PUBLIC SALE 9:00 A.M. SATURDAY, MAY 23,1981 i/ 2 Mile South of Kratzerville, Snyder Co., Pa. Between Selinsgrove and New Berlin on Rt. 204, turn South on Herman Road. See signs. 160 A farm, approx. 80A under cultivation and 80 A woodland. 7 room house, full basement w/hot water heat, bath, copper plumbing, Ig. bank bam and all necessary out buildings. Also farm machinery, H.H. items & Antiques. Sale to begin w/tools, farm machinery, followed by H H. items. Farm to be offered for sale at 1 P M. May be bought prior to sale. ESTATE OF ARTIE R. KRATZER Executrix Bertha Hackenberg Marie Snook for info, call 717-965-3588 or 717-966-2736 Auct. Neil S. Moyer Atty. Michael T. Hudock Terms - P.P. - Cash Real Estate -10% down Bal. 45 days on del. of deed. Possession on settlement. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE FARM REAL ESTATE THURSDAY, MAY 7,1981 1:30 P.M. Situated in No. Lebanon Twsp. Leb. Co. Pa. Fronting along Tunnel Hill Road. 56-Acre—Farm Real Estate—s6-Acre Consists Of Approx. 48 Acres Cultivated Cropland. Balance Known As Abandonded Union Canal With Farm Pond. Improvements Thereon Vh Story 14 Room Frame Dwelling. Ist Floor; 7 Rooms With Modern Kitchen Built in Appliances, Laundry, And Powder Room. 2nd Floor; 7 Rooms And Bath. Attic, Full Basement, Oil Fired Hot Water Heat. Out buildings Consist Of 36’ x 90’ Bank Bam With 8 Horse Box Stalls. Well With Pressure Water System, Water Piped To Necessary Buildings. 2-Acre—Real Estate—2-Acre Consists Of Approx. 2 Acre Tract. Im provements Thereon. 2 Story 4 Room Frame Dwelling. Ist Floor; 2 Rooms, Bath With Shower, 2nd Floor; 2 Rooms. Outbuildings Consist Of Horse Bam Having 6 Box Stalls and Tack Room. 2 Brooder Houses, 2 Car Garage And Storage Room. Owners: JOHN B. MINNICH & SONS INC. 127-Acre—Frame Real Estate—l 27- Acre Containing Approx. 100 Acres Cultivated Cropland. Approx. 10 Acres Woodland With Heavy Timber. Balance Pasture Land. Small Spring Fed Stream. V* Mile Macadam Lane Leading From Tunnel Hill Road. Im provements Thereon. IVz Story 11 Room Masonry Brick Dwelling With Attached Summer House. Ist Floor; Modem Kitchen With Built-in Apphcances, And Fireplace, Dining Room, Den, 13’x30’ Living Room With Fireplace, 2 Powder Rooms. 2nd Floor; 5 Rooms, and 2 Bathrooms. 3rd Floor; 2 Finished Rooms, And Abundance Storage Space. Finished Basement With Large Family Room, Fireplace, And Built-in Bar. Laundry Room, Furnace Room, Arched Bnck Cold Cellar. Outside Entrance To Basement Is Walk In Ground Level. House is Carpeted Throughout. Oil Fired Hot Water Baseboard Heat. This Is An Exceptional Dwelling. And Deserves Your Inspection. Outbuildings Consist of 40’x 100’ Bank Bam With Cemented Pen Stabling. 12’x40’ Concrete Silo. 30’x36’ Com and Equipment Storage Shed. Hog Sty. 2 Wells With Pressure Water Systems. Water piped To Necessary Buildings. Buildings In Excellent State Of Repair. Owners: CLIFFORD A. MINNICH JOANNE M. MINNICH SALE TO COMMENCE AT 1:30 P.M. Inspection By Appointment. Call (717) 272-2068 or 272-0888. Auct.: Earl S. Buffenmeyer Attorney: Thomas A. Ehrgood Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication SAT MAY 30 10 00 AM Public Sale of Personal Property and Coins Located IVz miles east of Hahnstown along Hahnstown Road Paul Z Shirk, Owner Paul W Horst and Leroy S Horst, Auctioneers SAT MAY 30 - 10 00 AM Public Sale of Farmette, Farm Equipment, PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2 9:30 A.M Located in western Perry Co.. 1 mile west of Blain. Watch for sale signs just west of Blain along Rt. 274. HORSES