Pest management policy created by Bergland WASHINGTON, D.C. - Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland has announced a new department “integrated pest man agement” policy to effectively control pests with minimum adverse effect on man, wildlife and the en vironment The policy, in the form of a secretary’s memorandum, WK THERMA’STOR Heat Recovery System (HRS) Designed to fit any existing system, the THERM A*STOR HRS is the ultimata example of energy conservation. The THERMA«STOR HRS will produce all of your dairy hot water needs, without the use of electricity or fuel. «. I. *' >«, $ ® f , [V r t' < k - h »» I l iit U rW” 'Nsa™. THERMA*STOR Dimensions (inches) Model 100—H = 84Vz, Dia = 2Vn Model 170—H = 87, Dia = 27V? THERMAeSTOR Condenser only LLOYD E. KREIOER, CO. Cochranviiie, PA (215)932-4700 I I I lIWMntCIMNMMHMnMMW says the department will “develop, practice and encourage the use of in tegrated pest management methods that are practical, effective and energy efficient.” Specifically, the secretary pledged to conduct and support cooperative research on resistant crops and livestock, beneficial w Size High Temp. No. & Size Compressor Oper. Section OfCompr. Time (HR) Capacit (I)3H P 100 33Gal (I)4H P (2) 3H P 170 57 Gal (2)4HP Chart shows typical temperatures (F) reached in the high temperature section of the THERMA*STOR HRS as determined by total compressor horsepower and operating time Temperatures and time shown assume proper refrigerant charge in system efficient compressor operation and no pre cooler in system CARL SHIRK Lebanon, PA (717)274-1436 organisms, cultural practices and selective biological and chemical pesticides as well as other innovative methods that are proven or potentially ef fective in controlling pests. The policy statement calls for cooperative projects to demonstrate the latest in pest management technology to an pesticides Conventional cooling systems use fan cooled condensers to remove the refrigerant heat. This wasted heat can now be saved with the use of the THERMA»STOR HRS. By replacing the fan cooled condensers with a THERMA*STOR, the heat from the hot refrigerant is transferred to cold water, which in turn becomes hot water. This process will heat about 1 gallon of water to about 110° for every gallon of milk being cooled. In addition, the THERMA«STOR produces and stores 1/3 of its capacity in Hot Water from 150° to 190°. (The precise temperature of water reached in this section is dependent upon total compressor HP and running time, see Chart for more details). (1) 5H P (2) 5H P THERMISTOR Condenser combined with existing air condenser. LANDIS FARMSTEAD AUTOMATION Milton, PA (717)437-2375 users, from homeowners to farmers. “This policy an nouncement means we will be placing increased em phasis on controlling significant pest populations with biological and other natural controls as well as with selective chemical pesticides,” Secretary Bergland said. / / - IV2 160 165 165 170 175 180 150 155 165 160 170 170 180 180 190 150 160 170 JONES DAIRY SERVICE Lester Jones, Jr. Medford, NJ (609)267-5246 As the Wise Men followed the Star and found the Babe in Bethlehem, so may you find the true meaning of Christmas and be blessed with its message. The THERM A»STOR HRS is available in two sizes: a single condenser, 100 gallon; or as a dual condenser, 170 gallon model. Both come equipped with male Areo-Quip fittings for use on existing systems or for use with a Tecumseh or Heavy- Duty Copelametic compressor. Water does not go through the com pressor. The water is heated by the refrigerant gas from the compressor. Your existing compressor can remain outside. 2V2 CtUGSTON IMPLEMENT SHENKS FARM SERVICE Chambersburg, PA Lititz, PA (717)263-4103 (717)626-1151 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 24,1977 However, he added, the policy “should not be in terpreted as a move to eliminate the use of the pesticides that U.S. agriculture is dependent upon, because pesticides are part of the integrated pest management approach. “The policy statement should be seen as an in creased concern by the U.S. I Department of Agriculture for Qis health and well-being of all Americans and for the ecosystem of which we are a part.” Since World War n, a revolution in chemical technology has made nor mally bountiful U.S. farms even more bountiful, with hundreds of chemicals used to increase productivity, protect crops and cut labor needs, he said. “But, in using these ad vances, we did not give enough thought to the eventual consequences to the environment and to people,” the secretary said. “As President Carter told Congress in his message on the environment last May, ‘Americans long thought that nature could take care of itself, or-that if it did not - - the consequences were someone else’s problem. As we know now, that assump tion was wrong: none of us is a stranger to environmental problems.’ ” Secretary Bergland said the new policy is the department’s effort to correct those problems “in the most responsible way possible.” The department will be guided by this new domestic policy in working with other countries on pest management, the secretary said. The Work Group on Pest Management; representing 11 agencies of the depart ment, will advise the secretary on ways to im plement the new policy. | With warm gratitude we wish ud you peace and ask K His blessing tor “ you this Yuletide. % -V. + 833 ZIMMERMAN’S FARM SERVICE Bethel, Pa. Phone 717-933-4114 93
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