Servina The Central and Southeastern Pennsylvania Areas - Also Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware VOL 23 No. 9 (flap/*/./feus Vea/L Reviewing 1977, some of the major agricultural news stories would have to include the severe Winter which forced factories to close and threatened agricultural markets. In March a landfill threatened the Abe and John Barley farm, (second picture from the top) and that ordeal made heaidines for six weeks. Soybean prices jumped $lO per bushel in April. Planting conditions last Spring weren’t the greatest. A prolonged heat spell scorched farmers during mid-Summer, sparing no one. Tomato growers were among the hardest hit. in the Fall the rains and fairs came, while farmers dodged showers to get their crops >n. In the end, the harvest report was nearly always good, thank God. Like any year, 1977 had Its ups and downs. We hope it’s been a good one for you, and that 1978 will be even better. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 31,1977 USDA is reorganizing By DIETERKRIEG WASHINGTON, D.C. - The United States'Depart- ment of Agriculture has been going through a recon- struction period for the past two months, and the results are drawing both fire and praise from onlookers. In at least one case, USDA is being challenged by outside Poultry disease still a threat By KENDACE BORRY HARRISBURG - Out breaks of Laryngotracheitus (LT) have been increasingly detected, with ap proximately 20 infected chicken flocks reported, according to Dr. E.T. Mallinson, V.M.D., Chief, Avian Health Division, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. Most of the Agricultural zones considered By BONNIE SZYMANSKI » , . LITITZ - Warwick Township farmers are being given the opportunity to take part in local governmental action which could mean the beginning, or the end, of area farming as (hey now know it. On Wednesday evening, Dec. 28, about 30 residents of Wet soybeans finally harvested By DIETER KRIEG LITITZ - Thanks to temperatures which haven’t climbed above freezing - or even the twenties - for nearly a week, the soybean harvest got a boost after having been at a standstill for close to six weeks. Reports now are that combining has been com pleted nearly everywhere, and yields are holding up Tobacco buying activity quiet By JOANNE SPAHR LANCASTER - Three weeks after the first major buy of Type 41 tobacco in Lancaster County, buying and selling activity is still relatively quiet. Up to this point, both United States Tobacco and John Berger & Son, Co., Farm Calendar 10 Letters 10 Nowisthetime 10,76 Classifieds 28 Homestead Notes 50 Ida’s Notebook 32 agencies and Secretary Bergland is preparing to fight. (See story on page 13). A number of agencies will be merged, including the Extension Service, the Agricultural Research Service, the Cooperative State Research Service and the National Agricultural Library. Details on that cases have been in southeastern Pennsylvania, with a concentration of the disease found in East Earl and Caenarvon Townships, Lancaster County, and the adjacent areas. Scattered cases have also been reported in the western and northeastern parts of the state. The disease has been Warwick Township-most of them Coiicemed in one way or another with agriculture- gathered in the township municipal building on Clay Road to take part in an in- f ormal meeting of the Warwick Township Planning Commission. Discussion centered on whether or not the concept of an agricultural district would fairly well considering the beating the crop took earlier in the season. But the beans are wet, which comes as no surprise to area residents who have been plagued with rain, ice, and snow ever since the beans were ripe enough to combine. Some growers are reporting moisture readings of upwards of 30 per cent. Mark Hershey, a Lebanon LandisviUe, have completed their purchases with only A.K. Mann, Lancaster, out in the field. Although the company temporarily suspended buying for the week, A. Kenneth Mann, executive of the company, stated he intends to begin again shortly. In this issue Home onthe Range S3' Brucellosis 55 Jr. Cooking Edition 56 Somatic cell test 57 Joyce Bupp 58 Doris Thomas 62 particular move can be found elswhere in this issue, under the headline: “New USDA science agency is taking shape.” Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland expects the various reorganizational moves to be complete and in effect by Jan. 3. A spokesman at USDA ex- found in all types of chicken flocks, with both large and small, meat and egg types affected. According to Dr. Mallinson, backyard flocks pose a real threat to the situation because in many of these farms, sanitation procedures are not as good as they should be. Birds of these flocks could be in- be desirable or workable in the township. Zoning Officer Marvin Feiler told those in at- tendance that he had mailed out approximately 30 letters to township residents living on class I and H soils (prime farm lands). He noted that he was pleased at the response, as almost County soybean handler, says he’s getting beans containing anywhere from 15 to 25 per cent moisture. The high water content is one of the costly con sequences of the late har vest. Although farmers aren’t complaining too much about their yields - realizing that they could have been much worse, - they’re having to sacrifice con- Mann is offering 60 cents for good, clean pull off, and had been paying 70 cents for 24 inch and above binder leaf, sorted and tied in hands. He statcu on Friday, however, that he has nearly finished all his purchases erf this particular type leaf. Eighty-five cents is the top Jerry Webb 63,64 Vegetable feature 66 Lifeonthefarm 68 Farm co-op birth 69 Leb. 4-H livestock 74 Land-use proposal 82 $6.00 Per Year plains that the reorganization is primarily being under taken for ef ficiency’s sake. The actual workings of various programs will most likely not be directly affected, One proposed move which has come under con siderable fire is the plan (Turn to Page 12) fected and the infection carried to other birds in an endless cycle. People en tering the area of the in fected flock and then travelling to other flocks may carry the infection with them and spread the disease. To protect flocks, both large and small chicken (Turn to Page 16) everyone contacted was at the meeting. In inviting them, planners had hoped that the farmers would use the meeting as a platform for discussion on their opinions and attitudes about establishing an agricultural district in the township. Questions from the (Turn to Page 21) siderable income if beans need to be dried down to 13 or 14 per cent moisture. One farmer reports being charged three cents per moisture point per bushel. Another method employed by dryer operators amounts to deducting two per cent of the weight of the beans for each point of moisture removed. (Turn to Page 22) price the company is of fering for high quality Maryland type tobacco with number two Maryland going for7scents. Although by last year’s standards, the buying and selling activity is slow, on the average with other years it is normal. Farm outlook 85 Remembering... 86 Kendy’sKollumn 87 Trees for sale 88 Dairy outlook 89 Public Sale Register 90
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