Lancaster , Weekly (Continued from face A 2) to head Standard and Good flkOO lbs. 30.00-53.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Choice 320-400 lbs. 65.00- 72.00; Good 300-420 lbs. 55.00- 64.00, few 400-480 lbs. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-115 lbs. holstein heifers 140.00-200.00, with around 50 head at 207.00- 224.00, several 80-100 lbs. 90.00- bulir 90-115 lbs. holstein bulls 88.00-103.00, around 160 head 100-115 lbs? 105.00- several 80-100 lbs. 70.00-90.00. ON SALE NO BETTER TIME TO BUY THAN NOW! STIHL' MODEL SG-17 MISTBLOWER A multi-purpose power tool which Blows, Dusts, & Sprays liquids and dry chemicals, to control and eliminate weeds. Com plete tobacco, worm and sucker control - covers total leaf over and under. fly and insect control in and around barns. OUTLASTS THEM All I YOUR FULL SERVICE DEALER] WES STAUFFER SMALL ENGINES R.D. 3, Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-9174 - 717-733-0809 Vi ml. S. of Rt. 322 on Pleasant Valley Rd., Ephrata Exit, new Rt. 222. DRAINAGE PROBLEMS? COCALICO EQUIPMENT HAS THE TWO MACHINES TO HANDLE YOUR DRAINAGE PROBLEMS. ★ Both Machines Equipped with Laser Beam Grade Control Drainage Pays High Returns COMPARE imMM Even w 't h ‘he conservative fig- Land Drainage ures shown here, it s obvious that Farm Land. 11% land drainage should top farmers' fists of investment priorities. Chambersburg Auction Thursday, September 4 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 355. Compared with last Thursday market: Slaughter steers steady; SI. steers: High Choice & Prime No. 1, 72.60; Good 63.50- 68.25; Standard 56.5063.10; few Choice heifers 61.00- 65.85; few Good 60.0061.25; few Standard 57.00-59.00; SI. cows: Utility & Commercial COCALICO EQUIPMENT CO. DRAINAGE & EXCAVATING RD#3, DENVER, PA 17517 livestock market and auction news 46.50-52.50, few 54.85; Cut ters 46.00-51.50; Canner & L. Cutter 43.0047.00; Shells down to 38.00. SI. bullocks: few Choice 63.0065.25; few Good 53.00-55.00; SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 1,1000-1875 lbs. 55.85-61.85,1 at 63.75. FEEDER CATTLE: Large Frame No. 2, 430690 lbs. 60.00-70.00. CALVES: 582. Veaiers steady. Bulk of supply returned to farm. Choice 92.0067.00 with few to 99.00; ★ We Stock Heavy Grade Tubing which Exceeds SCS Specifications. In sizes 4", 6", 8", 10” and 12". NOW AVAILABLE 15” & 18" Tubing ★ Also Pipe And Fittings For Tile Outlet Terraces. Good 73.0065.00; Standard & Good 65-90 lbs. 61.00-71.00 with few to 75.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 85-130 lbs. 90.00-123.00, mostly 100.00-120.00; Hoi. Heifers 80-150 lbs. 125.00- 208.00, mostly 155.00-195.00. HOGS: 108.5.00 lower. No. 1-3 200-230 lbs. 44.35-44.75. Sows 300-550 lbs. 36.50-39.75. Boars 30.00-34.50. FEEDER PIGS 116. few US No. 1-3 2555 lbs. 14.05 17.00 per head. SHEEP: 22.1 lot of Choice 75 lbs. 59.00; few Good 50-70 lbs. 53.5055.50; few SI. ewes; 12.50-21.00. New Holland Horse Monday, September 1 New Holland Sales Stables Report supplied by auction Reported receipts of 327 head of horses, mules, and ponies. Market steady. Load of driving NY 700.00- 1575.00; Better horses 550.00- 850.00; Driving Horses 375.00- Riding horses 375.00- Lightweight killers 350.00-475.00; Heavyweight killers 525.00- 700.00; Mares 30.00-75.00; Colts 15.00-50.00; Geldings 30.00- Larger ponies 125.00- Indiana Auction Homer City, Pa. Thursday, September 4 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 106. Compared with last Thursday market; Slaughter steers unevenly PH: 215-2673808 l—cottr ffwhig, SiM—***, IW-** steady; SI. steers few Good 59.7550.25; few Utility 48.25 