Several Keystone beef honors stay in Editor’s note: following are the individual A placings for exhibitors from Lancaster Farming’s coverage area in the beef breeding shows at Keystone International Livestock Exposition last week. Beginning on page 26 of the November 12 issue, the champions of these shows and their pictures were printed. This week’s article is a follow up of that story. (agway) m JLM* ¥ . • BULK METERED SERVICE AGWAY PETROLEUM CORF. Box 1197, Dillerville Road, Lancaster, Pa Ph 717-397-4954 Why sweat out another season with worn out When you try to make obsolete equipment do for “one-more-season”, you’re asking for trouble. Like inefficient operation, endless repairs and costly down-time. New equipment J takes money, but this need be no problem for you. Farm Credit loans are readily available ... at reasonable rates of interest . . . with repay- ment scheduled at times most convenient to you. See Farm Credit for financing the equip- ment you need today. The CHAROLAIS BREEDING CATTLE Junior Heifer Calves 1. J.C. Enterprises, Ringgold, Pa.; 2. Flying M Ranch, Morris, Pa.; 3. Carl R. Gates, Warriors Mark, Pa.; 4. Candy Brook Farms, Taylorstown, Pa. Winter Heifer Calves 1. J.C. Enterprises,; 2. J.C. Enterprises,; 3. Carolyn and Earl Clutter, machinery? COME IN, LET'S TALK IT OVER! FOR MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL COUNTY OFFICE. Prosperity. Pa.; 4. Bethel Mill Farm, Sewell, N. J. 1 J.C. Enterprises: 2 Gordon R Smith, Lan denberg, Pa : 3 Frank and April Moll, Hamburg, Pa 1. Janice Kaylor, Elizabethtown, Pa.; 2. J.C Enterprises, 3. Frank and April Moll. Summer Yearling Heifers 1. J.C. Enterprises Spring Yearling Heifers 1. Timothy P. Caldwell, Windsor, Pa.; 2. Edwin F. Compton, Woodstown, N.J.; 3. Flying M. Ranch, Morns, Pa.; 4 Edwin F. Compton, Woodstown, N.J.; 5. Carolyn and Earl Clutter, Prosperity, Pa. Seniior Yearling Heifers 1. Gordon R. Smith. Senior Heifer Calves Late Summer Yearling Heifers Iwo h emales and g ro up of five head all 1 JC Enterprises, 2. W ent to J.C. Enterprises Flying M Ranch, 3 Carolyn and Earl Clutter Junior Bull Calves 1. J.C. Enterprises, Candy Brook Farms, Frank and ApnlMoll Winter Bull Calves 1. Frank and April Moll Late Summer Yearling Bulls 1. J.C. Enterprises. Summer Yearling Bulls i J C. Enterprises. Spring Yearling Bulls 1 Carl R. Gates. Junior Yearling Bulls 1. Harry McLaughlin, Greencastle, Pa. Other Winnings Two bulls, pair of calves, junior get of sire, get of sire. Farming, Saturday, November 19,1977 POLLED HEREFORED Junior Heifer Calves 1. Falklands Farm, Schellsbuig, Pa ; 2. Falklands Farm,, 3. Falklamis Farm 4. Falklands Farm, 5. John Heed, Poolesville, Md Winter Heifer Calves 1. John Reed, 2. JDH Polled Herefords, Dover, Pa , 3. Spring Bottom Farm, Fairfield, Pa. Senior Heifer Calves 1. Jeff K. Claycomb, Osterburg, Pa; 2. John Reed, 3. JDH Polled Herefords, 4. Gregory L. Snyder, New Tripoli, Pa., 5. Tammy L. Hamilton, North East, Pa. Late Summer Yearling Heifers 1. Falklands Farm, 2. Five Point Pastures, Greensburg, Pa.; 3, Y-Not Farm, North Pomt, Pa.; 5. Marcilynn Boron, Venus, Pa. Early Summer Yearling Heifers 1 Five Pomt Pastures, 2. Stockdale Hereford Farm, 3. JDH Polled Herefords, 4. Y-Not Farm, 5. Gregory L. Snyder. Late Junior Yearling Heifers 1. Five Pomt Pasture. 2. Y-Not Farm. 3. Terry Faith Weimer, New Alexandria, Pa. 4. Gail K. Snyder. 5. Mike Sevick. Early Junior Yearling Heifers 1. Falkland Farm, 2. William D. Metch, Flemington N.J.,3. Gregory L. Snyder, 4. Jeffrey W. Claycomb. Senior Yearling Heifers 1. Gregory L. Snyder, 2. Marcilynn Boron, 3. Jeff K. Claycomb, 4. Spring Bottom Farm, 5. Frank B. and Linda L. Darcay, 111, Fairfield. Junior Bull Calves 1. Falklands Farm and Wm. Gray, 2. Five Points Pastures, 3. Falklands Farm, 4. Falklands Farm, 5. Falklands Frrm. Winter Bull Calves 1. Raynham Farms and Metch Polled Herefords, Hopewell, N.J. Senior Bull Calves 1. Stanley L. Boron Sr. ♦ FOR THE LOWEST ♦ PRICE OF THE ♦ YEAR TILLER PRICE INCREASE COMING BUY NOW AND SAVE! ♦ NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN I Myerstown R.D. 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 I Vz mile west Myerstown - West Main St. a Shop Hours: I Mon. &Fri.-BtoB Sat.-8 to 12 i Wed.&Thurs.B tos Tues. Closed state Late Summer Yearling Bulls 1. Falklands Farm. Early Summer Yearling Bulls 1. Spring Bottom Farm, 2. University of Connecticut, Storrs, Ct.; 3 Stockdale Hereford Farm, 4. Stanley L. Boron Sr., 5. Mike Sevick, Penna Furnace. Late Junior Yearliilg Bulls 1. Five Point Pastures and Stockdale Hereford Farm. 2. Five Points Pastures, 3. Gregory L. Snyder, 4. Spring Bottom Farm. Early Junior Yearling Bulls 1 Five Points Pastures and Dunwalke F arm. Senior Y carting Bulls I. Five Points Pastures and Stockdale Hereford Farm. Late Two-Year-Olds Bulls 1. Falklands Farm and Mountain Meadow Farms. Early Two-Year-Old Bulls 1. Spring Bottom Farm. Other Winnings Falklands Farm took calf get of sire, and Five Points Pastures took get of sire and best six head. Junior Heifer Calf 1. Martin’s Hatchery Poultry Farms, Inc. Lancaster, Pa.; 2. James Foreman, Hershey, Pa; 3 Beechdale Farms, Bird-In-Hand, Pa; 4. John P. and Margaret Whiting, Stahlstown, Pa.; 5. Hafco Farm, Canton, Pa. Senior Heifer Calf 1. Beechdale Farms, 2. Keystone Limousin, Newville, Pa. Yearling Heifer 1. Walbridge Farms and D.C. Jackson, Millbrook, NY, 2. Walbridge Farms, 3. James Foreman, 4. Walbridge Farms, 5. Beechdale Farms. HEREFORD BREEDING CATTLE Heifers, Junior Calves 2. Nature’s Acres Farm, Inc., Northumberland, Pa. Heifers, Winter Calves 2. Jo-Lynne Rouse, Westfield, Pa. Heifers, Summer Yearling 5. Thompson’s Hereford Farm, Mechamcsburg. (Continued on Page 106) 4 H.P. Pony Tillers Available ▲ 105 ♦♦♦ • ♦ * ♦ IT J
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