346—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980 MAIIB X MARKET j S -or Sale- AKC 3 month old cocker Spaniel female Lane Co 717-859-3053 For Sale- 3 year old Belgian work hcrse broke to work gelding $llOO 00 Lane. Co 215-486-2517 For Sale- Int TD6 crawler, with manure loader, also PTO & pulley Lane Co 215-445-6186 For Sale- 18 ft Rissler Conveyor $370, and 12 ton feed bin like new $2lOO 717-367-3550 Wanted- Used hood for 165 MF tractor Lancaster County 717-738-$327 For Sale- Fox forage chopper - PTO hopper blower - Patz 14’ -16 silo ' unloader - N H tank spreader - No reasonable offer refused Warren Co N J 201-859-2732 Wanted- Used hood for 165 MF tractor Lancaster County 717-738-5327 For Sale- Fdx forage chopper - PTO hopper blower - Patz 14' -16' silo unloader - N H tank spreader - No reasonable offer refused Warren Co N J 201-859-2732 For Sale- NH 1880 self propelled diesel harvester w/cab, 3 row narrow & pickup, good cond 717- 727-5555 For Sale- Bred’ Holstein - Jersey cross heifer Due in Oct Will sacrifice for $BOO 717-646-8739 Monroe Co For Sale- Nl 272 Cut drtioner $1,895, N H 276 baler $2,695, NH 256 rake $1,295, all like new Lane Co 717-548-2559 GOATS Pure Togg buck '«d $lOO, Milkers $75- 150 Feb & March doe kids $BO up Good brood sow $lOO 609-694-1487 Gloucester Co Wanted- Ford combine senes 622, 630, 640, or 642 in good cond 814- 735-3293 F B Otto, Bedford Co Wanted- Buy or borrow owner or operator manual for David Bradley garden tractor and implements Joe May, RD2 Box 217, Lincoln DE 19960 302- 422-9529 Magnum Nubians Bucks and does for sale Top show & milk lines (over 4000 lbs) Adams Co 717-642-8195 after 7 pm For Sale- Outstanding gentle Reg Quarter Gelding 4-H Winner, English or Western Horse Trailer M Langner 201- 859-0790 Phillipsburg, N J For Sale- 4 units Round Oak Rag Apple Elevation, semen $3OO each, call 215-926-1520, Berks Co 1 H C 560 gas tractor, 65 h p with belt pulley and steel wheels Christ S Millet, Rl, Paradise, Pa For Sale- Int 3300 series B skid loader, good tires, $3500 B AC w/plow & cultivators & 3 pt hitch, $1,050 717-244-8702 For Sale- 700 Bright oats straw under cover, 75 cents per bale or 40 00 ton at farm 30 ft con veyor for silo, 11/?I 1 /? h p 200 00 Kent Co, Md 301-778-3657 Complete sow herd, 70 gilts & sows & 4 boars Call 717-898-2509 Single person, 18-26, wanted on general and veal farm Salary plus benefits, room & board Bedford Co 814-784 3158 For Sale- 11 ft Bril lion single cultipacker, $650, Killbros 300 gram bin, $695, 100 bu gram cart $250, Bxl6 wood hay wagon 717 536 3171 eve For Sale JD 55 combine, 12 ft head, fair cond, $lOOO, Oliver 2 row wide mtd corn picker, Mod 74 H good $BOO Luz Co 717 868 5263 after 500 p m For Sale Torn down Ribstone Silo 18’x50’ $2500 301 778-0203 Wanted for taking down brick house or large shed mailbox mabket For Sale- Home built horse trailer, 3x6xB feet long, needs canvas top, excellent buy at $175, Chester Co 215-857- 5757 For Sale- No 7 MC silage cutter in good condition also 1 yr old Hoi .bull, out of Superior, would register Amos F Lapp, N Maple Ave, Leo la, RDI, Pa 17540 For Sale- Pony & Harness good driver Lane Co 717-656-9230 For Sale- 2 ton com