50.25; Si. heifers few Choice 63.5054.50; few Good 58.05 59.75; few Standard 52.05 55.00; few Utility 48.0048.50; SI. cows Utility & Com mercial 46.5050.75; with 1 at 52.00; Cutters 43.7547.00; Canner & L. Cutter 40.55 45.50. SI. bullocks: 1 Stan dard 53.25; SI. bulls: few Yield Grade No. 1 1200-1525 lbs. 58.75. FEEDER CATTLE: Heifers, Medium & Large Frame No. 1, 500580 lbs. 50.5058.00. CALVES 133. Vealers Grading Standard unevenly steady. Good & Choice 200300 lbs. 65.0050.00 heavy weights, few Good 80.0056.00; Standard & Good 90-120 lbs. 70.0050.00; 6555 lie. 65.00-72.00; Utility 55130 lbs. 50.0055.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 85125 lbs. 80.05115.00; Hoi. Heifers 75120 lbs. 80.05 122.50; Beef cross bulls & heifers 75110 lbs. 70.05 105.00. HOGS: 74. No. 1-3 few lots 200-235 lbs. 45.0046.25; No. 2- 3 190-300 lbs. 42.0044.00; No. 1-3 130-175 lbs. 35.0042.00; Sows US No. 1-3 300-350 lbs. 36.5043.00. Boars 36.00-36.25. FEEDER PIGS 30. US No. 1-3 2030 lbs. 7.00-10.00 per head; No. 1-3 3540 lbs. 11.50- 12.50; 1 lot No. 1-3 130 lbs. 52.00 per hundredweight. SHEEP: 35. Few Choice 70-75 lbs. 61.50-62.00; Good 65-75 lbs. 52.00-59.00; Utility 3545 lbs. 36.0048.00. Pa. Auction Summary - Friday, Sept. 5 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE: 4976. Compared with 6812 head last week, and 5278 head a year ago. Compared with last week’s market: Slaughter steers unevenly steady: SI. heifers 12TH ANNUAL HARVEST FAIR CRAFT SHOW AND TOTH ANNUAL HORSE PLOWING CONTEST Sat. & Sun., September 13 & 14 10 A.M. Historic Schaefferstoyvn, PA September§ale On Insulation HffiRGUSS INSOLATION 1 RoH3V&xls" $lO AH (88.12 sq. ft.) ■ *wU 1 roll ZW'x23" $lO HH (135.125 q. ft.) ■ O#VU We also blow insulation and . handle spouting FETTERVILLE SALES RD2, East Earl, PA (Rt. 322 & Corner of Fetterville Rd.) 717-354-7561 steady to weak; SI. cows steady - 2.00 higher; SI. bolls steady • 1.00 lower. SI. steers: High Choice & Prime 73.00- few 68.50-77.00; Good 63.00-69.00; Standard 54.00- SI. heifers: Choice 61.00-70.00; Good 56.9042.00; few Standard 52.0060.0 Q. SI. cows: Utility & Commercial 46.50-52.50; Cutters 43.50-51.00; Canner & L. Cutter 40.00-47.00; Shells down to 31.00. SI. bullocks: (few) Choice 60.50-67.00; few Good 56.00-62.00. SI. bulls: Yield Grade No. 1,1200-2200 lbs. 56.00-64.00; Grade No. 2, 900-1500 lbs. 50.00-59.00. FEEDER CATTLE: Steers, Medium Frame No. 1 300600 lbs. 65.0080.00; few Large Frame No. 2 450-700 lbs. 60.00-70.00. Heifers, Medium Frame No. 1300600 lbs. 58.00-73.00. CALVES: 3243. Compared with 4207 head last week and 2500 head a year ago. Supply incl. 97 percent farm calves. Vealers Grading Good & Choice mostly steady. Standard & low Good steady - 5.00 lower, few Prime 112.00- Choice 90.00- 106.00; Good 77.00-90.00; Standard & Good 90-110 lbs. 60.00- 70-90 lbs. 50.00- 70.00. FARM CALVES: Hoi. Bulls 90-125 lbs. 80.00-115.00; Hoi. Heifers 90-130 lbs. 110.00- HOGS: 4725. Compared with 8176 head last week and 5851 head a year ago. Barrows and gilts 3.00-5.00 lower. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. 46.00- few to 50.00 No. 1-3 195-250 lbs. 44.50-47.00; No. 2- 3 190-270 lbs. 42.00-46.00; No. 1-3 130-185 lbs. 35.00-45.00; Sows 1.50-4.00 lower. US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs. 36.50-43.00; No. 2-3 400-700 lbs. 30.00- 37.00. Boars 30.00-36.50. FEEDER PIGS 1513. Compared with 1962 head last week and 1410 a year ago. Feeder pigs steady to weak. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. 7.00- per head; No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 14.00-31.00.
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