General farms in northern Dauphin County Various sizes, locations with and without buildings, streams or road frontage JCT Realty, Inc. Millersburg, Pa Call Don Miller. Salesman (717)896-3252 CHESTER CO. Cochranville Former country store, being used as an antique shop. Brick construction with 2 apartments on second floor Con venient to Rt 41 & 10 Priced to sell $50,000 Robeit C. Beam Real Estate 215-273-3071 LYCOMING COUNTY 103 acre, 38 stanchion dairy farm, barn cleaner, 600 gal bulk tank, 44x48 loafing area, financing available at 9% interest. DAUPHIN COUNTY 58 acre dairy, space for 30 cows, 3 silos & equipment buildings, loafing area or steer stable. 30 acres more can be leased. Finan cing at 9%. CLINTON COUNTY 1 140 acres, $7OO per acre. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Dewart. 97 acres, nver bottom soil, 56 stanchion dairy COLUMBIA COUNTY 70 acres, general, 52 acres tillable. DONALD R. WITWER REAL ESTATE Ephrata, Pa. - Office 717-733-4138 or 215-267-7963 110-ACRE DAIRY OPERATION in Nor thumberland County. 5- bedroom frame home, Ibank bam with straw shed attached. Bulk tank and pipe line. Several miscellaneous outbuildings plus new 12 x 40 silo. 100-105 acres tillable. $160,000. HORSE FARM 3- bedroom brick home plus solid bank bam with attached straw sh ed and dirt floor on 17.8 acres of land (mostly open). Stream through property. Near Tur botville. $69,500. After hours: Walter H. Clemens, RES 437-2167. R.V. CAMPSITE along 1-80 near US 15.45 acres with 88 unproved sites. A-frame store with 2- bedroom apartment, rec room, laundromat and bath house. In ground pool. 3 acre stocked pond. 60 x 110 social haU. $150,000. THEFAIRMAN AGENCY 210 Mam Street Watsontown, PA 17777 Phone 538-2582 REAL ESTATE (k_M FARMS&LAND Vl ★ 600 acres Northumberland Co Owner financing ★ 160 Acres Huntingdon Co $120,000 ★ Farm Equip dealership ★55 Acres Cumberland Co $lOO,OOO ★ 288 Unit Veal Calf set-up, Mifflin Co. $125,000 ★ 40 acres Lancaster Co I *46 Acre" Lancaster Co I FARM & HOME REAL ESTATE \ —m Smoketown, PA J 717-291-2270 J fj RECENT FARM LISTINGS LANCASTER COUNTY 45 Acre Poultry Farm with total 31,200 layer capacity, bank barn with silo, Butler implement building, 3 bedroom dwelling and more in MarticTwp 70 Acre General Farm in the midst of Amish country Stone house and frame barn ColeramTwp 188 Acre Farm with stone house, large implement shed and other miscellaneous buildings Approximately 120 tillable acres Could make 2 farms in Fulton Twp CHESTER COUNTY 87V2 Nearly Level Acres with house and barn in Cochranville Owner financing available YORK COUNTY 130 Acres with farm house and barn ChancefordTwp OnluiK INCLUDES 38 MILKERS. 38 YOUNG STOCK, full line of equipment plus 4 tractors 200 acre Otsego County farm good honeyoye soils. 39 cow barn w/dump station, cleaner, silo New furnace in 4 bedroom home $200,000 complete IMMACULATE FAMILY INN on U S Highway, seats over 100, decorate and furnished in exquisite taste Even has 9 rental rooms $125,000 with $25,000 down BEAUTIFUL SETTING OVERLOOKING MOHAWK RIVER: 178 acres, 120 tillable, good for cash cropping Barn milks around 40, has new cleaner and bulk tank, nice one-man operation 9 room colonial recently remodeled, has btfl views. $137,500 with terms offered by owner $23,000 DOWN and holding mortgage on this 151 acre dairy 35 cow barn has cleaner & mow elevator, shed for heifers 9 room home with oil heat $90,000 bare or $llO,OOO with equipment EXCEPTIONAL SET-UP for 156 milkers, 2” pipeline, automatic feeding, 40 free stall heifer barn 476 acres, 300 tillable, suitable cash crops Fine 10 room home w/apt plus tenant house Fully stocked and equipped $580,000 FREE DAIRY LISTS. ALSO SMALL FARM OR ACREAGE LISTS. E WIMPLE REALTORS SLOANSVILLE, NY 518-875-6355 REALTOR' REAL ESTATE . f ’ REAL ESTATE \ 86 acre Germania Potter County farm 50 acres tillable 36 acres pasture and woods 40'x60’ frame hay barn with old dairy and horse stalls 30'x60’ Butler style barn concrete floor set up to reed beef Excellent two story farm house 3 bedrooms 2 baths modern kitchen Small spring run and a picture book setting Price $89,500 #G 3808 Tioga County Classic two story completely remodeled frame farm house new condition with old fashion charm 2 fireplaces 2 baths Rural solitude but short distance to town for schools and shopping 200 acres 150 tillable and pasture 50 acres woods Old barn and frame garage Small pond springs and small stream To top it all off there is a 30'x30’ log cabin built in 1834 with huge fieldstone fireplace all in excellent restored con dition $149 500 takes it all Come look you won't believe it #G 3802 2032 Wilderness Acres 5 mi of road frontage, 3 mi of interior roads 6 acre lake Complete timber appraisal Over 4 000 000 bd ft of timber Stone quarries Mineral rights included One of the few big ones left Located in recreation area of north eastern Pa Small frontage on Delaware River Excellent long term investment potential Price $1 200 000 #G 3812 STEVENS Associates, Inc. R D #1 Box 158, Gaines, Pa 16921 Ph: (814) 435-6558 SOMERSET COUNTY A