mercial floor jack, two months old 400 00 or best offer 717-259-9983 after 3pm For Sale- Oliver 3 bottom 14” trip back trailer plow Dauphin Co 717-564- 2469 For Sale- Generator, gas turbine, 45 kw, 600 cycle, mounted on aluminum skids and enclosed Very good condition, $2200, 301-838-6196 For Sale- AC #302 Baler w/throwet & pto, $6OO Case #I7OA Spreader w/PTO, $4OO Chester Co 215-932 8132 215-932- 8766 after 6 pm S Sun days _ For Sale- 500 gal bulk milk tank, Dan-Kool direct expansion Lackawanna Co 717-842-9840 For Sale- JD #35 Forage Chopper with one row corn head and 1 year old hay pick-up head Completely rebuilt Warren Co. 201-496-4325 or 496-4239 For Sale- New Holland 1 row field chopper #616 both heads excellent $475 00 JD Plpw, pull type 3 bottom, I|4” #77 trip on hitch $275 Hunterdon Co 201 782- 3671 For Sale- AKC Doberman pups 5 wks Black & rust, red & rust Emanuel Flaud, 3061 Old Phila Pike, Bird-m Hand, Lane Co Pa For Sale- Keenco chain feeder, 22-10 ft sections 10 Jamesway gas brooder stoves Lane Co 717- 665-4132 Wanted- Experienced farm family wants steady farm job with benefits Has 2 boys 16 and 23 yrs old willing to help 717- 896 3270 For Sale- Barsoy barley seed Grown from last years certified seed Cleaned and treated $4 25 Lane Co 717-569- 0772 or Leb Co 717-949- 3908 For Sale- 2 Holstein springing heifers, 1 due Sept other one Jan Benue! S Esh, Rooks #2 Peach Lane, Lane Co Pa 17572 For Sale- Goats 4 doe kids, $5O each, 1 castrated, disbudded buck kid, $35 Lane Co 717-738-1739 evenings For Sale- New Idea two row narrow with super shelter $4200 00 Talerway heavy duty chisel plow 10 ft clean $ll5O 00 Lane Co 215 267-6547 For Sale- Tobacco lathe, Lane Co 717 665 4743 For Sale- Roscamp rollermill used 3 yrs 5 h p motor Good cond Berks Co 215 562-4161 For Sale Black Angus bull 2Vi yrs old not registered Berks Co 215 779 7326 For Sale- International Hi 6 corn harvester 9 knives, good cond $3OO Starlme Model 70 20 ft silo unloader new auger and fan, no motor $5OO Berks Co 215 926 3435 For Sale JD 216 Forage wagon, 3 beaters, hi flotation tires 10 ton running gear roof like new, $2700 or best offer CA Allis Chalmers Best offer, Lane Co 717-665 3865 For Sale 12 whole hog feeder single row 2 Smidley, 1 Newmenstown excellent cond , Lane Co 717 626 7857 MAILBOX MABKET Wanted front axle and steering to convet Ford F -850 through F-1000 truck to power steering 1958 thru 1966 will fit 717- 998-2260 eves Lycoming Co Wanted- Good used reasonable priced, metal lathe 20" swing or larger, also wanted cutters for Cmcmatta milling machine 717-524-5894 For Sale 73 F-350 flat dump, 75 F-350 steel dump, 72 GMC cab 33,000 gross, 68 F-600 14’ dump, 66 Int with 14’ ref body 717 692-4444 Dauphin Co For Sale- AKC English" Bulldog puppies, champion, blood line shots & wormed, very friendly 717 354-5360 Lane Co For Sale- Reg Charolais bull, polled Alfalfa John breeding 1 row MF corn picker Can be repaired or for parts 717-889-3314 Col C Call 8-12 FOR LEASE- Five well grown Holstein heifers due end of Sept Available to herd in Lancaster Co 717-687-8893 at 8 AM For Sale- Two springing trade Holstein heifers nyder Co Bruce N Hummer, RD3 Mid dle Wanted- Com sheller, old