P3B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21,1981 Public Sales Register Closing Date - Monday, 5 00 P M of each week's publication FRI & SAT MAR 6& 7 10 A M Annual Consignment Sale Public Auction Donald Scheese farm, Cohansey-Fnesburg Rd EJmer, NJ Auctioneer Blame Rentzel FRI MAR 6 Public Sale of Farm Equipment and Crops, Located midway between Fleetwood and Kutztown, Berks Co , PA John and Lillian Sauder Owners Nevin Z Martin and Lewis B Groff Auc tioneers FRI & SAT MAR 6& 7 9 AM & 11 A M Keystone Classic All Breed Show & Sale Bred gilts, boars, & Open gilts Sale Manager & Auctioneer Harry Bachman Sale by PA Co op Swine Breeders Assn FRI MAR 6 100 P M 59th Annual Spring Sale at the Brooks End and Par Kay Farm in Beaver town, PA Reno & Park Thoms and Mark Stehr, Owners Dan Baker, Auc tioneer FRI MAR 6 9 30 A M Spring Machinery Auction PARTIAL LISTING! EHRHART POTATO & GENERAL FARM MACHINERY AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 9:00 A.M. sharp! (blizzard date: Mon. Mar 2) STATE COLLEGE, (CENTRE COUNTY) Pa. Sale to be held at the farm known as the “Doc” and Nickey Nixon Farm, 4 miles southwest of State College, Pa. Follow auction pointers from Markle Equipment on rte. 26 south. Discontinuing farming due to ill health, all personal farm machinery sells without reserve! New Idea 717 UNI-SYSTEM COMBINE with 4- row com and 13 ft gram head, 706 diesel motor, 95 bu. bm, cab, 2 yrs. old and like showroom new! 2 Excellent WHITE DIESEL TRACTORS. (2- 105 with cab, 18.4 x3B rubber, 1491 hrs.; and 2- 70 with canopy cab, 38 m. rubber, weights, 1606 hrs.) M.M. “M-5 diesel, w.f.e.; and Cle-trac “B” crawler with Heil 9 ft. angle blade; Towmotor model 440 3 stage lift fork truck; 1977 Chevy. “C-65” cab and chasis with 366 V-8, 5/2 sp. trans, 27500 G.V.W., 25,601 original owner miles' also 6 pallet cap insulated van body to be sold seperate. White 5400 4-row air planter (com) with dry fert. and insecticide applicators, 2 yrs. old; Oliver 568 4-16 m sprmg reset, power slide semi-mt. plow; Oliver 4-16 semi-mt. auto reset plow, Dunham Lehr 12 ft. cultimulcher; 3 tooth subsoiler; Oliver 12 ft. transport disc , I.H. 430 tractor dozer blade; Martin 800 bu. wet holding bm; 3600 bu steel bin with sweep unloader; 3200 bu. steel bm; American automated batch dryer; Snowco gram cleaner with hopper; Farm duty hay dryer with new 7 h.p. motor; 2 bulk bodies on dual wheel trailers, 12 ft. tool bar; much more! ALSO SMALL TOOLS AND A FEW HOUSEHOLD ITEMS TO SELL FIRST AT 9:00 A.M. AND A FULL LINE OF MODERN POTATO EQUIPMENT! THIS IS A CONCISE LIST' FOR FULL LIST MAILED TO YOU CONTACT THE AUCTIONEERS OR OWNERS' •Note: Mr. Ehrhart is an excellent mechanic and caretaker, you will find his machinery to be “field ready”. TRACTORS AND GENERAL EQUIP. SELL AT 10:00 A.M., potato equip, at app. 11:00. Terms: Cash or good check sale day. Proper LD. required! OWNED BY MR. & MRS. FRANK 0. EHRHART 814-238-3142 or 274-7189 Sale Managed by PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS Wayland, N.Y. 716-728-2520 and Ulysses, Pa. 814-848-7401 at the Belleville Livestock Market, Belleville, PA FRI MAR 6 10 00 A M Public Sale of Farm Equip ment, Model T Truck, Chev Truck, Cadillac and Antiques Located 9 miles north of Easton, % mile north of Martins Creek along Rt 611 toward Bangor, Northampton Co, PA Ralph W Zet tlemoyer Auction Co , Inc SAT MAR 7 Public Auc tion of Farm Machinery and Household Goods by Amos Z Newswanger, located 1 mile south of Churchtown along Boot Jack Road Frank and Paul Snyder, Auctioneers SAT MAR 7 17th An nual Bart Twp Fire Co Sale Held at the Fire Hall, Bart. PA SAT MAR 7 Farm Equipt Sale for John Wadel, three miles south of Shippensburg, Pa off Rte 696 Ralph W Horst, Auctioneer SAT MAR 7 Eastern Shore Showcase Sale