D2B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1381 Bros Auctioneers Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication Owner Blame Rentzei MON MAY 25. 2PM Auctioneer Daiville Livestock MON Memorial Day MAY Market, cattle and hog 25 - Public Auction ot auction Located Old Household Goods, Anti Route 11, Danville, PA ques and 40 Guns Melvin M Lehman Located at Rt 2 otvner Manheim, PA along MON MAY 25 10 00 Spangler Road just north A M Public Sale of Anti of Rt 283 at the Mount que Gas Engines, Trac- Joy Manhetm exit Jay R tors, Hand Tools and Kulp, Owner C H Literature Located in Wolgemuth, Owner Hr T' ' York O " tellam Twp . ork Co, 2 miles north of Heliam exit FRI MAY 29 Perry Co off Rt 30, north on Kreutz Farm and Woodland at Creek Rd, left on Fahr Public Sale Located 45 inger Dr left on Druck miles NW of Harrisburg, Valley Rd Floyd W Miller along Rt 850 2 miles east of Honey Grove Long PUBLIC SALE OF MODERN FARM EQUIPMENT MON., APRIL 27,81 11:30 A.M. Located 4 miles Southeast of Mid dletown, Pa. Route 230 to Geyers Church road to Brinser Road. Watch for Sale Signs. 2TRACTORS J.D. 4020 Diesel w/cab, wide front end, J.D. 4010 Diesel w/narrow front end, N.H. #479 Haybme, N.H. 268 Baler w/Bale thrower PTO, JD 494 A com planter w/Fertilizer & insecticide boxes, N.H. #25 Silo Blower, J.D. #3B Forge chopper w/Hay pickup & 2 Row narrow com head, J.D. #350 Hay Rake, 2 J.D. #125 & 214 chuck wagons w/J.D. running gears, N.I. Manure Spreader 160 Bus. PTO, JD #FI4SH. 58. 16” trip plow, J.D. #l4B Manure Loader, J.D. 10’ transport disc, Grove 8 ton wagon, 10’ cultipacker, £pt. 6’ Scraper Blade, J.D. Hyd. cyl., air compressor, chain saw, baler twme, water bowls, Sunbean cow clipper, Bolt Bin. Not too many small items. Come early. Sale by GEORGE SENSENIG Harold (Abe) Shaffner & C.H. Wolgemuth, Aucts. 717-944-4126 or 717-653-5689 Food Stand Brummer - Hancock 2nd Annual BREEDER-FEEDER SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 30,1981 6:30 P.M. Port Royal Fairgrounds, Port Royal, Pa. 20 Bred Gilts Registered Polands, Chester-Duroc, Poland-Landrace To start pigging after May Ist 10 Crossbred Open Gilts 3-5 boars Chester, Poland, Landrace 100 Head F eeder Pigs Poland, Chester, Poland-Landrace, Chester-Duroc, Chester-Hamp Many suitable for 4-H & FFA Same Breeding As: 3rd pen It. wt. feeder pigs 1980 Keystone 4th place mid. wt. carcass 1980 Keystone 7.09 sq. in lorn at 1980 NBS Plus 10 wether & ewe lambs sired by Hampshire ram out of Dorset & Hamp ewes. Any Pig That Goes On To Be Champion Over-all At Any Fair Will Receive $lOO. TERMS—CASH Refreshments Available Not Responsible for Accidents ED BRUMMER R.D. 2, Port Royal, Pa. 17082 717-527-4081 DOUG HANCOCK R.D. 1, Honey Grove. Pa. 17035 717-734-3619 Bryan O. Imes, Auctioneer FRI MAY 29 - 530 P M SAT MAY 30 - 10 A.M Gap Auction Antiques Public Sale of Household and Household Goods Goods, 15 Guns including sold at every auction Parker 10 ga double. Located off Rt 41, Lan- Ansley Fox 12 ga double, caster Turkey Hill Mimt Fox Sterlingworth 12 ga Market, cross RR bridge, double & 2 Winchester Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc pump model 12 20 Anti tioneers que gas engines, 1919 Case tractor, 40 Antique FRI MAY 29 630 P M cast iron seats Located 1 Holstein Heifer & Steer mile North of Bird-m- Auction Located at R D Hand, Pa on Gibbons Rd 1, Blairs Mills, Hun Sale by Aaron P Miller fmgdon Co, Pa Owner Auctioneers Steve Peter- Ronald L Moore Sale by sheimS. Paul Z Martin ■4P_ C > / __ ~ e cUnJ AUCTION OF COINS WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 29,1981 6:00 P.M. Located at Lykens Valley “Shop and Play Hall”, Route 209, Lykens. Penn sylvania. COINS TO BE SOLD: Nickels, Quarters, Silver Dollars, Dunes, Pennies, 3 Pieces of Gold, Proof Sets, Uncirculated Mint Sets, Half Dollars and Large Assortment of Silver Lots. There will be over 380 lots. For complete list of coins, send name, address and stamp to Auctioneer. Coins can be seen day of sale from 4:00P.M. to6:OOP.M. OWNERS, JOHN & MELLIE EARDMAN LEE DOCKEY Auctioneer-Estate Liquidator-Appraiser Box 164 Pillow Pa. 17080 Phone: 717-758-6004 DOCKEY & DOCKEY, AUCTIONEERS DEPPEN, APPRENTICE PUBLIC SALE of Antiques, Household Goods Butchering Equipt., Tools, Guns Lots