McCormick Deenng - 1 hole type Prefer with motor and crank 814 857-7303 Clearfield Co Tequea Manure Spreader forisale, new in Feb 1979 $lBOO. Enos K Miller, White ’Oak Rd, RDI Paradise, Pa 17562 For Sale- Guernsey cow, fresh, Ist calf, ready to breed, gentle, nice family cow $590 Chester Co 215-383-0577 For Sale- Massey Ferguson 44 wide row 1976 corn head, quick' attachment, low profile Salem Co 609-358-8528 For Sale-1978 Chevy CIO Pickup,6 cylinder, regular gas, nice cap, power steering, 20,000 miles showroom condition 215- 789-7051 Wanted- SPII Surge Vacuum pumps Also electric meat sheers, motor must not work John L Stoltzfus, Box 125 B, Cochranville, Pa 19330 For Sale- 56 Feeder pigs, $2O each 717-865-5968 Wanted- Parts for Case-D tractor, will trade 12-26 wheels rubber for steel 215-445-4463 For Sale- Backhoe & loader International 344 H diesel 962 hrs excellent in every way, well cared for $12,500 Loudoun Co 703-777-1520 For Sale- Snapper Riding mower, 8 hp 26 inch cut, rear bagger, extra blades, $250 Berks Co 215-693- 5375 Wanted- Round wire corn crib size about 800 bu Lane Co 717-665-6647 For Sale- l'/un Vacuum line for 24 cows with 2 regulator and gauge $B5 00 for all Lane Co 717-733-7274 For Sale- Farmall Super C tractor w/cultivator and fast hitch, $lOOO or good effer, New Holland rollaway drag $llO, 50 ft 8 in silo blower pipe Rye $4 75 bu York Co 717- 637 0206 or 637 4887 Wanted- Diamond-Reo truck motor, 6 cylinder, no 200, quote price & condition Lane Co 717- 786 3782 Wanted- 12 Foot Pick UP Reel for a MF 92 com bine Robert Hoch, 23 River Dr, Titusville, N J 08560 For Sale 8000 pullets, 20 weeks old, Nov 12, 1980 Deposit will hold Order now and save 717 626 8257 For Sale Dairyman to work for 120 cow herd, S York Co Can be husband and or wife Salary plus bonus & benefits 717 862 3970 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale- 1 nice Hereford bull approx 650 lb has bred heifers 1 crop or chard grass hay $lOO per bale 1 set 8’ utility boxes $65-00 (used) 301-328- 2510 Wanted- Coal or wood burning stove with hot water heat Lawrence Weaver, East Earl R#2, Pa Lane Co For Sale- 1 manure spreader, 1 com picker $l5O 00 each, no checks Lane Co 717-786-7116 For Sale- 200 Sex Sal & 200 XL Dekalb pullets, will sell any amount Abram King Vz mi South of Rocky Springs, 881 Eshelman Mill Rd , Lancaster, Pa 17602, Fo. j.lp Haines 16 ft .bulk body on 10 'fon*‘running . Must sell Northumberwncr'Owi 717-758-2988 For Sale- PJI Fetter Diesel 1125 hp $550 also Freeman Bushog loader with h d pump $975 Lane Co 717-626- 7423 For Sale- Papec silo-f'ller, 16” with pipe, good cond and under cover $lOO Bucks Co 215 847-2619 Wanted- Sheller at tachment for New Holland Model #352 Grinder Mixer, in good condition Harford Co Md 301 692- 6526 For Sale- Daughter of Ivanhoe Star, due with second calf to Marvex First lactation record in 303 days 15,395 milk 717-354-9634 For Sale- 1969 GMC dump truck 16 ft gram bed with 20 ton hoist Wanted- Wet line for truck tractor Leb Co 717-838- 5517 For Sale- No 7 corn sheller John Deere Smooth mouth mule, and rye Lane Co 717-354- 6522 For Sale- Registered Berkshire Pigs 12 weeks, 7 boars, 2 gilts, $75 00 ea York Co 