PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE 23 ACRES A BLDGS.; FARM EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, MARCH STH at 12 Noon 6 miles N. of Kutztown, just off Rt. 737 & US Rt. 22 intersection, take dirt rd. south behind Sky View Restaurant, Greenwich Twp., Berks Co., Pa. Real Estate: 23 acres, approx. 18 are tillable, 10 are fall gram, bldgs, include a one story 3<s’xllo’ frame bldg, w/10 farrowing pens, bal. for finishing hogs, another 34’x48’ finishing & storage bldg., 1500 bu. cap. gram bin, well water, property has potential for horses or bldgs, for storage. For inspection of real estate call 215-756-6723. Terms: 10% on day of auction, bal. by May 1,1981. NOTE: Real estate offered at 12:15 sharp. Farm Equipment; Farmall M tractor; Far mall super C tractor w/fast hitch & front end loader; fast hitch rear blade; fast hitch two r C planter; JD 555 three bot. 14” trip pi.; MC 7’ disc; JD 7’ offset disc; JD 12’ harrow; Ontario 10 hoe gram drill; Gehl #55 grinder mixer; NH 150 bu. single beater spreader; 165 bu gravity gram wagon; Grove 4 w/trailer w/gram sides; 4 wheel bale wagon; MC4S PTO baler; Century 200 trailer weed sprayer; 8’ double roll cultipacker; pulley type gram blower; Butler 2500 bu. gram bm disassembled; 300 lb. hog or calf scale; portable cattle loading chute; 45’x4” auger system w/hopper St drive unit Terms: Cash or check. Refreshments served. Ordered by, ROBERT S. & DEBORAH E. GRIM Conducted by Ralph W. Zettlemoyer Auction Co. Inc. (215) 395-8084 OWNER DISCONTINUING FARMING PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT NEW TOOLS WED., FEBRUARY 25,1981 10:00 A.M. Directions: From Carlisle take Rt. 11 south to Stoughstown, turn right onto Big Spring Rd. proceed app. one mile past Fish Hatchery then first road left, first lane right. Watch for yellow sale sign. Cumberland Co., Pa. Tractors FORD 8600 DIESEL WF.E, very good condition, good rubber, Dual Power, 1000 RPM P T O , Roll Bar and Front Weights JOHN DEERE 2120 Diesel W.F.E , High-Low Transmission. JOHN DEERE 2020 Diesel W F E , 3000 hrs , good rubber. MINNEAPOLIS-MOLINE 445 W.F E , Gas fully equip FORD 9N, good condition BOBCAT 610 with Fork and Bucket Farm Equipment - Trailer Int. 710 4-16” Auto Reset Plow; John Deere 210 Transport Disc with Floating C Springs, 13’4” wide, like new; John Deere 4 Narrow Row Corn Planter; Fox 900 Harvester with Two Row Narrow Head and Sharpener, like new, New Holland 479 Haybine, good condition, New Holland 258 Rolabar Rake, like new; New Idea Rolabar Rake; John Deere 24T Baler, good condition; New Holland 30’ Elevator with electric motor; Badger Forage Wagon, Hustler Large Fan Blower, Badger 205 Single Beater Manure Spreader,.Holland 3 Row Trailer Type Transplanter, Hyd controlled Kinkelder Air Blast Sprayer, Orchard or Row Crop, Clark Field Sprayer, Haban P.T.O Trailer Corn Shelter; Hay Conditioner; J.D Hay Fluffer; N.H. 3 pt Rotary Mower; J.D Tool Bar 4 Row Cultivator; Wood Bros Corn Picker, Oliver 3 pt 2-14" Trip Bottom Plow, Log Fork for J.D 450; B’xB’ Insulated Storage Barn, One Horse Spring Wagon, good con dition, New Steel Cattle Gates, various sizes, Hand Hewn Logs; Short Pickup Truck Bed for Int., Misc. Hand Tools. Heavy Mare Work Horse, i‘'2 years old 9 TON GENERAL EAGER BEAVER INDUSTRIAL LICENSED TRAILER Truck Load of New Tools Come