of Silver Coins SAT., MAY 2 at 9:00 Located R.D.ffl, New Providence along Rawiinsvilie Rd., Providence Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. (Take Rt. 272 about 8 mi. south of Lane. At railroad arch turn right on to Miller Rd. Go about 1 mi. to Rawiinsvilie Rd. & turn left. Go about 1 mi. to sale near Clearfield Church.) Pine tilt top bench table; old store cabinet w/lg. drawers; old iron Oak parlor coal stove. Oak oval china closet w/claw feet, chest of drawers, clothes tree, treadle sewing mach., mirror etc. Empire chest of drawers; 2 bamboo tables. Other good furniture in mahg., Waterfall, metal etc. Uph. platform rocker w/vibrator & 2 goose neck rockers. Lg. & sm crocks; lg. & sm. jugs; dated jars & milk cans Lg. copper kettle, wash boiler & tea kettle Agateware. String of brass sleigh bells etc. Iron dinner bell, cherry seeder etc. Other good articles in tin, wood. Butchering Equipt.: 2 iron kettles, 3 foot, kettle furnace, meat bench, scalding trough, 2 meat grinders, sausage press, lg. dippers, forks, ladle, dippers, meat hooks, hog scrapers etc. Watches; key-wind, Illinois sterling 17 jewel, Elgin & Hampden Watch Co. Alladin oil lamp; Sandwich bull creamer; min. milk glass oil lamp. Good glassware & china ui pressed, dark & orange Carnival milk glass, blue & white opalescent, pink, blue & grn. Depression, Fostona, Ger man & ironstone. Kitchen articles; linens & misc. material; canning jars; 16’ alum. & 24’ wooden ext. ladders; metal wheel barrow; potato plow; horse harrow; shovel plow; old wagon tool box. Power hand & garden tools; J. Snyder broad ax, draw knives; post hole ax; hand drill press etc. Scrap iron; lumber; elec, motors; misc. hardware. Guns: 2 Winchester single barrel shot guns. Gun Cabinet. Coins: lg. copper, Indian Head, V-mckels, lots of silver dimes, quarters, half dollars & silver dollars, lg. $1 & $5 bills, Hawauan $1 & $5 bills. Coins & guns sold at 1.00. NOT OUT OF STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Food served. Sale by MRS. SILAS GRAYBILL Auctioneer Howard Shaub 464-3541 and Roy C. Probst 464-3190 K ling's Auction Service PUBLIC AUCTION (From 3 Generations) Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques Including Furniture, Dishes, Hardware, Miscellaneous and Unusual Items of Every Description at the Residence of MR. & MRS. WOODROW (Bill) HARTZEL (River St.) in the Village of Wapwallopen, Luzerne County, Pa., Off 1-81 West Hazleton Exit. North on Rt. 93, Approx. 15 mi., at 29-93 Junction - (Nescopeck Twp. Fire Hall) Follow Sale Arrows - or off 1-80 Exit 38 Conyngham North on Rt. 93. FRIDAY, MAY 1 SATURDAY, MAY 2 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 4-Bumer Gas Stove, G.E. Automatic Washer, 9 x 12 Rub, 12 x 15 Rug, 3 Double Beds complete, 2 Reclining Chairs, Office Desk, Occasional Chau:, Coffee Table, Lamps and End Tables, modern Daveno Bed, overstuffed Occasional Chair, Formica top Table Set, Cook ing and Kitchen Utensils, small Appliances, and other items commonly found around a well kept home. ANTIQUES Unusual Medicine Cabinet Desk and Bookcase Combina tion, Cherry Drop Leaf Table, History Book of Luzerne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties (1786-1880), 4 sets of Sleigh Bells, Horse-drawn Sleigh, Brass Market Bell, 2 Oak Captain Chairs, Worcester Organ Co. Fancy Organ, Organ Stool, Widdifield Piano, Piano Bench, Spmnet Desk, Clarks Spool Cabinet, Needle Cabinet, 3 Buffalo Robes, Leather Bound Trunk, Turtle Back Trunk, Canning Cupboards, Blanket Chest, 1847 Roger Bros. Silverware, Cundle Bed, 2-9 piece Dining Room Suites, Slant Top Desk, old High Chair, several Rocking Chairs, childs furniture including Straight Chair and Rocking High Chair, Plank Bottom Rocker, Sled, Carnage, Spr ing Wagon, Miniature Coal Stove, etc. Very old Family Bible, and Family Albums, many old and unusual Post Cards, and Trade Cards, Catalogues from the early 1900’s of all types, many very old Books and Ledgers dating from 1800's to early 1900’s, old Certificates in fractur, Calendars from the early 1900’s - compliments of late local area merchants, several very old Dispensing Cabinets & Tins in cluding Spice Boxes, Ball Band Arbuckel Coffee Shipping Boxes, wooden Cheese Boxes, Pretzel and Seed Boxes, Tea