featuring 50 Registered Holstein calves and heifers at Hunters Sale Barn, Rising Sun, MD Co Chairman Ben Amoss and Bob Knutsen for more in for write Bob Knutsen Ris mgSun MD21911 SAT MAR 7 11 00 A M Public Sale of Stamen Heagy Estate Located North Lebanon Twp on Rt 72 in Ebenezer, turn east on Water St, Follow Water St to signs Allen L Bishop Executor, Ralph B Heisey Auctioneer SAT MAR 7 Public Sale of Modern Farm Machinery, Gram bin, dryer, household, Located 1 mile east of Ole y, along Rt 662, Oley Twp Berks Co , PA Sold for Daniel H Schlegel Frey Auc tioneers SIMULTANEOUS LOCATED: Off 1-80 Exit 16. Dußois, PA. Follow Rt. 830 W. through Falls Creek, only 2 miles to Country Lane Auction. (3) miles from Dußois-Jefferson County airport. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 2 BIG AUCTIONS 3 AUCTIONEERS!! FARM MACHINERY!! MOTOR VEHICLES!! TRUCK LOAD NEW TOOLS!! ESTATE OF ANTIQUES!! BARNUM BAILEY CIRCUR POSTERS!! GUNS!! AND MUCH MORE... NEW TOOL AUCTION -10:00 A.M. 100’s of mechanical, hand, power, air, carpenter, plumbing and other tools including air compressors, air wrenches, drill presses, heavy duty garage tools, socket sets, wrench sets, hydraulic jacks, tool cabinets, 100’s upon 100’s of other new tool items to numerous to mention. This tool auction will be held in the upstairs of Country Lane Auction. ALSO AT 10:OOA.M. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Approx. 1000 Barn urn Bailey circus posters m all various shapes, sizes, and descriptions collected from all over the U.S. coming from the James Bauer Estate of St. Marys... Also 1934 Chevy pickup truck, 1946 Chevy coupe, guns, 100 yr. old organ (rebuilt), pump organ, oak pedestal clawfoot table, and numerous other antique items too numerous to mention Write or call for an itemized inventory of circus posters. This sale will be held m the downstairs of Country Lane Auction. Come early and grab a good seat! FARM MACHINERY 12:30 P.M. Massey Ferguson #B5 tractor, J.D, 1020 gas tractor (3 pt.), J.D. #6O tractor, Farmall H tractor, J.D. #llO ndmg mower, New Holland 275 hay baler w/thrower, John Deere #290 com planter, Kmg Culter 3 pt. 5’ brush hog, Speedex 6 HP mower. Stinger 8 HP mower, #2OO spreader, one lot of New Holland parts (new), 5’ trail brush hog-new, International rear wheel weights, 12’ harrow case hammermill. Early all wood thrashing machme-excl. cond., Hopper cooled horse drawn 10 HP gasoline engme, potato sprayer, potato planter, sled runners w/bolsters, wagon, manure spreader, shredder, seeder, walk behind cultivator, steel wheeled cultivator. New Jeep CJ, 1975 Ford LN7OO smgle axle dump, 1974 GML 9500 tn-axle dump 238 (16) speed 38 rears, 1967 Ford NT 950 250 Cummins tn-axle dump (5 on the floor) SPECIAL NOTE There will be 2 auctions running in different locations all day!! Terms-Cash or Check. Tools & Inventory Supplied By Youngwood Supply, Greensburg, PA. Auctioneers - Charles D. Baker, Dale Reed, and Bob Britton, Jr. Sale Indoors with Seating Food Available All Day (3) Auctioneers!! (2) Big Auctions!! Sale THE KEY “To Successful Auctions ’ Conducted /* /" * 814-371-6605^^ Professional Auction - Sen ice Converting Assets to Cash is Our Business!! SAT MAR 7 9JO A M Public Sale of Household Goods, Antiques and "Full Line of Farm Equipment Located midway between Coatesville and Lan caster, Ist Farm East off Rt 41 along Rt 30 John N & Alice E Crouse Owners Robert E Martin 4 Son 656-7770 and Frank L Steller 656 1895 Auctioneers SAT MAR 7 11 00 AM Public Sale of Holstems and Machinery Located off Rt f 154, three miles from Eastella, PA, 11 from New Albany, 11 from Shunk, 5 from Forksville, 20 from Grover 23 from Canton, 50 from Williamsport Weather cock Farms Sale manager Gordon Wood SAT MAR 7 10 00 AM Public Auction of Anti "OUT ON THE FARM" 