717-432- 2704 For Sale- Step-van, aluminum, new paint inside and out, good condition, side windows for camping, hitch, bottle holder 51000 or best offer Franklin Co 717- 349-7610 For Sale-1956 Dodge 10 ton farm truck 14’ flatbed dump with racks Tioga Co 717-724-1344 For Sale- Swine herd 21 sows & gilts, 2 boars and feeder pigs Carroll Co Md 301-795 2609 For Sale- Dump con version kit, complete kit to convert standard Ford, Chevy, Dodge or GMC pick-up to a dump truck Northampton Co 215- 767-9039 For Sale- Belgians 1 Gelding 27 month, 1 Stallion 29 month, 3 yr mare bred Bedford Co 814-784-5872 For Sale Westgo rock picker new condition $1,150 00 234 corn picker good condition $1,500 00 469 NH haybme knife $35 00 Chester Co 215-286 9391 For Sale- Guernsey family cow, due by time of this ad $750 Lane Co 215 445-6423 For Sale- Good wheat straw 700 bales, all or part Mercer Co 609-737- 2073 ' For Sale Small earth mover pan with tractor, good cond $l5OO Col Co 717-784-1779 For Sale Nine rare Brown Chinese geese $2O each or $l5O for all Sam Troyer, Mt Pleasant Mills, Pa Snyder Co For Sale Int 650 Har vester w/screen & 2 tow corn head Int 56 blower Both in new cond Washington Co , Md 301 842-2392- Wanted Set or partial set of Spode bone china Dorothy Perkins pattern E Clair Fisher, RDI Box 229, Lewistown Pa 17044 717 248 7658 Mifflin Co SUMMER SIZZLERS! Select From This List of New Tractors TODAY, And Buy at YESTERDAY'S PRICES! PLUS - WAIVER OF FINANCE TILL MARCH 1.1981 ■ 784 Diesel TA ■ Hydro 84 Diesel ■ 584 Diesel, All Wheel ■ 884 Diesel TA ■ 3588 All Wheel Drive Drive ■ 384 Diesel ■ 584 Diesel Also The Following Equipment At Yesterday’s Prices: ■ 2250 Loader ■ 1250 Grinder Mixer ■56 Blowers ■ 720 & 830 Harvesters ■ 120 Forage Wagon , ■ 1190 Mower Conditioner WAIVER OF FINANCE AVAILABLE ON MOST EQUIPMENT INCLUDING HAY TOOLS > Famuli 4600, 2 pt Hrtch, Over- JDA hauled _ JD 630 Farmall 400 new paint 955 d w/cab, low hours, guaranteed Farmall 350 Diesel AC WD4S - Excellent , i » > Farmall M.-late model, new paint 8275 D,esel. new ti es,™ PWrt lnt Djese , utlhty . paint Int 8414 w/New Idea Loader & Hyd lnt 3400 Diesel Loader BacKhoe Ford Tractor w/,oader 4 tackhoe ★ WAIVER OF FINANCE TILL MARCH 1,1981 lnt. 2513 pt. Hitch 2 row Planter Oliver 18x7 Grain Drill MF 3 Bot. 14” Plow, 3 pt. Hitch JD 3 Bot. 14” Plow. 3 pt. Hitch White 348 Cushion Trip 316 Plow JDKBA Disk Harrow JD 16x7 Gram Drill USED HAY A IMP FORAGE EQUIPMENT Int. 56 Forage Blower JD 160 Forage Blower Hesston PT 10,9 ft. Mower Conditioner Int. 46 Baler w/thrower, excel, lnt. 2MH Cornpicker pS. INI. 3400 DIESEL LOADER DACKHOE Very Low Hours, PAA l4ft. Digging Depth ■ Wf & W TRUCKLOAD OF PLOW PARTS Take advantage Of Our Special Prices On These Plow Parts Now Dunham LehrCuKimulcher, 12 ft. Int. 205 Combine w/Grain Platform 1 2 Row Cornhead Int. 450 Auto. Reset Plow, 3-16 9 tooth Taylorway Chisel Plow JD 2 hot. 16” Plow, 3 pt. hitch JD 5 hot. 18" Plow, hillside hitch #IOIH Gram Drill, 13x7 Dion Forage Wagon with roof and running gear NH 717 Forage Harvester, 1 row Fox 546 w/2 Row Cornhead and 7 ft Hay Head JD 336 Baler w/#3O ejector, 1979 model / k
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