—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 24,1977 94 New DHIA record set NEW BLOOMFIELD - Carl McMillen’s, Loysville, HI herd of 67 registered Holstein cows led the Perry County Dairy Herd Im provement Association program herds in average butterfat per cow at 717 pounds in 1977. Ray Mc- Millen had the highest average milk production with 18,975 pounds per cow. His 68 cows set an all time county record in this category. According to County Agent Roy F. Snyder, the group had an average of 3,231 cows producing 15,063 pounds of Farm tax meetings set Farmers and tax prac titioners who are interested in increasing their knowledge in income tax reporting and tax management may attend a training meeting sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Cooperative Extension Service. Dr. Jesse G. Cooper, assistant professor of Farm Management Extension and Dr. Wayne B. Kelly, professor of Farm NOW! FALL APPLICATION Early Purchase Period ★ 30% Hit Solutions • Track load or LTL Prices available. Delivered te year storage tank. Corn Starter Fertilizer Pram. Grades • with Mg.S. Other minor elements added on request December Prices Pre-Payment incentives Your money wmks all winter Dec. payment earns the most Pesticides: Anything for com Early prices avail. Limestone: Field spread. Apply: Ammonia & P & K this winter. OPEN MON THRUFRI 7 30 to 4 30 • SAT. TILL NOON r || f BULK BLENDS"^) \a fmirliliWfimnm X I anhydrous ammonia J 2313 Norman Rd., Lancaster, PA butterfat which is an all time high in all three figures. Carl McMillen was elected president of the Perry County Dairy Herd Im provement Association succeeding Max Reapsome, Loysville. Ben Dum, Elhottsburg Rl, was elected vice president and Roy Hall of Millerstown, Rl, and Walter Stydmger, Elliott sburg Rl, were reelected secretary and treasurer respectively. Richard Bratton, Millerstown Rl, and Nevin Rice, Blain, were also named directors for 1978. Clarence Stauffer, field representative of the Holsteui Friesian Assoc, of America, spoke to the group and presented a movie on “Functional Type for a Bonnie Khng, 4-H dairy Dairy Cow”. Management Extension will be presenting the meeting on January 3 at the Country Cupboard Restaurant, Lewisburg; January 25 at the Farm and Home Center, Lancaster and January 26 at the Embers Restaurant, Carlisle. Preregistration is requested 2 weeks in ad vance of the meeting date. For more information please contact your county agent. And Cfiristmas Joy A light, bright, merry, fun-filled Christmas to you all . from os ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. in Perry County club leader, Loysville Rl, presented awards to Brian Rock, Landisburg, Julie Dum, Elliottsburg, and Nancy Stephens, Newport, for the outstanding 4-H dairy projects for 1977. The awards are sponsored by the Perry County DHIA, the Perry County Holstein Club and farm service and supply organizations of Perry County. High production herds in Perry County for 1977 were as follows: Carl McMillen, 18,241 milk, 717 butterfat; Ray E. McMillen, 18,975 milk, 715 butterfat; Mary E. St" >N' /S - :r> *> *1 Rice, 17,435 milk, 710 but terfat; Alfred Albright, 17,963 milk, 697 butterfat, Milmay Farm, 17,776 milk. *** f \ 697 butterfat, Kenneth R. Benner, 17,891 milk, 684 butterfat;" Benjamin E. Dum, 17,234 milk, 684 but terfat; Delmar Broffee & Son 17,752 milk, 670 but terfat; John E. Book, 16,432 milk, 669 butterfat: Richard L. Maurer, 16,659 milk, 662 Eninas Se§§kj§ X > * butterfat; Dumbelle Farms 17,583 661 butterfat; Charles C. Byers, 17,094 milk, 656 butterfat; Marvin E. Pontius, 17,999 milk, 655 butterfat; Max Reapsome, 17,104 milk, 651 butterfat i and Milligan Bros. 16,867 milk, 650 butterfat. earts are gladdened and faith is reaffirmed, as we celebrate His Holy birth in a humble manger. Now may all blessings of Christmas be with you.
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