Company Souderton Mytr s Ooxol Propane Manheim New HoHand Supply Co, Inc New Holland Package Marketing Associates Inc Allenhurst New Jersey Pennfield Corporation Lancaster Perley Halladay Associates Inc Malvern Pleasant View Eggs and Kreamer Feed Store Winfield and Kreamer Potlatch Corporation Baltimore Maryland Pullets of Penne Inc Quakertown Quaker State Farms Inc Klmgerstown Ralston Purina Company Camp Hill Rosenberger’s Cold Storage Inc Hatfield Round Hill Foods (nc New Oxford Seaman Will Supplies Inc Reading Staalkat of America Inc Lancaster Stone Container Corporation Philadelphia Swift and Company Birdsboro Teepak Chicago Illinois Wampler Foods Inc Hinton Virginia VictorF Weaver Inc New Holland Weaver s Food Brokers New Holland Wenger s Feed Mill Inc Rheetns West Willow Farmers Association Inc Willow Street Walter E Wheelock Hatchery Chambersburg Wofgemuth Brothers Inc Mount Joy HOLLAND Dealer for Dependable Equipment and Dependable Ale; Clapper Farm Equipment Star Route 814 669 4465 Annville. PA 8 H M Farm Equipment, Inc RD 1 7X7-867-2211 Beavertown. PA B&R Farm Equipment, Inc RO 1, Box 217 A 717-658-7024 lernvil Stanley A Klopp, Inc Bernville, PA 215-488-1510 Carlisle. PA Paul Shovers, Inc 35 East Willow Street 717-243-2686 Catawissa.PA_ Abraczmskas Farm Equipment, Inc RD 1 717-356-2323 Chambcrsburg. PA Clugston Implement, Inc RO 1 717-263-4103 Davidsbura. PA George N Gross, Inc R D 2, Dover, PA 717-292-1673 Messick Farm Equipment, Inc Rt 283-Rheem’sExit 717-367-1319 Gettysburg. PA Ymgling Implements RD 9 717 359-4848 ireencastle, PA Meyers Implement's Inc 400 N Antrim Way PO Box 97 717-597-2176 Halifax. PA Sweigard Bros R D 3. Box 13 717 896 3414 Honey Brook. PA Dependable Motor Co East Mam Street 215-273 3131 215-273-3737 H] lonev Grove. PA Norman D Clark Honey Grove. PA 717-734 3682 Hughesvitie, PA Farnsworth Farm Supplies, Inc 103 Cemetery Street 717 584-2106 ■ Lancaster. PA L H Brubaker, Inc 350 Strasburg Pike 717-397-5179 Lebanon. PA Evergreen Tractor Co, Inc 30 Evergreen Road 717-272-4641 Lititz, PA Roy A Brubaker 700 Woodcrest Av 717-6267766 Loysville, PA Paul Shovers, Inc Loysville, PA 717-789 3117 Lvnnport. PA Kermit K Kistler, Inc Lynnport, PA 215 298 2011 Martinsbuot. Pi 110 Forshey St 814 793-3791 See your nearest Service: Ir&FA Mill Hall, PA Paul A Dot terer RD 1 717 726 3471 Nazareth. PA Edwards Farm Equipment 291 West Moorestowri Rd 215-759-0240 New Hi ABC Groff, Inc 110 South Railroad 717-354 4191 New Park. PA M&R Equipment Inc P 0 Box 15 717 993 2511 Olev.PA CJ Wonsidler Bros RD 2 215 987-6257 Palm. PA Wentz Farm Supplies, Inc Rt 29 215 679-7164 Pitman. PA Marlin W Schreffler Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 Pleasant Gap. PA Brooks Ford Tractor W College Ave 814-359-2751 Ouarrvville. PA C E Wiley & Son, Inc 101 South Lime 717-786 2895 Reedsville. PA Big Valley Sales & Service, Inc P O Box 548 717 667 3944 Ringtown. PA Ringtown Farm Equipment Ringtown, PA 717-889 3184 Shippensburg, PA R B Miller, Inc N Seneca St 717 532 4178 Silverdale. PA 1 G Sales Box 149 215 257 5135 Tamaqua. PA Charles S Snyde r , Inc RD 3 717-386-5945 West Chester. PA M S Yearsley & Son 114-116 East Market Street 215-696 2990 - West Groi S G Lewis & Son, Inc R D 2, Box 66 215 869 2214 Churchville. MP Walter G Coale, Inc 2849 53 Churchville Rd 301 734 7722 Rising Sun, MD Ag Ind Equipment Co, Inc 1207 Telegraph Rd 301-398 6132 301 658-5568 215 869 3542 Bridgeton. NJ Leslie G Fogg, Inc Canton & Stow Creek Landing Rds RD 3 609 451 2727 Frank Rymon * Sons 814-793 3791 i's, Inc Woodstown, NJ Owen Supply Co Broad Street & East Avenue 609 769 0308 itreet
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