10:00 A.M ANTIQUE FARM ITEMS MOTOR VEHICLES New and Good Used Inventory ques. Household Goods, Guns, Snowmobiles and Gas Engines Located 929 W Main Street, Mount Joy, PA, 3rd house west of The Water Trough Harry E Derr, Owner Lloyd Kreider, Randal Kline and Gary Shirk, Auctioneers SAT MAR 7 1100 AM Stehman Heagy Estate Sale of 23 Acre Farm, Household Antiques, Farm Equipment Located on Water St, North Lebanon Twp , PA Ralph B Heisey Auctioneer SAT MAR 7 10 30 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Located l‘/r miles west of Rt 94 or 2'h miles East of Rt 27 on Gillis Rd , Woodbine, Car roll Co MO Mr & Mrs Raymond Manng Owners Ridgely & Streaker Auc tioneers .* f iif 1 li SELLING VW tfk CONSIGNMENT W% HORSE SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28 ll:OOA.M. Sharp Tack sold at 10:00 A.M Horses Hitched at 9:00 A.M. (If weather permits) KEISTER’S MIDDLEBUR6 AUCTION SALES, INC. Route 522, 3 miles East of Middleburg 5 miles West of Selinsgrove One load of draft horses consigned by Ken Pierce One load of draft horses consigned by Paul Hardy from North Carolina One load of sharp standardbred, carriage & buggy horses For Information Call 717-992-1490 or 717-837-2222 KEISTER’S MIOGLEBUR6 ACTION SALES, INC. Rt. 522 - RD 3, Middleburg, Pa. Owners DON & WALT KEISTER Ray Long & Dave Imes Auctioneers Terms Cash Trucking Available Restaurant Open AUCTION OF FARM MACHINERY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 ll:OOA.M. Hornell, NY Sale to be held at the dealership located on Rt. 21 midway between Almond and Hornell, NY. S.C. Hansen Inc. a large and respected Case-New Holland dealership has contracted with Pirrung Auctioneers Inc. to reduce its inventory by Public Auction. Therefore every item will be sold to the highest bidder with no reserved bids at Absolute Public Auction. Credit terms available with prior approval by contacting S.C. Hansen Inc. TRACTORS Exc White 2-135 diesel with 900 hours, Case 1070 turbo diesel with cab and good rubber, AC 180 diesel, IH TD-6 crawler-dozer, MF 406 gas loader-baekhoe, JD 50 with loader. Case 400 gas with new rubber, Farmall “M” N.F.E ; etc., etc HAYING TOOLS 13 mower-conditioners including NH 1469 S.P with cab, 3 model 479 and 3 mode! 469 units, 2 Hesston 1010 hydro-swing machines, Hesston PT-10, New Idea 272 and 270 cut-ditioners, 5 balers including NH 269 with thrower, 2 JD model 14T with throwers, Case 220 with thrower, Oliver 720 with thrower, etc. 3 rakes, NH 56 and 55 rola-r units and 1H15., FORAGE EQUIPMENT 8 harvesters including NH 890,717,718,3 model 770’s, Fox 2000, and IH 550. Most harvesters with 2 row com and hay pickup heads, 3 S U. forage wagons on gears, 6 blowers such as model NH Super 23 and 2-model 27’s, 2- Fox model 656’5, IH 65, etc.; IH 400 6 row ear corn planter, MF 300 S P combine with cab, 12’ cut, 6 yrs. old. TILLAGE TOOLS Miller 14’ and 12’ plowing discs, JD 14’ fitting disc, IH 16’ disc, Case 14’ disc harrow, Demo, model 10’ chisel plow, 2 brand new sets of tines harrows for discs or field cultivators, Case 5-16 auto reset plows, 2 sets Case 6-16 auto, reset plows, AC 6-16 auto reset plow, JD 3-16 plow, others. 4 manure spreaders including NH 368 tank. Hawk 250 bu tank, MF 110 with new apron chain, N 1214 with hyd. end gate. NOTE: Items may be added or deleted due to daily business. For specific information phone dealership. Terms: Cash or good check sale day or credit available by prior arrangements with S.C. Hansen Inc. with 25-30% down on sale day. Owned by S.C. HANSEN, INC. Stewart Hansen, Pres. Horseheads, NY 607-739-8741 Elwin Stebbins, Mgr. Hornell, NY 607-324-2110 Auction managed and sold by Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc. Wayland, NY 716-728-2520
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers