D36—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication THUES FEB 26 1100 A M Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Bean Harvesters Located 4 miles west of the Maryland Line of Freeland Rd or Vz mile east of Mid dletown Rd on Freeland Rd Paul and Patricia Bedgar Owners Blame N Rentzel Auctioneer THURS FEB 26 Large Farm Equipt Dispersal for Mrs Warren Merkel, 4*/? miles Northeast of Shippensburg, Pa along Rte 533 Ralph W Horst, Auctioneer FRI FEB 27 10 A M Special Draft Horses and Mules Sale at New Holland Sales Stables 2 Day (Montour Co ) Sale FRI FEB 27,1981 Sale of Reg and Gr Holstems, 100 Head, Mostly Home Raised SAT FEB 28, 1981 Full Line of Farm Equipment Located just off Rt 54 near Tur botville, Pa Owners Rudy Hostetler & Sons Auctioneers Carl and John Diller and J Everett Kreider FRI FEB 27 Public Sale of Heifers & Farm Machinery Located 5 miles South of Mercersburg, Franklin Co, Pa Owners Paul & Carrie Eby J Robert Meyers & Lester Egolf Auctioneers FRI FEB 27 930 A M Public Auction of 8 head draft horses, 57 registered and grade Holstems, dairy equip ment and farm machinery Located in Clinton Co , 7 miles west of Loganton, PA or 'h mile east of Rt 880 at Tylersville, PA on the Greenburr Rd Lydia K Stoltzfus Rd 2 Logan ton, PA Owner Mark Glick Auctioneer FRI FEB 27 130 P M State Graded Pig Sale at Westminster Livestock Auction, Westminster, MD FRI FEB 27 - 530 P M Gap Auction Antiques and Household Goods sold at every auction Located off Rt 41, Lan caster Turkey Hill Mimt Market, cross RR bridge, Ira Stoltzfus & Son, Auc tioneers FRI FEB 27 - Public Sale of Registered Holstems Located on the farm on Schaeffer Rd near Ger mantown, in Montgomery Co, MD Take the Ger mantown exit off 1-270 and go west 2 miles to Clopper Rd, turn right and go 500 yd turn left and follow Schaeffer Rd 2 miles to farm Savage Leigh Farm Owners Remsburg Sale Service FRI FEB 27 - 7 00 P M Public Sale of Antique Guns, Swords, Indian Ar tifacts and Decorator Items, Held at the Tread way Inn, Lancaster, PA FRI FEB 27- 1100 AM Faith Farms Sale of Cattle and Machinery, Located at the farm on Park Hill Rd , just off NYS Rt 223, 11 miles east of Horseheads, NY or 5 miles west of Van Etten NY Mr S Mrs Richard Welytok Owners Howard W VisscherSale Manager and Auctioneer FRI FEB 27 II 30 A M February Special Registered Sale, 55 PUBLIC AUCTION 100 ANTIQUE BUNS SWORDS-INDIAN ARTIFACTS DECORATOR ITEMS FRI., FEB. 27 7PM Treadway Inn, Lancaster Pa Rt 30 i Oregon Pk Insp «-7 Cash VISA MC Am Exp Consifnments accepted Ph 717-334-4564 Registered Hi Grade Cat tie Sale will be held at the Jack Wood Farm located on Taylor Valley Rd 3 miles North of Cmcm natusoffßt 26 Watch for Auction arrows Sales Managers Jack Woods Livestock & Auction Ser vice SAT FEB 28 10 00 A M Public Sale of Tractors, located from I 81 south of Martmsburg, W VA, take exit 5 Inwood WV, Rt 51 east approx 3Vi miles to Roeder's Market (Former ly Haines') turn right, 2 mile to sale Edgar A Bohrer Sale Manager SAT FEB 28 11 00 A M Public Sasle of Farm Equipment and Trucks Location Going from Smyrna, DE to Leipsic on Rt 12, turn left at third crossroads, 2nd farm on left Samuel Shahan Owner CT Scuse and Sons Sale Managers and Auctioneers SAT FEB 28 Yorkshire and Du roc bred gilts, open gilts and boars Leon Lawrence and Thomas Ar nold Sale Held at the Lebanon Fair Grounds, 1 00 P M For Information PUBLIC SALE NEW & USED HORSE DRAWN FARM MACHINERY TOOLS & PARTS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 9:00 A.M. Located m Lancaster County, PA V* mile north of Gordonville VA miles west of Intercourse on Old Leacock Road. Turn south off Rt. 340 at Brackbill’s Garage onto Old Leacock Road, follow to sale. NEW & USED FARM MACHINERY Vicon fertilizer spreader; Vicon hay rakes, Vicon discut mower with 40 H.P. engine; Vicon mower conditioner; Olsen cutditioner with Fortruck engine mount; New Holland 273 baler w/bale thrower, New Holland 68 baler w/engme, New New Holland 310 baler; 2 John Deere K.B A. discs, 1-20 x 24,1 -20 x 20; John Deere 999 com planter; John Deere 280 corn planter; McCormick Deermg com planter; John Deere 13 hoe gram drill; International Harvester equipment including. 4 row com planter (pull type), No. 9 grass mower, grass mower w/engme, No 9 silage cutters, No. 7 silage cutters, P.T.O com binders, cultivators, resetting plows, 2 way plows. John Deere manure spreader model L on rubber, Bowman manure spreader; Papec model 92 silage cutter w/engme mount, used 2 seasons; Papec Model L silage cutter; New Holland silage cutter; Massey Ferguson silage cutter; On tario 16 disc drill; John Deere No. 5 - 7 ft bar mower w/engme, hydraulic controls; 2 Oliver 2 bottom plow, 1 - 12”, 1- 14”; New Idea hay conditioners; 2 New Holland hay conditioners, 1 with Wisconsin VF4 engme; 60 H.P. Minn Molme tractor; EZ Trail wagon gear; trailer cultipacker; 3 different models fore trucks; Grandy implement applicator; 12 ft.; Wisconsin baler with engme attachments, new & used engmes; 60 H.P Wisconsin engme Lincoln welder; 8 row field sprayer (new); Myers orchard sprayer; gear boxes of all description; drive belts, new & used; drive pulleys: International Harvester 8’ cut gram bmder (good); steel wheels, tobacco lath; shop tools, spring tooth harrow; Nichlos hay ted ders; 32’ Mulky elevator, 28’ corn elevator, steel land roller; new & used gram bmder parts, 100 ft. */2 in steel cable winch; large scrap iron pile, circular saw on wagon gear; pressure tanks; pump jacks; wood burning stoves, belt lacer, pipe cutter & threader; vise; 2 Scott welders with Wisconsin engmes; old McCormick Deermg gasolme engine IM> H.P ; 3 wagon loads of parts & tools TERMS BY: GENERAL REPAIR SHOP GIDEON FISHER AUCTIONEERS: Steve Petersheim 215-869-2508 Everett Kreider LUNCH BY CLEARVIEW SCHOOL Ai nold, Leon L 717 273 5880 SAT FEB 28 11 AM Consignment Horse Sale at the Keister's Mid dleburg Auction Sales, Inc Rt 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg, 5 miles West of Selmsgrove, Pa Don & Walt Keister, Owners SAT FEB 28 10 00 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Lumber Hay Shop Tools and Parts Located 1 mile north of 272 on Schoeneck Rd Rd 1, Ephrata, PA Reuben Weaver Owner Rentzel and Horst Auctioneers SAT FEB 28 900 A M Strasburg Fire Co Annual Sale, All Day l To be held at the fire house SAT FEB 28 Public Sale of Power Farm Equip ment, Tools and Etc Just off US No 1 bypass exit at 896, go 1 block north, turn right on Pennsgrove Rd , V: mile to farm lane, 4 miles from Oxford, PA Sale by William F and JerreLeeSt John, Susan na St John Lester, Harry W Whiteside Auctioneer FEB 28 9AM Liquida tion of hardware store All new tools, nails and bolts Located Vz mile southeast of White Horse on School Lane Road Sale by Amos B & Annie Stoltzfus Steve Petersheim & J Everett Kreider, Auc tioneers Phone 215 869 2508 SAT FEB 2« lUOOAM Public Sale ot Valuable 173 acre farm Located bVz miles west of