D34—lanCaSterFarming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date Monday, 500 P M of each week s publication SAT FEB 21 Public Sale of Registered and High Grade Holsteins Located just off Rt 6 at East Troy, PA Watch for auction ar rows oft Rt 6 by Warner Co Case Dealer Frank and Lorraine Dombroski Owners Sale Manager Gordon Wood SAT FEB 21 400 PM Public Sale of Household and Antiques Rd 1, Palmyra PA north on Railroad St west on Ridge Rd Ralph B Heisey Auc tioneer SAT FEB 21 11 AM Estate Auction of Per sonal Property & Farm Equipment Located at 136 Democrat Rd Mickleton, NJ Sale for Louis Pmzka Sale by An drea’s Auction Service, Auctioneer Andrea Lie ciardello SAT FEB 21 6 30 P M Danville Livestock Market, horse sale Located Old Route 11 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 14,1981 TIME: 9:30 SHARP AUTOS AND EQUIPMENT 10 30 Due to discontinuing farming the Crooked Creek Vegetable Farm, located approximately 5 miles north of Shippensburg, off Route #696 turn West on West Creek Road (Ist road north side of Conodoguinet Creek) V* mile to farm. TRACTORS AND TILLAGE EQUIPMENT A C 185 diesel tractor with heavy duty loader stone-manure fork and forklift attachment; Ford 3000 diesel, A C WD4S gas with 2 row mounted corn picker; Ford mounted plow, 4-14 in, high clearance, manual trip, w/coulters, Case 9 ft. chisel plow, A C. 11 ft disc, 12 ft single cultipacker, 3 section spring tooth harrow, J D. 494 A corn planter w/dry fert., J.D FB- B disc drill w/grass seeder; New Idea manure spreader /parts; WW crop shredder, garden cultivator Owatonna 9 ft mower-condition; Gehl, Chop King, forage harvester w/pickup and com heads; New Holland Model 67 baler, AC 3 pt. 9 ft. side delivery rake; Cobey self-unloading wagon; New Holland 10 ft fert spreader; Fillnte blower; 30 ft gram elevator; Walsh 30 ft boomspi_yer, two (2) flatbed wagons, 20 ft. bale elevator, King Kutter 6 ft. 3 pt. rotary mower. WALKER SELF PROPELLED, 18 FT., HYDROSTATIC DRIVE GENERAL-PURPOSE HARVESTING MACHINE W/CONVEYORS, 5 SEATS. VEGETABLE EQUIPMENT Int. Har. 4 row narrow planter; Ellis 2 row transplanter, 3 pt. with water, barrel racks for Ford 3000 tractor; one row mulch planter; one row 3 pt. plastic mulch layer, one row raspberry/grape transplanter, Larchmont 5 ft. bed former; narrow row 3 pt. cultivator; Oliver, PTO, 2 row potato digger; Boggs potato grader w/seconds bagger; platform scales; 30 lb. computer scales, 6x6x6 walk-m cooler (easily disassembled); 1200 - 5/8 bu. baskets; 70 - 4x4x2 tomato bins; quantity bu crates; misc. berry flats & boxes. Gorman-Rupp Model 54 AG 6 inch PTO pump (newly rebuilt), new Murphy switches & gauges (safety system); 4400 ft. aluminum pipe, 6in to 3 in.; 30 sprinklers w/misc. couplings, etc.; 3 h p. Briggs & Stratton por table pump; 100 ft 2 inch plastic pipe, 300 ft. IV* inch plastic pipe w/spnnklers. AUTOMOBILES 1973 Pontiac LeMans station wagon, 67,000 miles. 