early and enjoy the day with us Sale for PAUL W. LEINBACH 717-776-7795 Aucts.: Nevin Z. Martin, Melvin S. Sensenig Clerks: Eberly- Witmer Lunch Served Not Responsible for Accidents Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, of each week's publication SAT FEB 28 - Public Auc tion of Farm Equipment & Household Goods Located along Swamp Ridge Rd just North of Schoeneck at RD l, Stevens, Pa Sale by Mary S Hoover John E & Paul E Martin Auctioneers SAT FEB 28 10 A M Consignment Farm Auc SAT MAR 1 100 P M tion of Farm Equipment, Public Sale of Real Estate Miscellaneous Farm Items Located in Clinton Co , CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF FARM EOUIPMENT, IDOIS & OTHER FARM REUIED ITEMS MONDAY, MARCH 9 9 A.M. Location - At auction barn American Corner, MD on Hwy. 621 between Denton & Federalsburg, MD. Small Items-9 A.M. Equipment -10:30 A.M. If you have equipment for auction phone 301- 470-0756 for information. Items received Fn., March 6, Sat, March 7 up until sale time Monday. Terms of Sale - Cash or approved check A. Curtin Andrew Auction, Inc. Auctioneers REAL ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION 79 l / 2 ACRE FARM THURSDAY, MARCH 5 1:00 P.M. SALE SITE On the premises in West Cocalico Township, Lancaster County Farm located along Route 897, Northeast of Ephrata and Lancaster Travel Route 897 two miles North of town of Reinholds and turn left onto Windy Mansion Road to farm on right Watch for auction signs 79% ACRES, MORE OR LESS, with set of farm buildings consisting of old, 2% story sandstone dwelling dating back to 1830 with large eat-in kitchen, dining room, family room and living room first floor. 3 huge bedrooms and full bath on second floor. Full attic and basement Modern oil hot water heat plant and electric breaker service. Many new windows. 18” window sills. Also attached 1% story stone summer house- Stone and frame bank barn with electric and water and new pamt, frame workshop and garage 25’x36’ with 2- 12’xl4’ overhead doors complete with electric and water Smaller shop with electric and water and some additional out buildings with con crete floors. Two 4,000 gallon m-ground fuel tanks Approximately 5925 feet of macadam road frontage on Wmdy Mansion Road, Blue Lake Road and Rt. 897. ZONING The farm will be offered in 2 separate parcels with 38 acres and buildings in Parcel 1, zoned R-200 and 41% acres, zoned Agriculture m Parcel 2. Also offered together as a whole. AUCTIONEERS NOTE. Property is DEFINITELY FOR SALE to the highest bidder Real Estate is ideal for family farm with lot of frontage to control surroundings OR fine for investment purposes and possible subdivision. FOR INSPECTION, detailed brochure or appointment, call Auctioneer, or come to open house on Feb. 21 and 28 from 1-4 p.m. TERMS: 10% of purchase price due sale day. Balance to be paid at closing within 30 days. TERMS BY JANET MAE t WILLIS CARMAN JR. & Tools Located at An drea's Auction, Harrnson ville, Pedncktown Rd , Swedesboro, NJ Auc tioneer Andrea Lie ciardello MARCH Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981—D37 PA Approx 15 miles trom Lock Haven, toward Renovo on Rt 120, Bob Chuck & Rich Roan Inc Auctioneers MON MAR 2-11 00 A M Harry Rudmck & Sons An nual Spring Farm Equip ment Sale at Galena, MD TUES MAR 3 12 30 P M Public Sate of Farm Machinery, Located 3 miles south of Quarryville, PA off Rt 222 west along Spring Valley Rd Sale by James B Bucher Lloyd H Kreider and Randall V Kline Auctioneers MAR 3, 9 A M Holstein herd dispersal Full line of horse drawn farm machinery Mules, shop equipment and tools Located 'h mile north of Nine Points on 896 Terms by Elam &Lydia F Zook Steve Petersheim & J Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers Phone 215 869 2508 TUES MAR 3 12 00 Noon Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Truck, Located 10 miles north of Fogelsville, turn west off Rt 309 onto Rt 143 to New Tripoli, turn south at Flotel on Black top toward Lynnville for 1 mile, Lehigh Co , PA Sherman Mangold Owner Ralph W Zettlemoyer Auction Co, Inc TUES MAR 3 10 30 A M Public Sale of Dairy and Machinery Sale Located 2Vz miles NE of Landisburg, Perry Co, PA, 12 miles north of Carlisle on Rt 74, V Art Klmg Owner Mark Click and Mark Keller Aucts TUES MAR 3 11 30 A M Public Sale of Machinery, On the Doo Dee Dale farm, former Richard Biser Farm on Ballenger Creek Rd 10 miles south of Frederick, in Frederick Co, MD From US 15 take the Mountville Rd toward Weathercock Farms Complete Dispersal Located off Rt. 154 three miles from Estella, Pa. 11 from New Albany, 11 from Shunk, 5 from Forksvilie, 20 from Grover, 23 from Canton, 50 from Williamsport. Watch for auction arrows of Rt. 14 at Grover, Pa. Due to having sold my farm, I will sell the following on: SATURDAY, MARCH 7 at 11:00 Sharp 103 Registered & High Grade Holsteins 103 15 Reg.-88 Hi-Grades Including 1 red & white holstem, 6 Jerseys & 1 Ayrshire. Herd consists of 43 mature cows, 13 bred hfrs., 13 open hfrs., 22 from calves to 9 mos., 6 service bulls & 6 feeder steers. 10 cows due in Jan,, 3 Feb., 6 Mar., 3 April, 3 May, 8 June, balance m all stages of lactation. In terstate tested, shots for shipping fever, preg. ex., charts day of sale. Sample A Reg. Vigo Ravenoa dau., born 10-6-75 fresh 1-8 w/a nice Jet Stream hfr. calf; you will like this one l A Grade Rose Mere Fury Ivanhoe dau., that you will like also, and others! Sires represented. Vigo Ravenon; Poverty Hollow Milestone; Whittier- Farms Sir Bruce; Conant-Acres Tex; Don Auger Carnation Royal Jo Jo; Kmgstead Rise; Citation R Maple. Service Sires: Jet Stream, Creek, Transmitter; Rex, Clem; Shine; Legacy; Ivan; Job, Toronado, and others. Machinery IHC 766 diesel tractor, W F., real nice; IHC 460 gas tractor, W.F. & fast hitch; M Farmall; Gehl 600 Chopper w/#9OO pickup head; #6BO com head & elec, knife sharpener 550 or 1000 R.P.M. & hyd control; IHC #440 baler w/thrower; JD #216-16’ 3 beater self-unloading box w/roof & flotation tires; 2 Gehl 610 self unloading boxes; 2 wagons w/16’ kicker racks, 1 only 2 yrs. old; White 10’ #251 - 20” disk, 2 yrs. old, good; JD 15 disk; FBB gram drill, good; IHC #449-4 row com planter; Ford 618 hopper blower; New Idea #216 spreader; Kevemeland 4 bottom automatic reset 16” plows; JD hyd. 12’ harrows; IHC side rake; New Idea #290 mower; Smoker 24’ elev. w/motor; Skeleton 18’ elev.; Century transport sprayer w/plastic tank; 3 pt. T blade; Dayton 25,000 watt gen.; cement mixer; air compressor; bench grinder; vise; cow chpers, logger; new nuts & bolts; forks; shovels & some other small items. Sale Mgr. note. Reserve this date for one of Sullivan Co.’s largest dispersals. Mr. Walker has sold the farm & everything must go. Good producing herd, ex ceptionally nice calves & hfrs. from popular sires. Large line of good farm machinery as listed. See you Mar. 7. Selling order-small items at 11 A.M. sharp, large machinery at 11:30. Cattle at approx. 