At— Lancaster Famine, Saturday, September 6,1980 JIH AKK C SEPT. 8-14, 1980 Back to school in rainy pools. The autumnal migration of birds is at its height now Unde Sam born Sept 13, 1766 New moon Sept 9 Average length of days for the week, 12 hours, 41 minutes Rosh Hashanah Sept 11 It rained 38 inches in 24 hours in Thrall, Texas, Sept 9, 1921 Better to wear out shoes than sheets Ask the Old Fanner: Please advise me how to remove black spots from our granite cemetery monument I've tried scrubbing them with various detergents but nothing works CM, Dover, N H Mix 3 tablespoons of TSP (tnsodium phos phate) from your paint store in a gallon of water Brush it on and let set for a few min utes, then rinse off This should do it, if not, repeat Home Hint*: Cleaning under low dressers is easier if you take out the bottom drawer and then insert the nozzle of the vacuum attach ment through the opening OLD FARMER'S 'HER FORECASTS New England: Thundershowers, turning mild, at weeks start, then sunny and warm, hot inland, through end of week Greater New York-New Jersey: Thunderstorms, turning much cooler beginning of week, clear and warm midweek, then cloudy' by week's end Middle Atlantic Coastal: Rainy and cool through middle of weeK, rest of week and weekend is sunny and pleasant Piedmont k. Southeast Coastal: Rainy and cool throughout the week and weekend (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) Special Yearling Heifer Sale Abingdon, Va. Tuesday, September 2 Report supplied by VDA There were 432 head sold. All cattle were graded by Representatives of the VDACS’s Division of Markets, Livestock Section on USDA standards and sold by the hundredweight. MEDIUM FRAME NO. 1: 400-500 lbs. 59.75-65.75; 500 600 lbs. 55.00-65.00; 600-700 lbs. 58.0064.75; 700800 lbs. 57.0060.25; 800900 lbs. 48.00 52.50. LARGE FRAME NO. 1: 400-500 lbs. 61.00-63.50; 500 600 lbs. 56.5063.50; 600-700 lbs. 59.2565.00; 700600 lbs. 57.7560.75; 800600 lbs. 48.00 56.00. SMALL FRAME NO. 1: 400600 lbs. 59.2562.75; 600 700 lbs. 54.0061.00. SMALL FRAME NO. 2: 400600 lbs. 55.7568.50. LARGE & MEDIUM FRAME NO. 2: 300600 lbs. 55.0062.50; 500600 lbs. 57.50 58.50; 600700 lbs. 53.0065.50; 700800 lbs. 47.7562.00. LARGE & MEDIUM FRAME NO. 3; 400500 lbs. 53.0058.00; 500600 lbs. 55.75; 600700 lbs. 52.0055.00. LIMITED QUANTITY - LIMITLESS QUALITY A.L. HERR & BRO. PARK AVE., QIIARRYVILLE, PA Phone: 717-786-3521 mi OLD Belleville Auction Wednesday, Sept. 3 Report supplied by auction CATTLE 110. Few Utility Holstein heifers 52.5056.60. Utility and Commerical slaughter cows 51.35-52.75, Cutters * 48.25-50.00, Conner and Low Cutters 42.5048.00, Shells down to 37.00. In dividual Yield Grade No. 1, slaughter bull at 61.50, #2, 50.5057.00. CALVES 137. Good vealers 82.0085.00, Standard and Good 90 100 lbs. 62.0070.00, 7090 lbs. 50.0061.00, few Utility at 40.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 86.00 105.00, few 111.00118.00; Holstein Heifers 130.00 136.00. HOGS 213. US No. 1-2 barrows and gilts 46.00-47.60, No. 1-3 44.6046.00, No. 26 42.0044.50, few No. 16 at 35.00. US No. 16 sows 37.50 41.75, No. 26 31.0065.50. Boars 33.5066.f10. FEEDER PIGS 600. US No, 16 15-25 lbs. feeder pigs 7.5012.50 per head. No. 1-6 2065 lbs. 14.0017.50, No. 16 25-40 lbs. 18.5024.00 per head. SHEEP 32. Good spring slaughter lambs 54.5056.00, Utility 49.0054.00. Slaughter ewes 18.0060.00. SALES A SERVICE JS St. Louis * Cattle Thursday, Sept 14 Report supplied by USD A Receipts This Week 4,400 Week Ago 3,900 Year Ago 3,500 Compared last week’s dose; Slaughter steers 1.00 1.50 higher. Slaughter heifers 1.00-2.00 higher, mostly 1.50 higher. Cows and bulls mostly steady. Slaughter supply mostly Choice and Mixed Choice and Prime 1050-1200 lb. steers, around 35 per cent heifers, 20 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 1050-1275 lbs. 72.00-72.50, load 73.00. Choice 24 925-1300 lbs. 70.50-72.75, dosing 71.00 72.75.' Mixed Good and Choice 24 9001200 lbs. 69.00 71.00. Good 2-3 9001175 lbs. 67.0069.50. Standard and Good 2-3 1075-1350 lb. Holsteins 58.0063.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 24 875-1050 lbs. 68.0069.00, several 68.50. Choice 24 850 1050 lbs. 66.5068.50, mostly 66.5068.00 725650 lbs. 64.00 66.00. Mixed Good and Choice 26 800975 lbs. 64.00 66.50; 700800 lbs. 60.0064.00. Good 26 700950 lbs. 60.00 64.00. COWS; Cloisng sales; Utility and Commercial 2-4 44.00- Boning utility 1-2 48.00- Cutter 1-2 43.00- 47.00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 38.00-43.00. BULLS: Yield Grade 1-2 1000-1900 lbs. 52.00-58.00, closing 53.00-58.00. Couple outstanding yield grade 1 1155 and 1415 lbs. at 80.00 and 60.75. FEEDERS: (Including about 1300 head at regular Thursday auction.) Feeder steers firm to 3.00 higher, mostly 1.00-2.00 higher. Feeder heifers steady. Supply medium frame 1 and 2 400-700 lb. steers and 400- GOO lb. heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame 1 few lots 365-400 lbs. 88.00-89.00, 400- 500 lbs. 80.50418.50, bulk 82.00-84.00, lot thin 432 lbs. 90.00, 525-600 lbs. 78.00-79.75, 600-700 lbs. 74.50-80.75, scattered lots fleshy 800-900 lbs. 67.50-68.75. - Medium Frame 1 and 2 600-700 lbs. 68.00-70.25. Large Frame 1 and 2 Holsteins; scattered lots 565- 775 lbs. 58.00-63.50. Livestock market and auction news FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1 couple lots 250265 lbs. 74.25-76,00, 400 500 lbs. 69.5074.25, 500600 lbs. 66.0068.75. Medium Frame 1 and 2 425-500 lbs. 63.2568.00, 600 625 lbs. 62.0062.75. Leesport Auction Wednesday, Sept. 3 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 274. Compared with last Wednesday’s market, slaughter steers steady to strong. Slaughter cows steady to $2 higher. Few High Choice & Prime 12001225 lbs. slaughter steers 74.0074.25, Choice 960 1300 lbs. 69.75-74.10, one at 74.60, Good 66.25-70.25, Standard 59.0061.75. Few Choice i 800-1130 lbs. slaughter heifers 64.6070.60 few Good 54.0060.25. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 49.0061.75 few to 53.00, Cutters 46.0050.00, few to 51.25, Canner & Low Cutters 41.0046.60, Shells down to 38.00. Few Choice slaughter bullocks 65.00-66.60, Good 60.5063.75, few Standard 57.0061.00. Yield Grade #1 13001800 lbs. slaughter bulls 58.7563.75, one at 66.00, few yield grade #2 10001250 lbs. 54.5055.75, One Lot Large Frame #2 460 lbs. feeder steers 65.00, few 600750 lbs. 50.0058.50, Medium Frame #1 450650 lbs. 73.5082.00; few Large Frame §1 300650 lbs. feeder heifers 66.50 70.00. few Large Frame #2 300-675 lbs. 63.00-73.00, Medium Frame #1 400450 lbs. 64.0068.00. CALVES 167. Few Choice RED ROSE BUILDING SYSTEMS SPECIALIZING I ALL TYPES OF FARM AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ★ Serving You Throughout Penna., Maryland, Delaware, And New Jersey! ★ If you need any type of farm or