Al6—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 6,1980 Dauphin winners BY SHEILA MILLER MIDDLETOWN - Thus year’s Dauphin County Sheep Roundup was held at the Middletown Area Fair. In the fitting and showmanship - 'Competition, Eric Kreider and Todd Kohn were awarded the cham pionship trophies respec tively. Both young men are from R 1 Palmyra. The champion market lamb was exhibited by Krista Hetrick, R 1 Palmyra. Her Hampshire lamb took first place in the heavyweight class. Kathleen Ryan, Hum melstown, showed the reserve champion market lamb, her first place lightweight entry. In the breed competition, John Snowden exhibited the champion Dorset ewe lamb. Eric Kreider’s yearling ewe followed in the reserve champion slot. And in the Southdown competition, Kathleen Ryan was tagged champion with her yearling ewe over Kim Schildt’s aged ewe, the reserve champion. Roundup and other fair results are as follows: ROUNDUP FITTING Senior 1. Eric Kreider, cham pion; 2. Kim Schildt, Elizabethtown; 3. Todd Kohr; 4. John Snowden, R 1 Hershey. Intermediate 1. Krista Hetrick; 2. Matt Hetrick, R 1 Palmyra; 3. Kathleen Ryan; 4. Joe Ryan, Hummelstown; 5. David Fenicle. Beginners 1. Holly Gumpher, R 1 Hershey; 2. Kristen Van- Wagner, Dauphin; 3. Todd Van Wagner, Dauphin; 4. Schildt Angie Elizabethtown. SHOWMANSHIP Senior 1. Todd Kohr, champion; 2. John Snowden; 3. Kim Schildt; 4. EricKreider. Intermediate 1. Kathleen Ryan; 2. Krista Hetrick; 3. David Fenide; 4. Matt Hetrick. jyu was the champion fitter in the 4-H competition with his February lamb “Light”. His aged ewe entry was tagged Reserve Grand Champion Dorset ewe in the breed classes. At Middletown Fair Co. 4-H Sheep join dairy, beef Ten-year-old Krista Hetrick, R 1 Palmyra, took home her first grand cham pionship trophy with her top ranking market lamb, “Joey”. Blue ribbons in the 4-H Dairy show at the Middletown Fair went to: Tina Campbell, Middletown, left, with her junior calf “Spots"; Michelle Mock, Mid dletown, with her junior calf “Tasha"; and Danielle Kell, Middletown, with her junior calf “Noodles”. Beginners 1. Todd Van Wagner; 2. Kristen Van Wagner; 3. Holly Gumpher; 4. Angie Schildt. MARKETLAMBS Lightweight* 1. Kathleen Ryan; 2. Holly Gumpher; 3. Eric Kreider; 4. John Snowden; 5. Angie Schildt. y<- Hummelstown. exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Market lamb. Roundup exhibitors Heavyweights 1. Krista Hetrick; 2. Matt Hetrick; 3. Todd Van- Wagner; 4. Joe Ryan; 5. Kristen Van Wagner. (Turn to Page Al 9) See your nearest HOLLAIND Dealer for Dependable Equipment and Dependable Service: Alazanftia. PA Clapper Farm Equipment Star Route 814-669-4465 Annvilte. Pi Farm Equipment, Inc. RD.I 717-867-2211 Beavertowti. PA Ben H. Walter Bea vert own, PA 717-658-7024 Bemville. PA Stanley A- Klopp, Inc Bemville, PA 215-488-1510 BielerviHe. PA Nelson Farm Supply, Inc Biglerville, PA 717-677-8144 Carlisle. PA Paul Shovers, Inc 35 East Willow Street 717-243-2686 Catawissa.PA Abraczmskas Farm Equipment, Inc. R.D.I 717-356-2323 Chambersburg. PA Clugston Implement, Inc. 3213 Black Gapßd 717-263-4103 O; lavidsfaurK. PA George N Gross, Inc R D. 2, Dover, PA 717-292-1673 Elizabethtown, PA Messick Farm Equipment, Inc Rt. 283 - Rheem's Exit 717-367-1319 Gettysburg. PA Yingling Implements RD.9 717-359-4848 Greencastle. PA Meyers Implement's Inc 400 N Antrim Way PO Box 97 717-597 2176 Halifax. PA Sweigard Bros RD 3, Box 13 717-896-3414 Honey Brook. PA Dependable Motor Co East Main Street 215-273-3131 215 273-3737 Honev Grove. PA Norman D ClarkS Son, Inc Honey Grove, I 717-734-3682 Himhesvrile. PA Farnsworth Farm Supplies, Inc 103 Cemetery Street 717-584-2106 Lancaster. PA L H Brubaker, Inc 350 Strasburg Pike 717-397-5179 Lebanon. PA Evergreen Tractor Co , Inc 30 Evergreen Road 717-272-4641 UtitoPA Roy A. Brubaker 700 Wood crest Avenue 717-626-7766 LoysviHe. PA PaulShovers, Inc Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 Lynnoort. PA Kerthit K Kistler, Inc Lynnport, PA 215-298-2011 Mill Hall PA PaulA. Dotterer R.D.I 717-726-3471 Nazareth. PA Edwards Farm Equipment 291 W. Moorestown Rd 215-759-0240 New Holland. PA A.B.C. Groff, Inc 110 South Railroad 717-354-4191 PyifikPA. Wentz Farm Supplies, Inc Rt 29 215-679-7164 Pitman. PA Marlin W Schrettler Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 Pleasant Gao. PA Brooks Ford Tractor W. College Ave. 814-359-2751 Ouarrwille. PA C.E Wiley & Son, Inc 101 South Lime Street 717-786-2895 Reedsville. PA Big Valley Sales & Service, Inc PO 80x548 717-667-3944 Rinat own. PA Rmgtown Farm Equipment Rmgtown, PA 717-889-3184 Shipoewburp. PA R.B. Miller. Inc. N Seneca St 717-532-4178 Silverdale. PA I G Sales " Box 149 215-257-5135 Tamaqua. PA Charles S Snyder, Inc RD 3 717-386-5945 West Chester. PA M S Yearsley&Son 114-116 East Market Street 215-696-2990 West Grove. PA SG Lewis & Son, Inc R D 2, Box 66 215-869-2214 Churchville. MD Walter G Coale, Inc 2849-53 Churchville Rd 301-734-7722 Ris>ntSun.MD Ag -Ind Equipment Co, Inc RD 2,Route273East 301-398-6132 301-658-5568 Bridgeton, NJ Leslie G. Fogg, Inc Canton & Stow Creek Landing Rds RD 3 609-451-2727 Woodstown. NJ Owen Supply Co Broad Street & East Avenue 609-769-0308
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