■ r/. Livestock market an St. Louis Cattle National Stockyards August 25,1977 Receipts this week 9300: week ago 7400: year ago 10,900. As compared with the previous weeks close, l ( M FUR t WOOLEN ENTERPRISE f Quality Electrified Mounfons & Furs i 3 Tannery Direct Dist. - Wholesale & Retail \Srwm Check our Quality, Price & Services! • Woolen Hosp. Pods - Natural I Ail Colors • Pa. Largest Selection of Woolen Products • Sheepskin Coats at Reasonable Prices • See Us At Meadewbrook Market in Leola 117 W. Summit St., Mohnton, Pa. 215-777-2465 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9-1:30; Sat. 9-5 HW?smVm or mmT\ Every Wednesday at 12 Noon At David Good's Farm Equipment Sale North Maple Ave., LeoU, PA NOTICI We have a demand for more hay. Farmers—Bring in your surplus. We have customers going home empty. HARVEY Z. MARTIN A Home Phone 215445-5313 f 4 We Bey On Orders t 4 Bos. Phone Wed. Only f :717-CM-7270 ♦ We also buy hey end sti-aw privately. | Tool up here for a great future in the hog business Producers planning to stay m the hog business are tooling up to squeeze more pork from their feed and their labor. If you’re one of them, chances are you’ll appreciate the built-in feed and labor efficiency of AGSTAR equipment Sensible feed-saving design features like preci sion TIPTOP feed flow adjustment on AGSTAR feeders >\ * i . >* - 4 „»£* - Q E. M. Herr Equipment, Inc. R.D. 3, Sprecher Road, Willow Street, PA Lancaster Co. 717-464-3321 iC 'Jt'.T. Ot‘M ? imi slaughter steers and heifers steady to 50 higher. Cows 1.00-2.50 lower, mostly 1.50- 2.00 lower bulls fully steady. Supply mainly choice and mixed good and choice 2-4 1000-1200 lb. steers, around 25 percent heifers and 10 percent cows. tk_ Note several loads and lots of holstein steers on offer again this week. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Mixed choice and prime 2-4 1050-1250 lbs. 40.00-40.50; 3-4 1125-1225 lbs. 39.50. Choice 2- 4 950-1300 lbs. 38.5040.00. Mixed good and choice 2-4 900-1225 lbs. 37.50-39.00. Scattered lots mixed good and choice 2-3 1050-1250 lb. holsteins 35.0036.00. Good 2- 3 9001200 lbs. 34.0037.50. Standard to good 2-3 975-1250 lb. holsteins 32.00-34.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed choice and prime 2-4 875-1025 lbs. 37.75-38.25, several 38.00. Choice 2-4 800 1075 lbs. 36.5038.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3 700-975 lbs. 34.5036.50. Good 23 700 950 lbs. 32.0034.50. COWS: Utility and com mercial 2-4 22.50-26.50, Great labor-saving ideas like self-cleaning watering cups with smooth Porcelainized Steel surface, and fully automatic feeding and ventilation equipment We think you'll also appreciate the ruggedness and durability of every piece of AGSTAR equipment You can buy AGSTAR equipment and install it in your own buildings Or, you can get it already installed and ready to use in one of our new factory built modular hog I -JL.Ui WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL FARMERS AgCREOIT CORP. 9 East Main Street, Utitz, PA 717/626-4721 P ’ 1 & A-’ - ' .. :is auction news closing, "sales 22.50-24.50. Boning utility 1-2 25.00-26.00, few early 26.50-27.00. Cutter 1-2 22.00-25.50, mostly closing sales 22.00-24.00. Canner and low cutter 19.00-23.00. BULLS: YG 1-2 1000-1700 lbs. 28.00-31.50. YG 1 1300- 1650 lbs. 31.50-32.00. FEEDERS: (including 3800 at the Wednesday and Thursday auctions) com