commercial building, call collect or send the coupon for more information. LF Please contact me with information on the following; □ FARM BUILDINGS □ COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS □ DO-IT-YOURSELF BUILDING PACKAGES Fill Out And Mail To: Red Rose Building Systems, PO Box 366, Manheim, Pa. 17545 Name Address or RO. Town Phone (include area code) vealers 92.0094.50, few Good 80.00-91.50, few Standard & Good 110130 lbs. 76.0085.00, 90110 lbs. 65.0072.00, few 75- 85 lbs. 55.0060.00, few Utility 65-110 lbs. 40.0060.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90120 lbs. > 70.0090.00; holstein heifers 90115 lbs. 105.00 122.50, one at 136.00, 7565 lbs. 75.0087.00; beef cross bulls & heifers 70120 lbs. 86.00103.00. HOGS 322. Barrows & gilts $2.25 to $3 lower. US No. 1-2 200245 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.7548.60, No. 16 195-250 lbs. -46.2548.00, No. 16 160 190 lbs. 40.0045.75. Sows $1 lower. US No. 16 300-580 lbs. sows 37.0041.00, few to 44.75, No. 2-3 450650 lbs. 34.00 38.25. Boars 33.0036.50. FEEDER PIGS 278. US No. 16 2045 lbs. feeder pigs 63.0082.00, one lot 96.00 cwt, few No. 16 7560 lbs. 49.00 60.00 cwt. SHEEP 34. Few Choice 75- 120 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 60.0061.00, one at 75.00, few Utility & Good 60 65 lbs. 57.0060.00. Slaughter ewes 20.0029.50. GOATS 18. Large Goats 30.0045.00, few small goats 16.5027.50 per head. Belknap Auction Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 108. Few Choice slaughter steers 63.75-66.75, individual Good at 61.00, Standard 52.00-60.00. Choice slaughter heifers 59.75-63.00, one at 65.25, one Good at 56.75. Few Utility and P.O. Box 366 Call Collect Manheim, Pa. 717-665-7150 ★ We Want To Get Acquainted With You Ask About Our Introductory Discounts! ★ DO-IT-YOURSELFERS ★ We Can Furnish You With A Complete Building Materials Package And Blueprints. Erect it your self and Save Labor Costs! State Commercial slaughter cows 47.00-50.00, few Commercial, 4-5,43.00-45.75, Cutters 43.50- d 47.50, Canner and Low Cutters 38.00-43.50. Shells down to 35.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1-2, 975-1765 lbs. slaughter bulls' 52.00-57.00, few #2, 775-925 lbs. 50.00- 51.00. Medium and Large Frame §1 320-495 lbs. feeuc; steers 60.00-71.00,670-930 lbs. 56.50-65.50. Medium and Large Frame #1,350-550 lbs. feeder heifers 57.0063.00, 690-620 lbs. 52.00-59.00. CALVES 123. dealers grading Standard $5 lower. Few Good vealers 70.00- 75.00, Standard and Good 90- 120 lbs. 65.00-75.00, (Stan dard 56.50-65.00), 65415 lbs. 50.00- Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90-125 lbs. 80.00- Beef cross bulls and heifers 70-100 lbs. 68.00- wt - 77.00. HOGS 376. Barrows and gilts $3-|4.50 lower. US No. 1- 2 210-245 lbs. barrows and gilts 46.0047.00, No. 1-3 200- 245 lbs. 44.8046.10, No. 2-3 '205-255 lbs. 44.0045.00, No. 2- 3 260-275 lbs. 40.7043.00, No. 1-3 180-200 lbs. 39.7042.80. Sows steady. US No. 1-3 260- 560 lbs. sows 38.0043.50, few No. 2-3 260-530 lbs. 29.50- 36.75. Boars 20.00-35.50. FEEDER PIGS 138. US No. 1-3 2035 lbs. 7.00-20.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 20.00-31.00, few No. 1-3 50-65 lbs. 29.0032.50 per head. SHEEP 25. Few Choice 90- 95 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 61.00-62.75, Good and Choice 60-80 lbs. 50.00-58.00. B Si
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