Three year old Grade Gelding (sorrel); June 4,1979 Registered Quarter Horse Stallion. Sire: Tuff Tune Otco. Dam: Tamo Rose. FARM MACHINERY I.H.C. #656 gas tractor with Hydrostar drive; Farmall M tractor with super M kit; I.H.C. #540 four 16 in. moldboard plow, semi-mount; I.H.C. three 14 In. moldboard plows; 3 pt. hitch; N.H. #275 Baler with kicker; N.H. 12 ft. Haybme; N.H. #256 Rotabar hay rake; N.H. #155 - 24 ft. hay elevator; N.H. #33 flail chopper; New Idea #2O two-row mt. com picker. John Deere 13-7 gram drill; John Deere #9-7 ft. tractor mower; I.H.C. #56 two-row com planter; I.H.C. #4Ol ten ft. spring harrow; Century 200 gal. fiberglass P.T.O. field sprayer; Killbros 250 bu. self-unloading grain bin on rubber; Danuser 12 in. 3 pt. post hole digger; Massey Ferguson front end mt. cultivators; Massey Ferguson #52 -12 ft. disk harrow on rubber; Two rubber tired wagons with side boards and high hay racks; Smoker short elevator with hA h.p. motor; 12 ft. cultipacker. MASSEY FERGUSON #92 - 12 FT. CUT SELF-PROPELLED COMBINE WITH NEW MOTOR - DRIED WALNUT LUMBER - NEW STAINLESS STEEL MILK STRAINER. Twin cylinder air compressor with tank and VA h.p. motor; 80 gal. hot water tank; 1400 bu. wire com crib; 1000 lbs. Fairbanks platform scales; silage cart (good); two-wheel farm trailer; snow blade; 15.5x38 tractor tire; 24 in. bam fan; 32 in. barn fan; 3 h.p. Sears rotatiller; steelards; 3 lawn mowers; chest 44 x 44 x 66; full roll of 3 pt. hog fence; 100 ft. ex tension cord. Electric motors; 3 h p. electric motor; anvd; vise; 2 hyd. cylinders; power wagon unloader; 1 in. aluminum plates 7M> ft x 10 ft.; milk cans; 2 large canvases; pipe threader; hay rope; knife grinder; strap hinges; v-belts; steel posts; electric sheep shears; sprmg scales; several good log chains; bam logger; 12 x 38 tractor chains; set of grabs. Several electric fencers; several power take off shafts; several pair of breast chains; screw jack; 2 seed throwers; complete buggy har ness; mitre saw; set of buggy lines; cow collar; tags; sausage gnnder; picks; shovels; scrapers; bolts; brooms; sledges; 60 lbs. alfalfa seed; steel windows and hand tools. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Desk; dining room suite; server; china closet; buffet and table; bed springs; baby crib; play pen; chairs; jars; 7 sun porch screens 53 m x 36 m.; window screens; storm door with screen; wooden windows; garden plow; hog hangers and double tubs; and many other items. ANTIQUES Piano playing rolls; oil heater; hay forks; wooden and steel pulleys; crosscut; bucksaw; fanning mill; wooden planes; air pump; horse shoe box; and other items. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: No sale here for 46 years. This is a small list of items! ORDER OF SALE: Household items at 9:30, Farm machinery at 12:30. Don’t be late. This is good machinery, some like new. 0. MERLE GUTSHALL Phone 717-536-3177 Dean Shull, Auct. 776-6413 or 789-3415 Neidigh, Clerk Lunch Stand Reserved Not Responsible for Accidents Household Goods, Anti ques. Collectibles Located in the Village of Pitman. Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill Co, PA 5 miles north of Hegins, 9 miles south of Shamokm Grant Herring Owner George and Mike Deibert Auctioneers JUNE MON JUNE 1,2 PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11. Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner WED JUNE 3 9AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located 'h mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer THURS JUNE 4 - Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auc tioneer FRI JUNE 5 - 5 30 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan PERRY CO. FARM & WOODLAND PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY EVE. MAY 29 Located 45 mi N W of Harrisburg, along Rt. 850,2 mi. east of Honey Grove. PARCEL #1 -120 acre farm, 100 acres tillable, trout stream, borders State Game Land. PARCEL #2 -83 acres Mt. Land, borders State Game Land. For brochure, contact: LONG BROS., AUCTS. R.D. #1 Port Royal, Pa. 17082 Ph. 717-527-4458 3IST CENTRAL PENNA. SPRING CLASSIC TUESDAY, APRIL 28 Sale held at the Reedsviile Youth Park in Reedsville, Pa. Mifflin Co. About 60 miles northwest of Harrisburg along Rte. 322. Exit at Reedsville onto Rte. 655 to village. 60 HAND-PICKED REGISTERED HOLSTEINS (17 Cows - 25 Bred Heifers - Balance younger) All tested for interstate shipment - Exam for Preg. A SENSATIONAL OFFERING ALL HAND-PICKED!!! * An 878-lb. 3 yr. dtr. of Needle Class GP-81 from a VG dam with 987 F, 4 4% Fresh now with heifer Calf by Moneymaker and she sells. * 786-lb 3 yr dtr. of Elevation class. GP-84 out of VG-86 dam with 834 fat. * 20,000-lb 2 yr. dtr. of Bootmaker out of 20,000-Ib dam * 641-lb 2 yr. dtr. of Tippy out of GP dam with 881-lbs fat * 746-lb fat 2 yr. class GP-83 out of VG dam with 739 fat * 730-lb 4 yr GP by Sunshine Chief out of 861-lb GP dam. Due May. * 84 pt 2 yr. old by Pencor with 743-lbs fat out of 87 pt. dam with 695 f. * Elevation young dtr. out of VG-88 Monitor with 937 F. 23,843 M. next dam “VG-88". Full sister sold in Pen-Col ET sale All are by top sires including Elevation, Elevation Pete - Astronaut, Marvex, Milu, Persuader, Kit Builder, Bootmaker and others. DAUGHTERS SELL FROM HIGH RECORD DAMS!! * 1 sells from 1230-lb dam - 2 more from 1069 and 1023 f dams - 5 more over 900 f. 9 more from 818 to 877-lbs fat - 8 more from dams 700 to 792 fat GREAT EFFORT HAS BEEN PUT FORTH TO MAKE THIS THE BEST CENTRAL CLASSIC YET!! Make your plans now to attend and buy!! CENTRAL PENNA. HOL. BREEDERS Glen Simonton, Sale Chm. Port Royal, Pa. 717-527-4772 R. AUSTIN BACKUS INC. Mexico, N.Y. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 25,1981—D29 caster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers SAT JUNE 6 - 1 00 P M Public Sale of Farm and Woodland Located in Central PA Juniata Co For information contact Long Bros 717-527-4458 MON JUNE 8, - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner TUES JUNES 9 30A.M Consignment Sale Located at S Race St. Myerstown, Pa 17067 Sale held by Wengers Farm Machinery, Inc FRI JUNE 12 - 5 30 PM Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods (12:00 Noon) REEDSVILLE, PA. sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mmit Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers MON JUNE 15, - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner WED JUNE 17 - 9AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located Vz mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave in Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer THURS JUNE 18 - Mon thly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 11342 Cragerstown Rd , Woodsboro, Md 21798 Thomas Miller, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auctioneer FRI JUNE 19 530 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus S Son, Auc tioneers SAT JUNE 20 - 6 30 PM Danville Livestock Market, horse sale Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner MON JUNE 22, - 2 P M Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner
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