12:45. Terms - Cash or Good Check. Lunch Available. Sale under cover. Owner, WEATHERCOCK FARMS Auctioneer - Artow Ktehl Sale Mgr. - Gordon Wood, Mansfield, Pa. Phone 717-549-4901 For the most in advertising coverage & preparing your sale, call Wood’s Auction Service. Adamstown and turn right on Ballenger Creek Rd Watch for sale signs Mr & Mrs Rodger P Doody Owners Remsburg Sale Service Sale Ma nager WED MAR 4 - 9 AM Consignment Sale by David H Good located Vi mile North of Route 23 on North Maple Ave m Leola, Lancaster Co , Pa Watch for sale signs F Snyder, R Martin, C Wolgemuth, J Fry and L Horst, Auctioneer WED MAR 4 1100 AM Public Sale of 75 Grade Holsteins, Located at the Farm No 2 near Poolesville, in Mon tgomery Co, MD, turn south on Rt 107 in Poolesville, go 100 yds and turn left on Willard Road, go past the high school, turn right on Westerly Rd and go to se cond farm on right Alfred W Spates Owner Remsburg Sale Service Sale Manager THURS MARCH 5- 10 00 A M Holstein Auction for World Relief To be held at the Guernsey Barn along Rt 30,6 miles east of Lan caster Hay, Straw, Gram and Machinery Sale at 10 30 Heifer Sale at 12 Noon Auctioneers - John Umble, Leon Kurtz, and Bob Kauffman THURS MAR 5 Monthly Cow Sale at the Melvin Kolb, Inc Sales Barn, 2220 Dairy Road, Lan caster, Pa 17601 Dennis Kolb, Sales Manager, Robert Mullendore, Auc tioneer THURS MAR 5 100 P M Public Sale of 79'/a acre farm, located in the Twp of West Cocalico, Lancaster Co Willis Gar man Jr and Janet Mae Garman Owners Randall V Kline and Lloyd H Kreider Auctioneers THURS MAR 5-930 A M Public Sale of Hols tein Dairy Cattle, Farm Machinery," Team, Hay, Straw and Corn, Milking Equipment and Silage. Some Household goods Located south of Rt 30 from Paradise at Bylers Quick Food Market on Black Horse Road to Oak Hill Drive Sale by Aaron S Fisher J Everett Kreider and Steve Peter sheim, Auctioneers THURS MAR 5 - 12 00 Noon Public Sale of Real Estate. Buildings and Farm Equipment, Located 6 miles north of Kutztown, just off Rt 737 S US Rt 22 intersection, take dirt rd south behind Sky View Restaurant Greenwich, Twp, Berks Co. PA Robert S & Deborah Grim Ralph W Zet tlemoyer Auction Co THURS MAR 5 100 P M Public Sale of Fur niture and Antiques, Located 67 Peach Lane, Lancaster just west of Rt 501 close to Neffsville Sale by Mr & Mrs G E Richards Claude F Smith and V Ronald Smith Auc tioneers THURS MAR 5-1100 AM Public Sale of Trac tors and Equipment and Holstein Heifer Located approx midway between New Windsor and Union town, just off Rt 84 on the east side, m Carroll Co, MD Mr & Mrs Dan Talbert Owners Remsburg Sale Service Sale Managers FRI MAR 6 - 930 A M Spring Machinery Sale Held at Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA FRI MARCH 6 10 A M Public Auction of Livestock, Farm Equip ment, Household Goods and Antiques located on Belmont Road, 1 mile South of Intercourse, IW miles North of Rt 30, Lan caster County, Pa Sale by Elam R Petersheim Paul Snyder and Larry L Mar tin, Auctioneers
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