Now’s the best time to buy Sperry New Holland balers, hay tools and windrowers. You receive a cash dividend of up to or get Free Finance until the sonal use date— it’s your choice Free Finance means you can get the machines you want now, while equipment is available, and not pay any finance charges until their seasonal use date. A great-way to insure THE SOONER YOU BUY - THE LARGER YOUR OIVIDEND CHECK ELIGIBLE MACHINES SEPT. $l5OO Bale WagonS (Models 1068,1089,1075) Model 1425 Balers SP Windrowers (Models 1100, 1400) Model 1495 h'aybine’ < Mower-Conditioner Bale Wagons (Models 1038,1063) Balers (Models 420, 425,430) Round Balers (Models 851,852) Model 500 Baler Purchases made using free finance do not qualify for a dollar dividend. However, equipment boughton the regular New Holland Purchase Plan do receive the dividend. SPERRY NEW HOLLAND $lOOO 700 650 600 VISIT YOUR SPERRY NEW HOLLAND DEALER LISTED ON THE OPPOSITE PAGE - THE SOONER YOU BUY - THE LARGER YOUR DIVIDEND CHECK! ANNOUNCES DOLLAR DIVIDEND NOV. $l3OO OCT. $l4OO 800 900 600 650 500 575 500 550 ELIGIBLE MACHINES DEC. Model 495 Mower- Conditioner, Model 114 PTWindrower Model 846 Round Balers Bale Wagons (1036, 103/) $llOO 700 Balers (Models 310,315 320) 550 Models 488 and 489 Mower-Conditioners Mower Conditioners (Models 472,474) Model 1002 Bale Wagon 425 450 Model 1052 Stack Retriever Bale Throwers, Model 90 Bale Handlers Rakes Mowers (Models 451, 456) eligible new machines. The size of your dividend depends on the model you buy, and how soon you buy it. Check this list for the models you need and the dividends you’ll get. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saptembar 6,1980— *1 ou get the tools you need for sxt spring, and enjoy tax benefits lyear. Dividends give you up to $1,500 when you purchase and pay for DOLLAR DIVIDEND SEPT. $ 600 - OCT. $ 550 500 400 350 300 100 NOV. $ 500 400 450 300 350 250 $ 200 300 $ 250 275 $ 225 $ 80 $ 70 .7 BESL $ 450 $ 350 $ 250
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