PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT HAY-STRAW SATURDAY, MARCH 14 10:00 A.M. Located just South of Bainbridge, Pa. Take Wickersham Rd. East from Rt. 441, first lane right after passing Arnolds Weld Shop. 2 Steer Calves 1 App. 450 lbs. -1 App. 600 lbs. - App. 100 tons Alfalfa Hay. App. 25 tons Straw Farm equipment mcludes: Bear Cat 5A Hammermill; 2 - Shelby Vertical Mixers; G.M Power Unit Le Roi Air Compressor, Bulk Feeding Umt; 100’ Auger; 30x60 Metal Silo to be moved; Conveyor; Misc. Electric Motors; Tobacco Scaffold; Corn Crimper; Supplement Blender - Automatic; 52” Kools Silage Blower; AC. Blower with motor; N.H. 490 Haybme, Fertilizer Spreader; Aluminum Elevator; Badger Heavy Duty Ensilage Wagons; 250 gal Water Tank; Badger Silage unloader 15’, Bolens 18 H.P. Riding Mower with Hammer Knife Mower; Metal Troughs; Toledo Dial Milk Scale, 28 Disc Harrow; Fox 3000 Harvester with Sharpener; Mack Truck Tractor 1953 Mdl Tobacco Wagon Wooden Wheels; Tobacco Presses; Scrap Iron also numerous valuable small items not listed. Sale By A.&R. NISSLEYINC. WlMjjL^oddtcz 287 Lime Rock Road Utitz, PA 17543 Elmer Murry 626-5244 626 2636 Richard Murry 626 8175 949-2280 Ken Miller 665 2073 Professional Auctioneers Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, HORSE SATURDAY, MARCH 7 At 10:00 A.M. 1 mile south of Churchtown, Pa., along Boot Jack Road, Lane. Co. 1 Riding Horse, Pony Cart, Pony Harness, Pony Saddle, Horse Saddle, Top Buggy Farm Equipment 544 International Diesel, on steel; John Deere 40 Crawler, 3010 John Deere, gas, on steel, John Deere 520 on steel; Farmall Super C with Cultivator, on steel, N.H #273 Baler, N H #328 Spreader, Fox Single Row Harvester, N.H #23 Blower, 50 ft Pipe; #5 Cockshutt Single Row Corn Picker; N.H #56 Rake, NH #461 Haybme; John Deere #8 Mower, 2 - Calhoun Forge Wagons, Calhoun 18 ft Wagon, New Idea 16 ft Wagon, Smoker Elevator, John Deere KB A Disc, John Deere 9 ft Cultipacker, John Deere 3 Section Harrow, John Deere Chisel Plow; John Deere F 125 3 Bottom Plow, Flail Chopper, Papec Ensilage Cutter New Idea 1 Row Tobacco Planter, Myers 100 Gallon Sprayer 3 pt ; International Corn Planter, McCormick Shovel Grain Drill, McCormick Horse Cultivator, 106 Wiard Walking Plow, 7000 KW Generator 4 Cylinder; John Deere Rotary Tiller, Semo Sickle Grinder; Minmch Bale Box, Bull Cloger Super Charger, Platform Scale; Double and Single Trees, Tools; Nuts and Bolts, Forks; Shovels; Chains: 300 Gallon Fuel Tank; 20 KW-25 KVA GENERATOR ON CART, PTO; Cattle Sprayer; 1200 Bushel Ear Corn, Silage Cart; 10,000 Tobacco Lath; 36 ft. Extension Ladder. Milk Equipment 400 gallon Girton Milk Tank; Model 74 DeLaval Milker Pump, 3 DeLaval Milkers, Can Rack; Wash Tubs; Milk Cans. Household Goods Flour Chest, Iron Kettle; Lard Press, Warm Morning Coal Stove; Cedar Wardrobe and many more articles Sale at 10:00 A.M. Terms by AMOS Z. NEWSWANGER Frank and Paul Snyder, Aucts. 717-859-2688 717-733-7052 Fasnachts, Clerks No Out of State Checks Not Responsible for Accidents Refreshments by Cborchtown Fire Co. Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication MON FEB 23 2PM Danville Livestock Market, cattle and hog auction Located Old Route 11, Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner PUBLIC SALE Discontinuing farming, will sell on farm located 4 miles south of Greencastle, Pa. and 5 miles north of Hagerstown, Md. off 1-81 on Pa. Exit 1, Vz mile west on Route 163, north on Greenmount Road, Ist farm on left. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 At 10:30 a.m. FIVE TRACTORS Oliver 1750 diesel tractor fully equipped with Hydraul shift, factory Turbo, dual speed P T.O , new tires, P S.; Oliver 1550 gas tractor, Hydra Power, dual speed P.T.0., P.S , Oliver 66 tractor; Massey Ferguson 2135 Industrial tractor with loader, bucket and fork, 10 hrs since overhaul; Allis Chalmers G tractor and cultivators WHITE-OLfVER EQUIPMENT 5400 Plant-Aire 6 row no-till planter with li quid fertilizer, and Dickey John seed monitor, 548 four bottom 18 in automatic spring trip plow, 252 transport 12 ft disc , 107 Roto-bar rake; bar rake, 4 row 3pt cultivator, 64 gram drill, 13-7 New Idea 218 tandem axle manure spreader; N H 315 baler with thrower, less than 10,000 bales, N.H. 495 haybme, 2 seasons; Fox 3000 forage harvester with narrow row com head, wide row com head and pickup head; Gehl #99 Hi-Throw blower; Peerless P5OO feed roller mixer with ear com attachment; Mulkey 32 ft. elevator with motor; 500 gal field sprayer; Bagder silage wagon; 2 Dion 3 beater silage wagons; two 18 ft. bale wagons; stone dump wagon; 5 ton wagon dump unit; gravity bm on Grove chasis; Int. 12 ft. lever harrow; Chattanoga 12 ft. cultipacker, 9 ft. packer; V snow blade, Int. 455 four row conv. com planter with fertilizer and insecticide boxes; 15.5 and 18.4 tractor chains; hydraulic cylinders 2 wheel cattle trailer; 3 pt. 3 row lay off plow; Lincoln welder; hog feeder; chick broader; bam tools; 15 bales of bailer twme; small wagon load small items. NOTE: The above machinery is in good con dition and ready to go. Approx. 750 bales of straw. Terms: Cash - not responsible for accidents. GLEN I. & NAOMI C.EBY Telephone: (301) 791-5304 (717)597-8654 Auctioneers: Robert C. Mullendore- Nevin Martin. Clerks: Grant and Edgar Martin TUBS FEB 24 9A M All Day Public Sale, all kinds of Farm Machinery and Tractors by Edwin Horn mg, V/z miles West of Ephrata along Meadow Valley Road Ralph Florst and Blame Rentzel, Auc tioneers Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 2JL, 1981—D35 TUES FEB 24 900 A.M Public Sale of 8 head draft horses, 37 Hostem some swine, farm machinery and some new items from the harness shop Mr & Mrs Jacob B Yoder Rd, Reedsville, Owners Mark Click Auc tioneer Located m Mifflin Co 2 miles NE of Reedsville PA on Church Lane, turn south at Amish school and farm, the former John Z Hostetle, farm TUES FEB 24 5 30 P M Farmersville Auction In Farmersville, 3 mi East of Brcwnstown, Lancaster AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY, TRUCKS, TOOLS MONDAY, MARCH 9 At 10:OOA.M. New Windsor, Carroll Co., Maryland LOCATION: On the farm located along WAKEFIELD VALLEY RD., 2 mi. off State Rt. 31 just east of New Windsor, 9 mi. Southwest of Westminster, MD, 20 mi. Northeast of Frederick, MD. NOTE. All equipment is m excellent con dition, most late models ready for the fields. FARM MACHINERY 1977 J D. MODEL 600 SIDE HILL combine (only 729 hrs.) w/404-128 HP diesel eng , cab, heater, A/C, 147 bus. tank, 1977 J.D. Model 213 gram head & 643 corn head; WHITE OLIVER Model 2050 diesel tractor SN 213-738-657 w/enclosed cab, 6 cyl eng (1510 hrs.); Case Model 731 Comfort King diesel tractor w/metal cab (2023 hrs ); FORD Model 871 gas tractor w/front end loader (620 hrs); JOHN BLUE 1000 gal stainless steel spray system mounted on GMC 6 wheel drive truck carrier & 40 ft. boom & foam marker; WHITE OLIVER 7-16 auto reset on land hitch plow; Mid West harrow, Case 4 x 16-3 pt plow, FORD 2x4-3 pt. plow, White Oliver 16 ft folding disc harrow; Brilhon 16 ft cultipacker w/transport wheels, GLENCOE SS9-15 ft chisel plow w/MID WEST harrow, J.D. MODEL 1460 no-tili corn planter, J D. MODEL 27 stalk (6-30") rows shredder; INT Model 830 pull type field Harvester w/3- 30” corn head, pick-up head; M.F. MODEL 44 (22-7) gram drill, N.H MODEL 271 baler w/kicker, N.H. & J D bale wagons; N.H manure spreader, 6 ft Bush Hog; CENTURY 200 gal. alum tank trailer sprayer; 18 ft ear corn elevator, 525 gal alum tanks for tractor mount spray system; Ford real mounted mower, Ford hay rake, 12 ft. heavy duty steel trailer, TYLER tandem wheel fertilizer spreader, 7ft 3 pt. scraper SMALLER TOOLS Dyna Mark 832 riding mower; M F. 3pt post hole digger, 115 gal. alum mobile fuel tank w/elec pump; 3 pt hyd log splitter; Badger silo leveler, 125,000 BTU LP gas furnace; 50,000 BTU space heater; M.W dual wheel kit; heavy duty tow or log chains, 28 rolls U S. made barbed wire, American wire fence; metal fence posts, assorted fence tools; air compressor, battery charger, Lincoln welder; Airco Oxy-Acetylene torches, gauges & bot tles, drill press, grinder, Develbiss