1970 Ford 3 A ton, flatbed w/sides, 74,000 miles. TOOLS & MISCELLANEOUS Lincoln 225 amp welder w/100 ft cable; 3% x 10 metal welding table; 4x7 workbench; medium bench vise; 3x6 metal, wood top table; Earl Landis cast iron stove; iron kettle; 2 lawn mowers; 220 volt ceramic kiln; Curtis Noll nut & bolt kit; DRI pop rivet kit w/gun, DRI assorted fasteners, O nngs, clips; scissors jack; fertilizer; hay; straw; seeds; 1000 gal. tank, several 500 gal. tanks; nine (9) 2-door metal cabinets; assorted lumber, oak & poplar; misc. hand tools; green hoiue ventilation system - 24” fan jet, two (2) 36” fans with louvers, wiring & boxes. Monarch wood cook stove; several steamer trunks; wrought iron pot & pan holder; oak sideboard; several oak chairs; assorted picture frames, wood porch swing; Whirlpool washer; Whirlpool gas dryer; several beds, single & double; (2) wardrobes; assorted chairs; several desks; three (3) dressers; floor lamps; table lamps; 4 rugs, Bxlo, 9x12, 4xB, hemp, sxB braided; various stand & end tables; blue rocker; coffee table; electric Underwood/OUvetti adding machine w/tape; misc. kitchen & canning utensils; assorted jars; misc. fabrics; baby cnb, carnage-stroller; playpen; child’s desk, table & chairs Terms: Cash or good check. Food stand reserved R.D. #l, Newburg, Pa. John B. Niesley Real Estate Broker-Auctioneer 32 W. High St.. Carlisle. Pa. 17013 (717)249-8787 Danville, PA Melvin M Lehman, owner SAT FEB 21 10 00 A M Auction Sale of Real Estate, Farm and Irnga tion Equipment Corner of Buck (Rt 553) & Lawrence Corner Roads Elmer NJ Buck Road crosses Rt 40 2 miles south of Elmer turn south on Buck Road (Rt 553)and proceed 2 miles signs will be posted William C Olbnch Owner Sickler & Scott, Auc tioneers SAT FEB 21 II 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Machinery, located on the farm, take Rt 20 west from Chestertown turn left on first road (Airport Rd ) 1 mile to farm on left (past Collins Rd) Eben Waterfield Owner Harry Rudmck & Sons Inc Sale Managers and Auc tioneers SAT FEB 21 2130 A M Public Sale of Milking HARVEST EQUIPMENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD For Information call 1717)423-6413 MR. & MRS. PAUL NUSCHKE MR. & MRS. WALTER NUSCHKE Herd Dispersal, at the farm located 3 miles north of Chambersburg,, PA 1 mile south of Letterkenny Army Depot, Gate 1 Cheesetown and Salem Church on Funk Rd Gerald, Mabel, f dy and Bonnie Hammc r. and Family Owners Ralph Horst and Art Klmg Auc tioneers SAT FEB 21 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip merit, Located 4 miles east of Hughesville MD on Rt 231 or 9 miles west of Prince Frederick MD on Rt 231 Robert L Robinson Owner Blaine Rentzel Auctioneer SAT FEB 21 100 P M Public Sale of 100 Bred Gilts 30 boars, 40 open gilts Sale held by Calvin H La?’- -&Sor fDi . jns(Duroc Yorkshire and Spotted) at our farm in Whitehall For Catalog Calvin Lazarus, 4290 Bridge St , Whitehall, PA 18052 215 799 3375 Lehigh Co SAT FEB 21 10 00 A M Public Sale of Registered and High Grade Holstems, Located just off Rt 6 and East Troy PA Watch for auction arrows off Rt 6 by Warner Co Case Dealer 4 Lorraine Dom Auction will be held at broski Owners Gordon Cedar Valley Electric Co Wood Sale Manager op Building in St Ansgar SAT FEB 21 100 PM ic Public Sale of Real Estate SAT FEB 21 10 00 AM Located 3 /« mile north, 1 Public Sale of Household, mile east of St Ansgar IA Bottle Collection Located PUBLIC AUCTION Having decided to discontinue farming, I will sell the following on the FARM, 10 miles southwest of Chestertown, Rt. 20, 3 miles north of Rock Hall, Md. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28,1981 At 11:00 A.M JOHN DEERE FARM MACHINERY- 4620 Diesel tractor w/factory duals (140 hrs on new motor), (2) 4020 Diesel Tractors, 7700 COM BINE - 6 row 30” com head, 15 gram head-AC cab, JD 60 Tractor, #l2BO 8 row 30” planter (Transport), 8 row rear cultivators, #494 planter w/liquid, 12’ Roller harrow, 5x16” plows, 4x16” plows, 4x14” plows, 4020 cab, 20 tyne disc drill, 2 sets of 18.4x34” duals, #ll5 scraper 9’ blade, mounted rotarv hoe, mounted sickle mower, #2lO 14’ road disc, Hyd cyl inders, etc M F 620 Road disc 14’, Bnlhon 14’ chisel plow w/buster bar, 32’ x 6” Auger, Bnlhon rotary cutter, Case flail mower, Old LA Case tractor, Spring & Spike tooth harrows, Potato planter, plow packers, Case 2 & 3 bottom plows, 4 row rotary hoe, John Blue trailer sprayer, 10’ Case mounted chisel plow, Hyd scoop soil mover, saw bench, old horse equip wagon body, 3 metal funnel grain wagons ’66 Int 1700 Grain Truck w/16’ body, ’66 COlBOO Grain truck w/16’ body ’64 Int 1890 Grain truck Dump w/14’ body, 3 boxed canvas covers, etc Lunch CHARLES & NANCY JACQUETTE Owners Rock Hall, Maryland HARRY RUDNICK & SONS, INC Sales Managers & Auctioneers of Galena, Md. BRADFORD COUNTY’S LARGEST ' DISPERSAL HhP at HORNBROOK ISLAND FARMS LOCATION: On the Hornbrook River Road - 5 miles northwest of Towanda, Pa. - 4 miles south of Ulster, Pa. SATURDAY, MARCH 14 at 9 30 a.m 7 Tractors - 3 Large diesel Int. tractors, a good clean gas tractors, 1 Caterpillar loader on rubber - 2 nearly new 2-row forage choppers - 5 self-unloading wagons - 5 wagons w/throw boxes - 2 Kiilbros gram wagons - 2 sets 5-bottom plows - N.H Baler - flail chopper - 4-row corn planter - harrows - disc - elevators - trailers - truck - Jeep and many, many other pieces of nearly new farm machinery sell Also shop equipment. CHARLES E. & ESTHER H. KUCHIN, owners D.O. ROCKWELL & ASSOCIATES, SALE MANAGERS TROY. PA. PHONE 717-297-3460 PRIVATE SALE OF FARM 221 acres, more or less, of high producing farm land. Ideal setting of buildings - overlooking the Susquehanna River 8-room house and tenant house, both w/all modern conveniences, modern cottage Dairy bam w/101 tie stalls, pipeline milker, 4 large box stalls, 20 tie stalls for heiters and up to date calf starter unit all under one roof 3 cement silos, 20x80, 20x60, 22x55 w/silo unloader units in each. 1500 gallon bulk tank - 20x200 ft machine shed - corn cribs - machine shop - 50x50 bam for heifers. Tons of com silage, large quantity of hay goes with farm Also large alternator. Only prospective buyers need to call for ap pointment to see this farm Calls appreciated from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p m Contact owners. CHARLES E. & ESTHER H. KUCHIN Owners Telephone 717-265-3198 133 HEAD HI-GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE SELL 133 Interstate tested MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT 807 E 3rd St Shoemaker Farm, Rt 488 Bloomsburg, PA Mrs between Canadaigua and Martin Lutz Owner John