Boxes, and other miscellaneous Wooden Boxes of every description found m storage attic from the late Til Hess Grocery and Hardware Store, many beautiful Anti que Dishes and Glassware including lot of Amber, Purple, and Green Car nival Glass of every description, Fruit Bowl, Austria China,l9ll Calendar Plate compliments of Hobble Creamery, 9 piece Wash Bowl and Picture Set, Mantle Clock, Angrahm Shelf Clock, Kerosene Lamps and Lanterns, Gone With the Wind Lamp, 1812 McHenry Whiskey Bottle, Lord’s Prayer Glass, Stem Ware, Fostona Ware, Formosa Tea Set, old Crock Bottles, Jugs and open Crocks of various descriptions, lot of Depression Glass, Miniature Atlas and Mason Jars, .Planter Peanut Jars, unusually large amount of Dishes and Glassware from 3 generations, Chifferobe, Library Table, Sideboard, Chest of Drawers, Nite Stand, Cane Seat Chairs, Butter Bowl, Ladle, 2 Dough Boxes, illustrated Bible of Animals, German Bible, Military Helmet, Civil War Clothing, old Picture Frames, Treadle Sewing Machine, single & double Cast Iron Lamp Holders, Brass Bucket, Dry Sink, several Powder Horns, Shot Bags, Agate Ware, Wicker Baskets, many old Baskets of various styles and sizes, old Clothing, large Wall Mirror, Sheet Music, Book Case, Coffee Grinder, Stereoscope and Pictures, Canes and Walking Stick, mounted Deer Head, Bees Wax, Clothes Rack, Tobacco Tins, Candle Mold, Cackling Hen Toy, Cast Iron Toys, Lion and Elephant Banks, Cast Iron Gypsy Pot, Tin Match Holders, Advertising & Campaign Buttons, Whistle, Shoe Buttoner, Paper Easter Eggs, Trivet, Sad Iron, Ice Tongs, Rag Carpet, Quilt, 10 gal. Wooden Barrel, 55 gal. Barrels, old License Plates, Butchering Cast Iron Kettles, Spider, several Sausauge Stuffers and Lard Press, Meat Saws, Butchering Tools, Molasses Pump, School Desk, % Peck & Peck Measure, Ladders, Apple Picker, Garden and Carpenter Tools, Howe Platform Scales lot of Roof Slate, Bag Cart, Horse Harness and Haines, several section of Roller Track, approx. 25’ Return Belt, Vegetable and Fruit Picking Table, Iron Wheel Wagon, Plantet Jr. x Seeder, large Blacksmith Bellows, Cabinet Maker Tools & Tool Chest, Butter and Egg Boxes, Straw Knife, Vise, large Wooden Cabinet, Hand Drill Press, Hand Tools of every description, Extension Ladder, Heatrola, Sink, Doors, Strawberry Crates, Chicken Crates, hand Lawn Mower, 15 lb. Potato Bags, Cross Cut Saw, quantity of Plastic Veg. & Fruit Bags, Table Saw w/IHP motor, scythe, Tree Primer, Hydraulic Jack, and miscellaneous items. AUTO —1968 Dodge Sports Van. BOAT—Keller Kraft Plywood Boat. GUN —lO ga. Richards Double Barrel w/ears. REAL ESTATE To be Sold 1:00 P.M. Saturday, May 2,1981 Parcel #1 consists of 3 Story Double Brick Dwelling w/One Side Living Quarters, consisting of 4 Rooms, Pantry & Bath down, 4 bedrooms w/Closets, Utility room & Bath up. Other half divided into Two Rental Apts., one apt. down consisting of 5 Rooms & Bath down, 2nd floor apt. also consisting of 5 Rooms & Bath with plenty of closet space. This home would be an ideal home and investment property. All situated on a lovely lot ap prox. SO’xlSO’. For information on Beal Estate or inspection of property, call owner at 717-379-3013 or auctioneers anytime. Parcel #2 consists of large 2 story Wood Frame Utility Bam aprox. 27’ x 96’ w/partial underground cellar situated on a approx. % acre lot. TERMS OF SALE Personal Property - Cash, Real Estate 10% at strik ing down of property, balance in 30 days. Buyer to pay all costs of con veyancing including local, state & federal transfer taxes, 1981 property taxes to be prorated. Owner financing available. For terms contact owner. ORDER OF SALE Friday, May 1, 10:00 A.M. beginning with hard ware, antiques & supplies from outbuilding, antiques & miscellaneous from attic & basement, some furniture. Saturday, May 2,10. 00 A.M. Sharp, antique dishes, fine antique furniture, household items, corns, gun, etc. Plan to be with us all day, both days, so you don’t miss what you’re looking for. REASON FOR SELLING—Owner retiring and moving. Owner: MR. & MRS. WOODROW (Bill) HARTZEL Auctioneers: Albert Broyan, Dennis Briggs Nescopeck, Pa. - 717-379-3286 Clerk - Kathy Lee Broyan —LUNCH WILL BE AVAILABLE- TWO DAY RAIN OR SHINE
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