paint spray gun, vise, anvil, bench; cabinets; SINCO chemical spray outfit, 5 gal. pressurized tank; nuts, bolts, nails, paint, and machinery parts. DUMP TRUCKS 1971 Ford LN7SO truck w/15 ft. alum dump body, new eng, 2 spd. rear; 1965 Ford CBOO truck w/15 ft. alum dump body, air brakes, 2 spd. Both trucks are in excellent condition, rubber and body Three custom fit truck traps TERMS: CASH/CHECK acceptable to auctioneer or owner on day of sale. No items to be removed until fully paid for. MD sales tax on taxable items. FOR INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT CALL OWNERS FOR APPOINTMENT MR. & MRS. ROBERT S. VLCEK 1539 Wakefield Valley Rd. New Windsor, MD 21776 Phone -301-635-2552 lnc. 15 North Court St reel 'Frederick Maryland 301'663 1555 Sidney Lease, Clerk Lunch By The Womens Auxiliary of the New Windsor Vol. Fire Dept. .* »je Jtur* -• jc x c^.<c~>*fcx«jr. County, PA John J Rutt, Auctioneer TUES FEB 24-10 30 A M Large Machinery Sale Located at the farm 2 miles north of Petersville at 5118 Catholic Church Rd in Frederick Co , MD From Rt 340 take the Petersville exit and follow Rt 180 west to Catholic Church Rd to sale John D Fulks Owner Remsburg Sale Service Sale Manager WED FEB 25 10 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment & New Tools Located 1 mile North of Stoughstown, Cumber land Co, Pa Nevin Z Martin & Melvin S Sensenig Auctioneers Sale by Paul W Leinbock WED FEB 25 - Farm Equipment Sale for Nor man Bncker located about 7 miles northwest of Chambersbura along Edenvtlle Road, Ralph W Horst, Auctioneer THURS FEB 25-9 00 A M Public Auction of Shop tools, farm machinery Located in Lancaster Co , Pa Vz mi North Gordonville, 1 mile West of Intercourse on Old Leacock Rd, turn South off Rt 340 at Esso Station onto Old Leacock Rd , Vz mi to sale Terms By - General Repair Shop, Gideon L Fisher, Ronks, RD #l, Box 108, Pa WED FEB 25 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment and New Tools Located from Carli sle, take Rt 11 south to Stoughstown, turn right onto Big Spring Rd , pro ceed approx 1 mile past Fish Hatchery then first road left, first lane right Watch for yellow sale sign Cumberland Co , PA Sale for Paul W Leinbach Nevm Z Martin and Melvin S Sensenig Auc tioneers WED FEB 25 530 P M Public Sale held at the Southern Manheim Twp Fire Hall, Frurtville Pk and Orchard St, Lan caster, PA John H Cooper Auctioneer THURS FEB 26 - 9 A M Public Sale of Full Line of Horse Drawn Farm Machinery, 2 Pair Mules & Pair work Horses & Household Goods Located in Bart Twp , Lan caster Co, Pa V 2 mile South of Nichol Mines, V 2 mile North of Georgetown on Mine Rd Terms by Enos K & Barbara F King Steve Petersheim & Everett Kreider Auc tioneers THURS FEB 26-9 00 A M Public Sale of Trac tors, Equipment, Truck, Feed, Dairy Items, Garden and Shop Tools, Household and Antiques Located in Adams Co , PA 4Y2 miles west of Get tysburg on US Rt 30 thence turning south V 4 mile to first farm Mrs Catherine J Speelman Owner Clair Slaybaugh Auctioneer THURS FEB 26 10 30 AM 5 Tractors and White Oliver Equipment Located 4 mi south of Greencastle, PA and 5 mi north of Hagerstown, MD, west off Interstate 81 on Rt 163, north on Green Mountain Road Glen I & Naomi C Eby Owners Robert C Mullendoref & Nevin Martin, Auctioneers THURS FEB 26 10 00 A M Public Sale of Heavy Duty Farm and Irrigation Equipment for Alfred S S Russell J Leone Located 4 mites east of Woodstown, NJ on Wood stown to Arra Rd between Rt 40andRt 77 in Monroeville, NJ Sickler & Scott Auctioneers, 609-692-5889/6446 THURS FEB 26 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Silos, Trucks, Located along Rt 25 at the Lower Farm m the Village of Curtin, Dauphin Co , PA between Miilersburg and Ber rysburg, 25 miles north of Harrisburg, 22 miles south of Sunbury Ordered by American Bank and Trust Co George and Mike Deibert Auctioneers pies STATE CKAOED SALE FRL, FEB. 27 1:30 P.M. AT WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTIGM Westminster, Md. Phone QODWgeZO
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