pared to last Thursday feeder steers firm to 2.00 higher, with full advance on choice. Feeder heifers weak to 1.00 lower. Demand good for steers, but only moderate for heifers. Over all quality much improved over past several weeks. Supply mostly choice and mixed good and choice 400-800 lbs. steers and 350-700 lb. heifers. FEEDER STEERS: Few loads and lots choice and 0 i + r 1 l 8 VcnVlftfrut M- Astary fMMUmfe * M W cuj* K <► 1 f FiemnrlAf ***f**m«ft>. a, a***** K Htflwifh** It w<)«r»rs -’s&i. FULL LINE PARTS DEPARTMENT Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August' 27. 1977—7 prime thin 700-750 lbs. at Wednesday’s special sale 43.50-44.25. On Wednesday and Thursday, 300-500 lbs. 43.00- 500-600 lbs. 41.50- 45.00; 600-700 lbs. 39.50-44.25, bulk 40.00-43.00; 700400 lbs. 39.0041.25; Fleshy 700980 lbs. 37.50-39.75. Mixed good and choice 375-500 lbs. 39.25- 42.50; 500800 lbs. 38.0040.50. Good 400-700 lbs. 36.0039.00. Few lots standard and low good 600-900 lbs. including holsteins 32.25-35.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice 350-650 lbs. 34.50- 36.75, few lots 475-625 lbs. 37.00- on Wednesday. Mixed good and choice 300- 600 lbs. 32.2535.00. Good 350- 600 lbs. 29.0032.00. Martinsburg Auction Martinsburg, Pa. August 22,1977 CATTLE 239. Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter steers unevenly steady. Slaughter heifers steady to 50 cents lower. Slaughter cows steady to 75 cents lower. Choice slaughter steers 38.00-40.25, Good 36.50-38.50, Standard 33.50- Utility 28.50- 32.00. Choice slaughter heifers 36.00-38.00, Good 33.50- Standard 30.00- 33.50, Utility 26.00-30.00. Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 25.75-29.00, Cutters 23.75-26.75, Canner and Low Cutter 22.00-25.00, Shells down to 20.00. Choice slaughter bullocks 36.00- production buildings for sows, pigs, or finishing hogs The equipment samples in the photo are arranged to demonstrate as many of our 40 types of hog equip ment as possible For full details on this and our other equipment for confinement, open lot, or pasture as well as cattle, sheep, or horse equipment contact your AGSTAR dealer Or, if you prefer, just use the coupon I ~~f \ l\w< S 40.00, Good 34.00-38.00, Standard 31.50-34.00, Utility 28.00- Yield Grade No. 1, 1000-2000 lbs. slaughter bulls 34.50-38.00, Yield Grade No. 2, 900-1600 lbs. 32.00- 34.50. Few Medium and Good 300-700 lbs. feeder steers 28.00- Few Medium and Good 390-600 lbs. feeder heifers 24.50-30.00. Few Medium and Good 300-700 lbs. feeder bulls 24.00-32.00. _ CALVES 295. Vealers Tnbstly steady. Choice vealers 57.00-64.50, Good 45.00-54.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 33.5047.00, 90-110 lbs. 29.00-36.00, Standard 70-90 lbs. 23.00- 35.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90-120 lbs. 32.5047.00. HOGS 262. Barrows and gilts mostly $1 higher. US No. 1-2 200-240 lbs. barrows and gilts 47.20-48.20, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 46.7047.50, No. 2- 3 190-260 lbs. 46.2047.00, No. 1-3 140-185 lbs. 36.0042.00. US No. 1-3 300-550 lbs. sows 32.00-35.00, No. 2-3 300-600 lbs. 31.00-33.00. Boars 22.00- 25.00. FEEDER PIGS 68. US No. 1-3 20-35 lbs. feeder pigs 10.00-16.00 per head, No. 1-3 35-50 lbs. 22.00-30.00 per head. SHEEP 26. Choice 75-100 lbs. slaughter lambs 43.00- 48.00, Good 60-80 lbs. 35.00- 42.00. X
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