Livestock market and auction news Central U.S. Carlot Wednesday, September 3 Report (applied by USDA 'pared to Tuesday’s 4:30 report: Steer beef under pressure and not established after noon. Heifer beef steady-weak. Demand and trading light with most trade members taking a wait and see attitude in a cautious atmosphere. Bulk of sales to regular weekly chain store order. Sales reported on 82 loads of steer and heifer beef. STEER BEEF fO Loads FOB Omaha Basis > Choice 3: 600-900 lbs. ,112.00-113.00 early; load t 111.00 late, notest. late. Choice 2-3; 550050 lbs. YG 3 107.00-106.50; YG 2 108.00- 110.00. Chioce 4: 600-900 lbs. 101.00, load 102.00 early, steady. Choice 2-3: 600-900 lbs.' 107.00 (Hols.). Good' 2-3: 600-900 lbs. 105.00. FOB Amarillo Basis Choice 2-3: 500-700 lbs. YG 3 109.00-110.50; YG 2 110.50- 111.00. HEIFER BEEF 22 Loads FOB Omaha Basis Choice 3; 500-700 lbs. 105.00-106.00, steady-weak. Choice 4: 500-700 lbs. 100.00-101.00. Good 2-3 : 500-700 lbs. 103.00, steady. Cow beef 2.00 higher than last week to West Coast, supplies light. COW BEEF , S Loads FOB Amarillo Basis Utility: 450 & up lbs. 83.50 (West) (BRKG) 3-4, 2.00 higher than last week. PRIMAL BEEF CUTS 8 Loads FOB Omaha Basis HINDS: 120-170 lbs. 120.50. FORES; 130-210 lbs. 96.00- 97.00. BONELESS PROCESSING BBEF/BEEF TRIMMINGS 14 Loads FOB Omaha Basis 50% chem lean, fresh 73.00-74.00, mostly 74.00, strong. Compared to Tuesday’s 2:15 report: Fresh pork loins NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, Inc. - 12 Miles East of Lancaster, on Route 23, New Holland, Penna. WEEKLY FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY Sale to Start at 1 We Will Receive Your Pigs Anytime From 7 A.M. Wed. Morning State Graded Until 12 Noon. All pigs inspected by State Approved Veterinarian. State tags available at ear office for you to tag pigs at borne to save 25 cents tagging charge. Tags delivered if you call 717-554-4541 oar office la advance. Calf Sale To Be Held Every Thursday At 3:30 P.M. NORMAN KOLB ABE DIFFENBACH 717-»7-55M 717-3W-M44 14-17 lbs. mostly steady. Boston butts 441 lbs. .50 higher. Fresh hams steady -1.00 hghr. Sdls bellies 1.00- 3.00 higher. Trading light; demand light to moderate. Sales reported on 30% loads & 25% loads of trimmings and variety meats. FRESH PORK CUTS LOINS- 14/dn lbs. 95.00; 14-17 lbs. 92.50-96.00, mostly 94.00, mostly steady; 17-22 lbs. 93.00. BOSTON BUTTS: 4-8 lbs. 84.50, .50 higher. SPARE RIBS: 2-3 lbs 106.00 frozen. SKINNED HAMS; 14-17 lbs. 78.50-79.00, .50-1.00 higher; 17-20 lbs. 75 00-76.00, .50-1.00 higher; 17-20 lbs. 77.00 export; 20-26 lbs. 76.00, steady. BELLIES, SDLS: 12-14 lbs. 50.00-53.00, 1.00-3.00 higher; 14-16 lbs. 50.00-53.00, 1.00-3.00 higher; 16-18 lbs. 50.00; 18-201bs. 50.00. VARIETY MEATS FEET, TOES ON: 15.00, DELATING SKINS: 11.00 domestic; 13.50-15.00 export. PORK TRIMMINGS BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (Chemical Lean) 42% lean trimmings fresh 54.50-56.00. 42% lean trimmings frzn 55.00-56.00. 72% lean trimmings fresh 92.25. 72% lean trimmings frzn 92.50-93.00. 72% bnls picnics fresh 98.00. Peoria Cattle Wednesday, Septembers Report supplied by USDA WEEKLY CATTLE SUMMARY: Compared to last Wednesday, slaughter steers .50-1.00 lower, except steers under 1000 lbs. near steady. Heifers .50-1.00 lower. Cows sold firm to 1.00 higher. Bulls steady to 1.00 higher. Trade on slaughter steers remained slow with buyers selective. Heifers found somewhat more trade activity and demand for Choice consignments over 900 lbs. Consignments under 900 lbs. found narrow outlets and very light demand. Receipts this week 2900 as compared to 3404 last week and 3598 a year ago. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice and Prime 2-4 1100- 1150 lbs. 72.00-72.50. Choice 2- 4 1050-1250 lbs. 70.50-72.00, around one load at 73.00 during week. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 900-1050 lbs. 68.00-70.50. Good 65.0888.00. Good 1100-1250 lbs. Holstems 61.0081.