—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 104 Egg testimonies brighten , but battle not over By DIETER KRIEG LANCASTER - Speaking here briefly Tuesday morning after having received a $7385 check from the Shell Egg Committee of the Poultry and Egg In stitute of America (PEIA), Hendrik Wentink noted that some light is being shed on fair cholesterol research and reporting. He made com ments during the last annual meeting of the Northeast Poultry Producers Council, which will merge with PEIA on Jan.l. The meeting was held at the Host Farm Resort Inn “Evidence is increasing, and being published, which is shedding an entire new light on lipid hypotheses and pointing towards the positive side of egg nutrition,” Wentink stated. Wentink is employed in Lancaster as assistant to the president of Pennfield Corporation, and also serves as general chairman of the National Commission on Egg Nutrition (NCEN), an organization which is dedicated to defending the nutritional and beneficial qualities of eggs and egg products. Despite the new positive exposures for eggs, Wentink is qmck to point out that “one rose doesn’t make Summer.” While gams are being Buck season opens Nov. 28 HARRISBURG - Deer hunters, who have been reporting harvests in excess of 100,000 annual ly in Penn sylvania for more than a decade, can again expect to have another good season in 1977, according to the Pennsylvania State Game Commission. The regular two-week antlered deer season will open one-half hour before sunrise on November 28 and close at sunset on December 10. The regular statewide antlerless deer season is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, December 16 and 17. made on the medical and media fronts, the current administration in Washington is allegedly determined to come up with a national diet plan for Americans. According to Wentink, who has for years been in the forefront for fair publicity on egg nutrition, the Carter Administration is very commited to the con cept of dietary goals. “It’s not just a McGovern idea,” the Lancaster Countian warned, adding that the Administration is looking seriously at the very recommendations and conclusions offered earlier this year by the Senate Select Committee on Human Nutrition and Needs, which Senator George McGovern of South Dakota chaired. In the opinion of Wentink and many others, such a dietary program would be a big mistake. “There is no justification to go to a diet program which is so damaging to agriculture and even more damaging to consumers, especially since there’s no' evidence on what the new proposed diet will do to the consumer,” the poultry specialist explained. As proposed by the McGovern Committee, the name by which the select senate committee is popularly known, the American people Wildlife managers report that the 1977 pre-hunting season deer population in the state is over 630,000, a figure that is dangerously high in light of available Over- Wintering food supplies. The Game Commission hopes that hunters will report harvesting at least 57.000 bucks and another 57.000 antlerless deer this year. Should the harvest fall considerably short of the projected goals, whitetails will be in serious trouble if severe Winter weather conditions prevail from December through March. Starvation and other Winter losses could be excessive. Hendrik Wentink would be encouraged to eat less red meats, dairy products, and eggs. All three of these agricultural segments have protested these recommendations and evidence has since gone on record that the McGovern Committee’s findings are unfounded. But up to now the Committee, charges Wen tuik, has paid no heed to this new testimony. Therein lies the poultry and livestock industry’s continued dilemma and challenge, despite the gains being made m medical research and media coverage. One study Wentmk cited as new evidence bringing out the positive side of egg nutrition was conducted in London, and will likely be repeated in this country for further documentation. In that experiment, scientists were encouraged that high density lipid protein has a protective factor built in against cardiac problems. “But much more needs to be done on it. In time, it’s very likely that the old theories dealing with cholesterol levels will be entirely ob solete,” Wentink added. One of Wentink’s chief criticisms of the dietary goals, other than that they would be detrimental to both agriculture and the con suming public, is that the government is attempting to take an unproven dietary plan and apply it to he entire population. “The dietary goals would interfere with nutritional needs of the vast majority while maybe of fering health protection to a BALANCED NUTRITION VS. HIGH SUPPLEMENT COSTS We got licked. Everyone wants to be sure of balanced nutrition. After all, it’s the performance of your herd that means profits for you With Mol-Mix* liquid supplements, your supplement dollar not only helps guarantee your cattle’s performance, but also helps guarantee your net profits Moi-Mix guarantees the moistures and sugars in our standard formulations and ingredients like corn distillers solubles, condensed fermented corn extractives, phosphoric acid, ammonium polyphosphate and our unique ‘buffered release' formula provide the balanced nutrition so essential for top milk production And you know what that means for your profits Even today, with so many supplements compromis ing quality for cost Mol-Mix still includes the very ingredients that continue to keep us The Liquid Leader With Mot-Mix, your supplement costs are few,” Wentmk said. Dietary plans, he claims, should be approached on an individual medical basis, rather than across the board. “The Carter Ad- that tremendous gams have ministration wants to been made over the last 15 change the dietary habits of years to eliminate many the U.S. citizen,” Wentink infectious diseases, thus repeated, explaining that the pushing cardiac diseases to chief vehicles for this are • the forefront as the number 1 school lunch programs and killer since something has to education. Influence in be in that position. NCEN Fifty years ago Sbhl quietly introduced the first portable chain saw to the world Now, they're the . largest manufacturer of chain - saws in the world And no chain \a|a __ r ' a good start If yours won't, we'll ~ , show'you a complete line that always will Were your local Shhl dealer And were the best Cut this out. Stick it onyour chain saw and pretend h starts. Then pretend you bought it from; STOLTZFUS WOODWORK RD Gap. PA Box 183 ' 1 Mile North Rt. 897 From Gap WES STAUFFER SMALL ENGINES RD 3 Ephrata, PA Phone (717) 733-9174 Vi Mile South of Rt. 322 on Pleasant Valley Rd. Ephrata Exit New Rt. 222 NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN Myerstown RD 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 V* Mile West of Myerstown - West Mam St. schools is expected to carry over into adult life, thus effectively changing nutritional patterns. Wentink also pointed out Chain Saw—Concrete & Metal ST!HL The world's largest selling chain saw a good investment toward the performance and prof its you will receive in the future. Mol-Mix liquid supplements JOHN L MARTIN New Holland RDI Phone 717-354-5848 RED ROSE FEED & FARM SUPPLY MAIN OFFICE 27 N. Church St. Quarryville 786-7361 continues to be committed to offering facts which keep eggs from being unjustly abused in courts, the media, and medical world. Until recently, the organization was headquartered in Park Ridge, 111. Their new home will be in Washington, D.C. where the Poultry and Egg Institute of America has offered them office space and facilities. 1S B SALES & SERVICE 2 Miles South of Rt. 23 Along 772 Thru Monterey - RDI Ronks, PA JOHN L. STAUFFER Goodville, PA Phone (215) 445-6175 V* Mile North of Goodville on Union Grove Rd Free Demonstration Saw Rentals NORTHAMPTON FARM BUREAU Tatany, Pa 18085 Phone 215-258-2871 Div. of Carnation Buck, Pa. 284-4464
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