AS—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, Saptambar 6,19t0 Hay Markets Green Dragon Hay Ephrata, Pa. Friday, August 29 Report supplied by PDA 41 loads hay and 7 loads straw. Alfalfa 66.00-92.00, few to 135.00; Mixed hay 60.00- 89.00, one at 101.00; Timothy hay 57.00-86.00, one at 46.00; Clover, one load at 79.00; Orchard Grass, one at 46.00; Straw 44.00-58.00, one at 85.00; Ear Corn, 18 loads 111.00-123.00. Regional . Hay Tuesday, September 2 (All bay Nb. 2 and better, prices paid by the dealers at the farm and per ton.) Hay and straw steady to $lO higher. Alfalfa 65.00-75.00, few to 95.00; Mixed hay 45.0060.00, few to 75.00; Timothy hay 40.0055.00, few to 60.00; Straw 30.0040.00; Mulch 20.00-30.00. Beil’s Hay York Springs, Pa. Friday, August 29 Report supplied by auction light trading reported for the first sale of the new season. Alfalfa 70.0060.00 per ton; Mixed 75 cents to 95 cents per bale; Timothy 85 cents to 1.25 per bale; Straw 50.00 per ton.. Good’s Hay . Leola, Pa. Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by suction 80 loads. Corn 118.00-12S.00; Straw 50.00- Mixed 65.00- 92.00, one at 102.00; Timothy 69.00- one at 100.00; Alfalfa 100.00-125.00; Or chardgrass, one load, 65.00. New Holland Hay New Holland Salea Stables Monday, September 1 Report supplied by auction 51 loads. Alfalfa 75.00-125.00; Timothy 72.00-99.00; Mixed 40.00-129.00; Straw 46.00- 62.00; Com 123.00-131.00. F FOR SALE FEEDER PIGS! 2 State Graded - Vet Inspected | I Excellent Quality and Delivery Service | Credit Service Available x JOHN H. THOMAS, JR. I Millersvlde, Pa. 17551 Pb 717872-5646 { Complete Line of I RED ROSE Feeds * Management |Redßos«| jh] i swinc peeo I I B Program -^T (ahution Company Middleburg auction Tuesday, September 2 Report supplied by •lo tion CATTLE 276: Compared with last Tuesday’s market; High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 72.00-74.85, Choice 70.00-73.75, Good 65.00- Standard 60.00- 65.00, Utility 52.00-60.00. Choice slaughter heifers 70.00- Good 65.00-70.00, Standard 55.0045.00, Utility 52.00d5.00. JJtdity & Com mercial slaughter cows 48.00- Cutters 46.00- 50.00, Canner & Low Cutter 42.00d6.00, Shells down to 31.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 67.85-72.75, Good 60.0065.00. Yield Grade #1 slaughter bulls 58.00-65.85; yield grade #2 53.00-58.00. Good 300-600 lbs. feeder steers 65.00-90.00. ' CALVES 155: Prime vealers 95.00-102.00, Choice 90.00- Good 00.0090.00, Standard & Good 90-110 lbs. 70.00- 70-90 lbs. 60.00- 70.00. Farm calves, holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 85.00-115.00; holstein heifers 85-175 lbs. 110.00- HOGS 674: (Monday, September 2,1980). US No. 1- 2 220-240 lbs. barrows & gilts 49.25- No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 48.50-49.00, No. 2-3 190- 270 lbs. 46.60-48.00. US No. 1-3 370-605 lbs. sows 39.2543.00, No. 2-3 200-500 lbs. 30.00- 38.00. Boars 325-900 lbs. 32.25- FEEDER PIGS 308: US No. 1-3 10-20 lbs. feeder pigs 10.0020.00 per head, No. 1-3 2040 lbs. 20.0032.00 per head, Utility 100-145 lbs. 40.0044.00 cwt. SHEEP 23: Choice spring slaughter lambs 65.00-68.00, Good 60.00-65.00. Slaughter ewes 15.00-25.00. Westminster Livestock Friday, August 22 Report supplied by auction - 1035 Pigs. Compared to last month prices were $l5 to $30.00 higher. Bidding was active and prices advanced throughout sale. All pigs weighed on arrival and sold by the pound. No. 1 & 2 pigs; 45 head 25- 26 ibs. 89.00-99.00; 191 head 30-38 lbs. 72.00-90.00; 31 head 33-39 lbs. 61.00-66.00; 319 head 4049 lbs. 62.00-78.00; 334 head 50-58 lb?. 58.00- 72.00; 27 head 62-64 lbs. 66.00- 70.00; 31 head 74-88 lbs. 46.00- 57.00; 21 head9s lbs. 54.50. NEW CROP CORN! Dry or High Moisture PIEDMONT