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Choice, including few Prime 2-4 900-1025 lbs. 67.5089.00. Part load 1180 lbs. YG 4 at 66.00. 850850 lbs. 66.5087.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800850 lbs. 64.5086.50. Good 61.5084.50. COWS: Utility and Commercial 2-3 44.00-50.00. Cutter 41.00-47.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1000-2100 lbs. 51.00-60.00. Bulk 51.00 58.00. Lancaster Feeder Cattle Friday, August 29 Report supplied by USDA Today 728 Last Friday 375 Last Year 285 TREND; Compared to last Friday feeder steers mostly steady. Supply mcluded 333 in graded sale; sold in lots of 10 or more. FEEDER STEERS MEDIUM FRAME 1: 730-775 lbs’. 71.75-75.10; one lot 895 lbs. 69.25. LARGE FRAME 1: Couple lots 940-970 lbs. 70.10 70.85 and one lot 1045 lbs. 67.10. MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1: One lot 560 lb. 81.75; couple lots 850880 lbs. 70.1070.85. MEDIUM FRAME 1-2; One lot 530 lbs. 75.00; couple lots 620755 lbs. 69.2069.75. LARGE FRAME 1-2: One lot 582 lbs. 82.25; couple lots 850875 lbs. 66.5076.00; couple lots 900965 lbs. 63.50 64.25. MEDIUM FRAME 2: 500- 650 lbs. 70.00-75.00; couple lots 570-685 lbs. 68.50-69.75. LARGE FRAME 2: One lot 930 lbs. 59.25. MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 2: One lot 735 lbs. 68.85. LARGE FRAME 2 (HOLSTEINS): Couple lots 590-760 lbs. 55.00-56.00. FEEDER BULLS LARGE FRAME 2: Few head 545-555 lbs. 70.25-73.75. MEDIUM FRAME 1-2: Green Dragon Livestock Sales 1 mile North of Ephrata, PA cO VHS COWS COWS BUYERS FROM 3 STATES Regular consignments from Bob Kennedy & Ed Stover plus 15 other local consignors. Lots of good Northern Feeders and Stockers. SALE EVERY FRIDAY Bulls, Steers, Slaughter Cows, Lambs and Veal Calves. 11:00 A.M. - Beef Sale Stockers & Feeders 200 to 250 each week. 12:30 P.M. - Dairy Cows 7:00 P.M. - Small Animal Salr For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on the farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-^444. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor One lot 630 lbs. 65.00. LARGE FRAME 1-2: One lot 755 lbs. 58.25. Omaha Cattle Thursday, Sept 4 Report supplied by USDA Midweek prices on slaughter steers and heifers were 25-50 lower, instances 75 off, mainly on Good and Choice 1000-1075 lb. Steers and 850-925 lb. heifers. Cows were firm to 1.00 higher and bulls firm to 1.00 higher. Four Day receipts this week 10,800; last week 8,900; year ago 10,600. Most buying interests ware rather selective and were only moderately aggressive for numbers following the long Labor Day weekend. In early carcass trading, demand was reported generally light with much of the volume packer to-processor. Best demand still centered on Choice 1150- 1300 lb. yield grade 3 steers and same grade 950-1050 lb. heifers. Feeder buyers of fered only mild competition for two-way steers for a short turn in the feedlot. The overall finish of the steer and heifer supply was not par ticularly attractive with a large share Good to Average-Choice grade, including many 1050-1125 lb. steers and 875-950 lb. heifers. Steers made up ap proximately 35 pet of the week's total, and heifers 36 pet. Cows comprised 11 pet and feeders 16 pet. STEERS: Load Choice and Prime 3 with end 4 and three loads Choice 3 1186- 1299 lbs. 73.00. Chice 2-41125- 1275 lbs. 71.25-72.50; Choice 2-3 10501125 lbs. 70.5071.50. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 10001250 lbs. 69.0071.00. Good 2-3 64.50-68.50. Several consignments Good and Choice 2-3 12001350 lb. Holsteins 62.0064.50. Average of LS-214, Detailed quotations for Choice 900-1100 lb. Steers 71.25; 1100-1300 lbs. 71.91. Average cost steers this week 71.17, average weight 1125 lbs. as compared 70.90 and 1140 lbs. a week ago. Average' cost heifers 67.53, average weight 967 lbs. as compared 67.41 and 962 lbs. a week ago. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6,1980—A7 HEIFERS: Load Choice 3 1081 lbs. 69.50, several loads Choice and Prime 3-4 989- 1025 lbs. 69.0089.25, Load 950 lbs. 68.50. Choice 24 875-1050 lbs. 67.0089.00. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 850-1050 lbs. 64.5087.00. Good 23 61.00- 64.00. COWS; Utility and Commercial 24 44.5048.00, few high-dressing 48.50- 49.00. Cutter 42.5045.50. Canner and low cutter 41.50- 44.00. BULLS: 1-2 1200-2000 lbs. 52.00- few individual 1 60.00- FEEDERS: Few medium frame 1 9501050 lb. steers 67.0068.50. Oklahoma Cattle Thursday, September 4 Report supplied by USDA Estimated Receipts: 9000 Same Day Last Week: 10,636 Fairly active; feeder steers steady to 1.00 lower; feeder heifers steady. Majority receipts Medium Frame 1-2 500800 lbs. feeder steers and 400-600 lbs. heifers. Good buyer at tendance. FEEDER STEERS: Medium Frame 1300400 lbs. 87.0089.50; 400-500 lbs. 78.50 81.00; 500600 lbs. 75.0079.00; 600700 lbs. 73,0076.00, two lots 630685 lbs. 76.7077.00; 700800-lbs. 71.25-75.00, two lots 700705 lbs. 75.50; 800850 lbs. 71.0072.50; few 900925 lbs. 69.5070.00. Medium Frame 1-2 400500 lbs. 73.00 79.00; 500600 lbs. 72.5077.00; 600700 lbs. 70.0074.00; 700 800 lbs. 71.5072.00. Large Frame 1-2 lot 465 lbs. 74.75; 650800 lbs. 68.5070.25; lot 960 lbs. 66.00. Large Frame 2 600700 lbs. 66.5068.00, lot 630 lbs. 71.50; lot 810 lbs. 62.00. Large Frame 2 Holsteins lot 425 lbs. 66.75; 600700 lbs. 60.5061.50; 700800 lbs. 59.00 60.50. FEEDER HEIFERS: Medium Frame 1400-500 lbs. 66.75-71.75, lot 410 lbs. 74.25; 500-625 lbs. 65.00-69.50, mostly 66.00-69.00, few lots 635-645 lbs. fleshy 63.25- 64.00; few 700-715 lbs. 64.50- 65.75. Medium Frame 1-2 375-500 lbs. 64.75-68.00; 500- 600 lbs. 62.75-65.00, part load 580 lbs. 67.50. Large Frame 1-2 lot 420 lbs. 67.20; part load 610 1b5.'63.75. Medium TRANSPORTATION ON STOCK OR FEEDER CATTLE FROM THE SOUTH We Have 2 Possum Bellied Trailer Rigs Available. Call VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. Paradise, Pa. L. Robert Frame, Manager Phone: 717-768-8204 or Home: 215-458-5060 Call Anytime NEW HAY AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY - 1:30 P.M. Straw, Grain, Firewood, etc. HORSE AUCTION -7:30 PJN. BEIL'S SALES 1 Mi. North of York Springs on Route 15 Hay - 717-334-7724, David W. Martin, Auct./Mgr. Horse - 717-52M218, ffm. Artrip, Auct. Frame 2 lot 380 lbs. 64.75; 500*600 lbs. 60.50-63.50, package 505 lbs. 67.75. Large Frame 2 two lots 525-705 lbs. 59.60-^9.90. FOR THE WEEK: Feeder steers and heifers steady to 1.00 higher; slaughter cows steady to 1.00 higher, late sales include Utility and Commercial 2-3 43.00-47.00; Cutter 1-2 39.25-42.74; Canner and Low Cutter 36.00-40.00; Slaughter bulls closed the week steady; YG 1-2 1300-1600 lbs. 49.00-54.00. Salable receipts this holiday shortened week were" near 23,500 head compared with 37,439 head last week. Feeder steers and heifers comprised 91 percent of the total receipts; cows and bulls 9 percent. Joliet Cattle Thursday, September 4 Report supplied by USDA CATTLE: Friday through Wednesday’s salable receipts 3,900; last week 2,935, same period a year ago 3,624. Slaughter Steers ended the week mostly steady, except on good to average Choice Steers steady to .50 lower. Slaughter Heifers ended the week steady to mostly .50 lower. Cows 1.00 higher. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed high Choice and Prime 3-41150-1325 lbs. 73.00- 73.50 Tuesday; 73.50; 1 load 74.00 Wednesday. Choice 2-4 1100-1300 lbs. 72.00-73.25 Tuesday; 71.50-73.25 Wed nesday; 975-1100 lbs. 71.00- 72.00 Tuesday; 70.50-71.50 Wednesday. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 1000-1250 lbs. 70.00-71.00 Tuesday; 69.50- 70.50 Wednesday. Choice Holsteins 1300-1500 lbs. load 64.50 Tuesday; 63.5004.00 Wednesday. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Choice and Prime 2-4 900-1050 lbs. 69.00-69.50 Tuesday; 69.00, 1 load 69.50 Wednesday. Choice 2-4 850- 1000 lbs. 67.50-69.00 Tuesday; 67,00-69.00 Wednesday. Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 800-1000 lbs. 66.00-67.50 Tuesday; 65.50-67.00 Wed nesday. COWS: Utility and Commercial 1-3 44.0047.00 Tuesday; 45.0048.00 Wed nesday and Thursday. *
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