Phelps, NY, 40 miles Autotore and John north from Bath or Corn AutotoreJr Auctioneers mg, 55 fr SAT FEB 21 -1000 AM La wre ncevil le PA Public Sale at the Rumsey Sales SPRING MACHINERY AUCTION FRIDAY, MARCH 6,1981 At 9:30 A.M. At the Belleville Livestock Market, Inc., Belleville, Pa. Consignments of all kinds of machinery, tractors, haying equipment, forage equipment, plows, harrows, planters, horse drawn machinery, hay, etc We will have a consignment of parts and supplies from New Holland Machine Co , a new generator and used elevator bagger from Agway If you have machinery to sell, they must be consigned by 5 00 P M day before sale Tractors and hay will be sold at 1 00 P M You must have buyers number at sale Click - Gibboney - Gilligan Auctioneers BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 717-935-2146 PUBLIC SALE OF FARM MACHINERY, HORSES, MULES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, AND ANTIQUES FRIDAY, MARCH 6 10 00 A.M. Sharp Located along Belmont Road, 1 mile South of Intercourse, IVz miles North of Rt. 30, Lane. County, Pa. 1 Pair 7 and 9 Year Old Chestnut Horses, I Pair Mules; 1 Pair 6 "and 7 Year Old Roan Horses, 1 Pair Sorrel Arabian Horses 5 and 6 Year Old, JL. IT Good Broke, Well Matched, Driving Horses. Farm Machinery N H. #66 Baler with motor, Farm Wagons; Oliver Cornplanter; 2 - #999 John Deere Corn planter; McCormick Deermg 2 Horse Manure Spreader; McCormick Horse Mower on rub ber; 1 & 2 Horse Cultivators; New and Used 2 Wheel Fore Trucks; 3 Section Spring Harrow, Land Roller; 106 Wiard Walking Plow; Mc- Cormick Walking Plow, 2 Horse Oliver Hillside Plow, Spring Wagon, closed Carnage; Amish Buggy; 2 Wheel Pony Carts, 2 Wheel Horse Carts, 1 and 2 Horse Bob Sleighs, 2 Horse Carnage Poles; New and Used Single and Double Trees; New Wagon Tongs; New and Used Collars; 6 Sets Front Gears; Driving Harness; Halters; Breast Chains; Saddles, Check Lanes; Hog Troughs; Milk Cans; Wheelbarrows; Jockey Poles; Log Chains; Cham Binders, Anvil, Cast Iron Seats, New Metal Seats; Platform Scale, Small Scalding Troughs; Wooden Pulleys, Hand Saws; Tools; Hames with Brass Knobs; Hay Forks; Tobacco Wagon, Bolts, Washers, Stripping Room Stove. Household Goods & Antiques 2 Brass Kettles; Dietz Lantern; Broad Axe, Sleigh Bells, Dishes, Cast Iron Toys; Harness Spreaders; Mears Arms Co Shot Gun; Butter Mold, Wheat Print; 2 Buggy Robes; Horse Blankets, 6 Plank Bottom Chairs; Wash Stand, Ice Hooks, Dinner Bell; Smgle Bed Also for DAVID L. BEILER FOLLOWING MACHINERY 101 International Manure Spread on steel, McCormick #9 Grass Mower 7 ft, Cultipacker, John Deere #999 Complanter, Oliver 2 Bottom 12 mch Plow; #l4 International Rake, Clay Hay Crimer with engme; Spring Harrow; Fore Truck; John Deere K.B.A. 24 Disc; Liquid Spreader; New Idea Lime Spreader with Seeder; Feed Cart; Cast Iron Seats; Breast Chains; Jockey Poles, Fence Wire; Baler and Binder Twine; Tools, many more articles not listed. Sale at 10:00 A.M Terms by o ELAM R. PETERSHEIM Paul Snyder and Larry L. Martin 717-733-7052 Fasnachts, Clerks 717-354-7539 Not Responsible for Accidents *—Loach Available NoXKhecHucki m 0
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