FERTILIZER call 703-371-1880 Fredbg. VA 50 mi. South of D.C Livestock market and auction news Four States Livestock Hagerstown, Md. Wednesday, August 27 Report supplied by auction $l.OO lower. Choice 67.06- 88.10; Good 61.00-66.00; Medium 60.00 Down. Cows good run, steady prices, good run, steady prices. High Yield 50.00-53.75; Average 46.00-49.00; Big Middle 42.00-45.00; Shelly 42.00 Down. Fat Bulls steady to $l.OO lower. Good 57.00- 59 00; Medium 52.00-56.00. Zeal Calves good run, $2.00 higher. Choice -90.00-96.50; Good 82.00-69.00; Medium 70.00- Farm Hfrs. to 199.00; Farm Bulls to 124.00; Light & Weak 66.00 Down. Lambs steady prices. Choice 64.00- Good 60.0063.00; Medium 59.00 Down. Heifers Choice 62.00-63.75; Good 56.0061.00; Medium 55.00 Down. STOCKER: Steers 300-550 lbs. $2.00 higher. Choice 74.00- Good 70.00-73.00; Medium 63.00-69.00; Culls 62.00 Down. Steers 600-850 lbs. Choice 68.00-70.00; Good 62.00- Medium 61.00 Down. Heifers (All Weights) Choice 61.00-64.00; Good 53.00- Medium 52.00 Down; Bulls Choice 65.00- 70.00; Good 59.00-64.00; Medium 58.00 Down. Dairy Cows to 1260.00. Springing Heifers to 1175.00. Pigs, Hd. $2.00 lower. 20-30 lbs. 8.00- 20.00; 40-60 lbs. 21.00-29.00. Sboats by Lb. to 42.25. Slaughter Hogs 50 cents lower. 210-230 lbs. 49.00- 49.85; 240-260 lbs. 48.35-49.50; 190-205 lbs. 42.00-48.00.50ws 300-500 lbs. 40.0043.50; Thin Sows 26.0036.00. Lebanon Valley Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, September 2 Report supplied by PDA CATTLE 145. Compared with last Tuesday’s market, slaughter cows steady to 50 cents higher. Few Low to Average Choice 900-1275 lbs. No. 2-3 slaughter steers 69.50- few Good 64.00- 69.25, Standard 58.00-63.00. Few Choice slaughter heifers 64.GtW7.10, few Good 59.2M1. 7 5. Utility & Com mercial slaughter cows 47.50- couple to 52.85, Cutters 45.00-49.50, Canner & Low Cutter 40.00-46.00. One Choice slaughter bullock at ATTENTION FARMERS!! SPRAY MATERIALS IM-PRUV-ALL Check Our Prices Before You Buy. MELVIN R. WEAVER 2213 Lea brook Road, Lancaster, PA 17601 Ph; 717-898-8354 orS69-6576 66.25, couple Good 62.00 and 62.35. Few Yield Grade #1 1000-1969 lbs. slaughter bulls 54.5063.25. CALVES 220. Bulk of supply returned to farm. Few Choice vealers 92.00- 106.00, few Good 72.0068.00, Standard & Good 70-95 lbs. 62.00- Farm calves, holstein bulls 85-125 lbs. 78.00- mostly 90.80 105.00; holstein heifers 80-lw lbs. 120.00-204.00, mostly 160.00- HOGS 210. Barrows & gilts $2.50 to $3.25 lower. US No. 1- 2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 47.75-48.25, couple small lots 49.25, No. 1-3 195-250 lbs. 40.854860, few lots No. 1-3 145-190 lbs. 40.2546.60. Few US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 40.2542.50. 33.00-36.00. FEEDER PIGS 25. Few Lots US No. 1-3 3045 lbs. feeder pigs 54.00-70.00 cwt. SHEEP 11. Few Choice 60- 80 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 58.5062 90, few Good 5065 lbs. 50.00-54.00. G&M Livestock Duncans villc, Pa. Monday, September 1 Report supplied by auction Compared to last week, market report steers higher, hogs weak, cows weak. DAIRY COWS; 1100.00 1300.00. STEERS: High Choice and Prime 72.0076.00; Good to Choice 68.9072.00; Stanard to Good 56.0068.00. x HEIFERS: High Choice and Prime 66.0070.00; Good to Choice 62.00-66.00; Standard 52.0062.08. FEEDERSTEERS: Good to Choice 300500 lbs. 65.00 94.00; Standard to Good Hoi. 500700 lbs. 60.0070.00. BULLS: 10001636 lbs. 58.0065.50; 9001200 lbs. 54.0060.00. COWS: High Choice Prime 48.00- few to 54.50; Good 44,00-48.00; Utility 42.00- Cutters 40.00- 42.00; Canners Down to 38.00. CALVES: High Choice 90.00- Good to Choice 80.00- Standard to Good 60.00- FARM CALVES; Hoi. Bulls 90-120 lbs. 90.00-126.00; Hoi. Heifers 40-120 lbs. 140.00- FEEDER PIGS: 15-25 lbs. 13.00- 25-50 lbs. 20.00- 29.50. HOGS; 200-240 lbs. 48.00- 51.35; 170603 lbs. 40.0047.00. SOWS: 40.0047.75. BOARS: 34.0067.75. LAMBS: 50.0064.00. SHEEP: 15.00-28.00. Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harrisonburg, Va. Saturday, August 30 Report supplied by auction STOCKER, FEEDER, AND SLAUGHTER CAT TLE: Good Light Steer Calves 88.00-93.00; Medium 82.0067.00; Plain 77.00 and down; Good Heavy Steers 65.00- Medium 60.00- 65.00; Plain 55.00 and down; Holstein Steers 51.75-57.00; Good Light Heifer Calves 68.00- Medium 63.00- 68.00; Plain 58.00 and down; Good Heavy Heifers 55.00- 59.00; Medium 50.00-55.00; Plain 45.00 and down; Slaughter Cows 45.0048.00; Utilities 40.0045.00; Canners & Cutters 35.00 and down; Milk & Stock Cjws 630.00 and down; Stock Bulls 59.50 and down; Slaughter Bulls 57.00 and down. CALVES: Veal Calves 74.50 and down; Baby Calves, 140.00 and down. SHEEP & LAMBS: Choice Blue O 68.50; Good Red O 61.00; Feeder Lambs 66.00- 67.00; Slaughter Ewes 15.25 and down. . HOGS: Top 45.60; Heavy 43.00; Light 37.25; Sows 45.50 and down; Boars 30.00. East Coast Carlot Wednesday, September 3 Report supplied by USDA Compared to Tuesday’s close: Prime special fed veal generally steady in narrow test. Good and Choice boning veal steady to weak in limited comparison; in shipped no sales reported. Spring lamb 55 lbs. down steady in limited test. VEAL CARCASS HIDE ON 80 HEAD Prime (Special Fed): 180- 240 lbs.- few 190.00-195.00, generally steady. BONING TYPE GOOD AND CHOICE HIDE ON Northeastern Suppliers FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3 OK THE FARM HOMY BRED GILT SALE Sale to start promptly at 1:00 Every 4 weeks Located 18 miles south of Lancaster, PA, 8 miles south of Quarryville, take Rt. 272 to Little Britian, turn north, follow Little Britian Rd. to Jackson Rd. 2nd farm, OR Take Rt. 222 out of Quarryville to Cedar Hill Rd. to Little Britian Rd. to Jackson Rd. Watch for sale arrows. 50 to 60 Head more or less 2 & 3 Way Crossbred Gilts York & Hampshire & Duroc Due to farrow 3 days to 4 weeks after sale date. Now everything vaccinated for both Lepto & Erysipelas, wormed and sprayed for lice. Local trucker available. No hogs sold on commission. CHRIST A. BEILER RD 2, Quarryville, PA JOHN 0. STOLTZFUS Abe Oiffenbach Auctioneer NEXT SALE DATE - OCT. 31 65-75 lbs. 106.00-110.00, all steady-weak; 55-64 lbs. 106.00- ; 45-54 lbs. 104.00- 35-44 lbs. 102.00- 34 lbs. down 100.00- Inshipped: No sales reported. SPRING LAMB CARCASS Choice & Prime 3-4 V/t Loads 55 lbs. down 143.00, steady; 55-65 lbs. few 143.00. 4 Box Loads; 55 lbs. down 143.00, carcass equivalent. CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS 14 Loads Skinned Hams; 16-20 lbs. 84.50-86.00. Semi-Boneless Hams: 14- 17 lbs. 102.50-106.00 weak, immediate ship. No. 1 sliced bacon, vacuum pack, 1 lb.. pkg. f 103.00 steady, immediate ship. Hunter’s Auction Monday, September 1 Rising Sun, Md. Report supplied by auction FEEDER HEIFERS: Good to Choice. 57.0032.50; Other 53.0056.00. BULLS: 1400 lbs. 60.00; 500800 lbs. 58.0061.00. COWS: High Choice to Prime 49.25-50.00; Good to Standard 47.5048.50; Utility 45.2547.25; Cutters 44.50 46.25; Canners 40.7543.00. CALVES: Prime 200-300 lbs. 91.00-107.00; High to Choice 140-180 lbs. 89.00 115.00; Good to Choice 120 140 lbs. 95.00-112.00; Holstein Heifers 150.00-175.00; Standard to Good 90-110 lbs. 79.00- Utility 70-85 lbs. 68.00- Low Utility 65-75 lbs. 69.00-87.00. A few Standard to Good 130.00 160.00. FEEDER PIGS: 20-25 lbs. |lO to $l6 by hd.; 3035 lbs. $lB to $24 by hd. HOGS: 180-205 lbs. '46.00 47.50; 210-2251b5. 47.75-50.00. SOWS: 38.5041.00. BOARS; 36.5039.00. LAMBS: 50.00-54.00.
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