Lehighton on Rt 902, V* mile east of New Mahon mg, 3 miles north of Rt 443 at Normal Square Mai omng Twp , Carbon Co, PA Sale by Murray Mackson Esquire Robert A Arner Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE 173 ACRE FARM SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 AT 10:00 A.M O** -vt s mm vi aj * ;^Bfc«St » « * Located s'/: miles West of Lehighton on Route 902, '/< mile East of New Mahoning, 3 miles North of Route 443 at Normal Square, Mahoning Township, Carbon County, PA Real Estate in Deed Book 363, Page 545, Jim Thorpe, Pa consists of Tract No 1 2‘v story frame aluminum sided home, large kitchen with laundry room, large family room and large living room with hardwood floors, 2nd floor has 3 large bedrooms, full bath, open sunporch, attic, basement, oil h w h with cast iron radiators, well water, large front porch, side porch, storm windows, other framed outbuildings, situated on approx 118 acres of land with approx 1,290 ft of Route 902 road frontage Tract No 2 consists of A large 60’xOO modem bank barn 16 horse box stalls, tack room, other storage building, large horse training track, situated on approx 55 acres of land with approx 2,000 ft of Route 902 road frontage This is a well kept Mahoning Valley Farm This farm was the former Zimmerman Holstein Farm Inc This property will be offered in 2 individual tracts and also as a combined unit For appointment to see Real Estate call Auctioneer at 717 386-4586 Terms —lO% down on day of sale In Cash or Certified Check Balance within 45 days after Court Approval Sale subject to Court Approval SALE ORDERED BY MURRAY MACKSON, ESQUIRE TRUSTEE AND MASTER IN PARTITION I 533 DELAWARE AVENUE PALMERTON, PA AUCTIONEER ROBERTA ARNER ROUTE 2-BOX 216 NEW RINGGOLD. PA 17960 PHONE 717 386 4586 PUBLIC SALE OF 26 ACRE FARMETTE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 2:00 P.M. Located along Rt. 372, one mile West of the Buck, Drumore Twp., Lancaster Co., PA. A certain tract of land consisting of: 26 Acres more or less with app. 417’ of road frontage. 15 acres m high state of cultivation, balance in pasture with stream and one acre pond. Erected thereon a: VA Story Brick Dwelling Built in 1968 Kitchen with modern built-in cabinets and family room combined Living room with wall to-wall carpet. Bedroom with two closets. Full bath. Laundry. Second floor: 3 Bedrooms with closets Half Bath. Full cemented basement with fireplace and half bath. Cold cellar Never failing well Large lawn Electric heat and water heater. Lots of shrubbery. Shade trees Blacktop driveway. 50’x54’ Frame and Stone Bank Barn with 7 Hog Farrowing Crates, balance in fattening area Tool shed. 12’x60’ Hiilcrest Two Bedroom House Trailer with lawn and garden 30’x125’ Hygroponic Green House (2 years old) with oil fire hot air heat, two exhaust fans, 7 5 K.W. Standby Generator This green house is complete and ready to go. TERMS: 10% down day of sale. Balance in 60 days. OPEN HOUSE Saturdays, Feb 14 and 21,10 A M. to 5 P M. or by appointment Sale by, J. LEON & MARY LOUISE ROHRER 717-284-2059 Atty. E.R. Lehman Aucts. Nevin Z. Martin Lewis B. Groff Not Responsible For Accidents Sat Feb 28 - 10 30 A M Public Sale o< Complete Line of Modern Farm Machinery, Located just off Rt 180 at Petersville in Frederick Co, MD From Rt 340 take the Petersville exit and follow 180 to the village of Petersville, go south to the farm Owners Frances Grimm and Sons Sale Managers and Auc Mt Pleasant. PA take PA tioneers Remsburg bale turnpike to Donegal Exit, Service take Rt 31 west ot SAT FEB 28 -9 30 A.M Laurelville, turn north on Public Sale ot Farm and Rt 982 approx 3 miles Hog Equipment and Joe and Willa Jean Brown Household Goods At the Owners L H Kuzmk Auc farm of Joe Brown, Rd 5, tioneer SEIDOF’S ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 28 11A.M. Consignments wanted - Farm machinery, contractors equipment, lawn & garden equipment, etc. For more information phone 717-992-4611 Dick & Dan Seidof Auctioneers Sciota, Pa. PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 At 10:00 A.M. (If blizzard conditions sale will be on Febraury 27) Along Route 25 at the Lower Farm in the Village of CURTIN, Dauphin County, Pa., between Miliersburg and Ber rysburg; 25 miles North of Hamburg; 22 miles South of Sunbury. FARM EQUIPMENT & SILOS & TRUCKS WHITE DIESEL 2-155 FIELD BOSS TRAC TOR 547 hrs , ROBS Cab, Radio & Air; INTER NATIONAL Model 1066 TRACTOR; OLIVER Model 1800 TRACTOR. OLIVER 1750 DIESEL TRACTOR; OLIVER 1655 DIESEL TRAC TOR; OLIVER 66 ROW CROP TRACTOR; HESSTON Model 7655 FIELD QUEEN HARVESTER with Detroit Diesel Engine, 382 hrs., Grass & Com Heads, White 8800 Hydrostatic Harvest Boss Combine w/Cab & Air, 706 N 6-Row Corn Head & 15’ Gram Head; Oliver 545 Combine w/Cab & Air, 4-Row No. 541 Corn Head & 12’ Gram Head; 4-HARVESTORE SILOS (1) 20' x 80’ (3) 20’ x 70' (3) Metal Bulk Feed Tanks some with Con veyors; (2) New 8’ x 27’ Fuel Tanks, 10,000 gallon capacity; White Model 5400 No-tdl 8- Row Air Planter w/Laquid Fertilizer Attach ment, John Deere Model 8200 Double 18 Disk Grain Drill w/Laquid Fertilizer Attachment; Oliver 6-Bottom Plow; Oliver 565 Semi mounted 5-Bottom Plow; Oliver 5-Bottom Trailer Plow; Brady Model 1800 Transport type 18’ Chisel Plow, International 315 Tran sport-type 13’ Roller Harrow; White 271 Transport-type 20’ Disk; Gehl Model 115 Grinder Mixer; New Holland Mode! 495 PTO Haybme; New Holland 275 PTO Baler w/Thrower; (3) Flat Bed Dump Wagons w/Bale Sides; International Model 56 Silage Blower, like new; Portable Silage Conveyor Box; MLR Industries 40’ Bale & Gram Elevator; Snowco Feed Trailer w/Auger Unloader; Elevators & Conveyors; 1979 DODGE 300 POWER WAGON 4x4 w/- John Blue Boom-type Crop Sprayer 500 gallon Tank; 1968 International Fleetstar 10-wheel Dump Truck w/Hill Aluminum Body, 1965 Dodge 400 Truck w/Hoist & Gram Box; 1960 Ford 10-Wheel Dump Truck; 1963 Chevrolet 30 Truck Chassis, not running; WHITE GT-1650 GARDEN TRACTOR w/Mower & 40” Tiller; INTERNATIONAL CUB CADET 127 Hydrostatic Garden Tractor w/Mower; Farm Hand Loader w/Bucket & Manure Fork; Badger Honey Wagon; Hawk-Built Tank-type Manure Spreader; DeLaval PTO Manure Pump; Badger Manure Pump; Wmpower PTO Alternator, 80 KVA; Pacer IV’ Pump w/Bnggs & Stratton Motor; John Blue 2” Pump; Knife Sharpener, 18’ Mayrath 6” Auger Elevator, Master Space Heater, Oliver Boom type Weed Sprayer; Huskee Sprayer, New Holland Side Delivery Rake, 12” Hammer Mill; Wison 700 gal S/S Milk Tank; DeLaval Milking Unit; Feed Carts; Potato Plow, Buzz Saw; Truck Bed, Wooden Truck Box, Concrete Reinforcing Wire, Iron Trough; Butcher Ket tle; Barrels & Barrel Pumps; Drill Press, Assortment Bolts, Chains, Forks, Shovels, etc ; 2-Hole Cornsheller; Gestation Tabulator; Oak Flat-top Desk; Steel Storage Rack Sale ordered by AMERICAN BANK and TRUST CO. of PA. George & Mike Deibert Auctioneers & Realtor (717) 425-3313
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