good dairying area, 10 milesi north of Cumberland, MD dairy barn with 50 stanchions, 2" stainless pipeline milking system, bulk tank, 2 silos with unloaders, machine shed with heated section Cheerfully remodeled home, 3 bedrooms, IVz baths, large kit chen, living room, family room with fireplace, many extras 125 acres in high state of cultivation Will grow corn, alfalfa, oats, and soybeans 35 acres of pasture land, 90 acres of woodland Owner financing for qualified buyer $350,000. BEDFORD COUNTY Looking for a good BEEF, HORSE or SHEEP Farm? Here it is l 130 tillable acres in hay and pasture with streams, 120 acres of timberland with good standing timber, 55x65 barn, a large 2Vz story house Other buildings adaptable for beef operation $250,000. HUNTING LAND 90 acres in Mifflin County with 28x40 cabin Eight miles south of Lewistown Good hunting $70,000. CLINTON COUNTY 109 acres of woodland, clean, gentle slope, spring, financing available only $65,500. • 61 ACRES OF WOOD Brecknock Twp., Lancaster and Berks County, bet ween Alleghneyville and Route 625. Secluded... $48,800. Jesse D. Ziegler 915-488-7372 Office number 717-733-6501 REAL ESTATE Ephrata, PA Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 16,1980—845 REAL ESTATE N.Y. FARM #B5 - 770 acre dairy farm with app 640 tillable “large level fields”. 170 cow free stall complex w/double six Herringbone parlor. 3 silos w/unloaders to auto-feeding system Good shop & tool shed Also 89 stall conv hfr barn 3 good houses me a beautiful 9 room 4 b r brick home with oil heat, fireplace & attached garage and a nice 3 br Ranch “new 75”. Also another brick house & older wood frame house A beautiful set of buildings. Priced to sell at $445,000 Available complete with 260 Holstems & full line of clean mach at $780,000 BOYD A. RESSEGUIE LIC. R.E. BROKER PH. TULLY 315-696-8446 644 Acres, 4 Harvestores, 24x80 con crete, 120 tie stalls, modern double 6 parlor, honeoye soil, 2 houses, grossing over $250,000 Complete $995,000 673 Acres, 183 free stalls, room for over 100 heifers, 3 good houses, excellent operation $600,000. 450 Acres, 170 free stalls, automated, 25x80 and 20x70 Harvestores, 3 con crete, 2 good houses, complete w/200 head 18,000 lb. herd $695,000 800 Acres, 200 free stalls, 25x80 Har vestore, large bunker, 2 homes, trailer, excellent location $485,000 minimum down. 206 Acres, barn for 80 plus heifer barn, near N Y thruway, good solid 4 bedroom house $175,000 132 Acres, large basement barn, silo, 2 good homes $128,500 Mostly Owner Financing with Minimum Down Samples-Try Us MAL-TUT REAL ESTATE Auburn, New York Call 8 to 10 P.M. 315-364-8311 or write Roy A. Tuttle, Broker Box 338. King Ferry, N.Y. 13081 MAILBOX MARKET For Sale Horse farm w/board riding ring, corral, new 51x87V? barn, old Dutch barn, sound farm house, productive 80 acres spring creek 717 437-2368 Montour Co For Sale- Uni System 726 Husking Bed and 720 Head, extra good cond 302-734-4504 Kent Co For Sale- Alfalfa hay first and second cuttings, approx 4 tons 215-256- 9450 after 6 PM Harleysville, Montgomery Co Free Kittens, 8 to 16 weeks old Healthy Montour Co 717-437- 2457 For Sale AC 10’ wheel type disk harrow, good cond AC 3 btm 3 pt slat btm plow Lane Co 717- 785-7143 For Sale 5 yr old Standardbred carriage horse, safe and sound VF4 Wis motor w/clutch reduction Harvey Martin, RDI New Holland, Pa For Sale- Yearling work horse colt, also stud service Registered Belgian Stud 17 hands Stephen Fisher, Quarryville #3 May Post Office Rd , Lane Co For Sale 1800 bushel round wire corn crib Good cond , $475 firm York Co 717-292-6944 For Sale 5 acres of open land w/road frontage Southwest of Millersville 717-872-4565, Lane Co For Sale Geese Breeding pairs of Brown/White, Chinese, African and Embden Chickens Light Brahmas Sellersville 215-257-3879 eves MAILBOX MARKET Used Oil Hot Water Furnace with baseboard, also used windows & doors York Co 717-432- 2752 For Sale- #33 bale thrower for AC 303 baler $250, IH #7 Hay crusher $5O, David Bradley belt powered corn shelter $5O Lehigh Co 215-756-6103 For Sale Owatonna Model 25 Haybme $l5OO or best offer Juniata Co 717- 444 3084 Wanted to Buy Small egg washer 717-665-3393 Wanted- Large tank or trailer, suitable for liquid fert, stainless steel, fiberglass or glasslmecf 717-249-2300 For Sale Massey Ferguson 1080 Diesel, 85 hp, factory cab, 9 ft snow blade mounted A-l cond Call anytime 717- 532-5287 Cumberland Co For Sale- 3020 gas JD tractor, very good cond , narrow front end $4500 3 hp milk cooler com pressor, like new $3OO 717-784-5226 For Sale Behlen 1685 bu corn crib, new, never erected, 40' Zimmerman elevator, never used Franklin Co 717 328- 3429 For Sale- 300 to 400 Coturmx Quail starting to lay Also Coturmx eggs by the hundreds Will have several kinds pheasants later Lester Hammond, 717-349-7436 after 7 30 p m Franklin Co For Sale App 1000 bu ear corn $lO5 per ton, New oats $195 bu, feeder pigs, Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire cross. $2O York Co 717 432 3382 after 6pm
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