Ait— Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 6,1980 l|r % - A i - Members of Nolt family gather for presentation to Melvin. Group includes wife, Edith; daughter Sharon and her husband, Dale Sensenig; son Mike; and daughters, Nancy, Shirley and Sheila. k v Melvin Molt with “Surprise.” FARM - LAWN & GARDEN - IND. - SKID LOADERS - USED TRACTORS (1) Farmall Cubs w/ hyd. (1) Farmall A (1) Farmall Cw/Cult (2) Farmall H’s (1) Satoh 5650-G 27 HP Loaders, mowers, plows, cults., etc. available for some above USED LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS All tractors listed below have mowers. Blades, snowblowers, tillers, etc, available for some Most 16 HP are late models used two or three seasons (1)6 HP6O JD (2) 7 HP 75 Ford (1) 8 HP Ford, hydro (1)8 HPBBS Jacobsen,hydro. (1)8 HP 800 Bolens (1)10 HP 100 Ford (1) 10 HP 1050 Bolens OVER 100 NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK § Farm - Lawn & Garden - Ind. - Midsize 8 gs KELLER BROS. TRACTOR CO. BEiffl 717-949-6051 Buffalo Springs, PA 717-949-6501 Rt. 419 -1 mile West of Schaefferstown, Lebanon Co. ■*.* * Zy** * * (1) JD 730 D (1) JD 440 Dozer w/ frt blade & 3 pt. hitch (2) Ford 9N’s (1) Ford BN’s (2) Ford NAA (1) Ford 860 G (1) HP Wheel (1) 16 HP 165 Ford, Horse, hydro. hydro. (2) 12 HP 120 Fords (2) 16 HP MF’s, (1) 12 HP 126 Cub hydro. Cadet Hydro (i) is HP 716 H Allis, (1) 12 'HP 1250 hydro. Bolens * (1) 15 HP Homelite (1) 16 HP 1650 Cub w/Mower & Tiller Cadet, hydro Surprise steer (Continued from Page Al 5) distributor, Rigidply Raf ters, Inc. of Richland. Coordinator of the project was Paul Good, a neighbor at R 1 Ephrata, a salesman" for Rigidply. Contact was first made with Vintage Sales to see where the steer replica that stands in front of the auction was acquired. The name of a California firm was obtained. But a life-size replica of a Charolais costs more than the real ones which go through the auction ring. So, Wenger and Fabral chipped in with the family to bring off the much-wanted surprise. The fibreglass steer began his cross-country trip and was picked up at a shipping point near Williamsport. Last night, he came to the (l)FordB6lG (1) Ford 971 G (1) Ford 3000 (1) Ford 4000 G (1) Ford 5000 (1) Ford 355 w/ loader Japanese buying mission on Sept. 1 PHILADELPHIA - A Japanese Buying Mission aimed at helping Penn sylvania develop and expand agricultural trade has been scheduled for September 15 at the City Line Holiday Inn in Philadelphia. State Agriculture Secretary Penrose Hallowell said the Japanese Buying Mission, sponsored by the Eastern United States Agricultural and Food Export Council (EUSAFEC) and the Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, “has been designed to offer food processors an excellent opportunity to introduce their products to a number of Japanese food buyers representing' 115 million Japanese consumers.” The Japanese have in dicated that they are in- Nolt farm to complete the surprise. Now, the family must decide exactly where the Nolt mascot will reside. More than likely he’s going to stand atop the new feed ZOOK MOLASSES CO ONE STOP FOR ANIMAL FEEDING MOLASSES HONEY BROOK LIQUID & DRIED MOLASSES yt •feu ZOOK MOLASSES CO. jmST O (Ly WEST MAIN ST., HONEY BROOK, PA 19344 iSSji ALONG RT. 322 PH: 215-273-3776 ** DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED terested in the full line of food products that Penn sylvania firms have to offer, including but not limited to fresh,, frozen and canned dairy products, snack items, feedstuffs and grains. Hallbwell said Penn sylvania’s agricultural foreign trade in 1979 totaled $180.5 million, but noted that ' “export marketing is an area with room for new producers and greatly ex panded sales.” Export marketing promotion is receiving in creased emphasis from the bunk which is just east of the new barn. There, he’ll preside over' his real-life counterparts which will start filling the bam in October. It’s been a summer of many surprises for Melvin Nolt ‘ id Feed' kLi THE COMPLETE, CONVENIENT, BALANCED DIET SUPPLEMENT. OFFERS MAXIMUM NUTRITION FOR HORSES AND PONIES. ENERGI CUBES are an excellent coat conditioner for show and performance horses. solid feed \||3Br SUPPLEMENT BLOCK For Dairy And Beef Remember - ENERGI BLOCK contains Agriculture Department as a means to improve farm income and economic development in Penn sylvania. Booth space is still available for those in terested in exhibiting, their products at the Japanese Buying Mission. For further information contact the Bureau of Markets, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 2301 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110, or call 717/787-4210. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS But none will quite match “Surprise” the steer who will' stand as a permanent memorial to the caring of family, friends, neighbors and agri-businesses with a heart. le Molasses Bring your own 5 gal. bucket or drum containers or we have either one in stock for sale no salt and is not affected by the weather. mm 5 EM
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