—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Am 8 AKME«; IH AHA' AUG. 29-SEPT. 4, 1977 Cool days for back-to-school days. You can begin to pick apples now Ingrid Bergman born Aug 29, 1917 Average length of days for the week, 14 hours, 11 minutes "Hot Line" to Moscow opened Aug 30, 1963 Oysters in season now U S soldiers landed in Japan Aug 28, 1945 First pro football game played Aug 31, 1895 All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke) Probably "Taxed House" to indicate a private residence Some dwellings, such as a parsonage, were not taxed Home Hints. When making peanut butter cookies, use a meat pounder in stead of a fork for the design Dip the pounder in flour and press down on the round ball of dough OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECASTS ' New England: Rainy and cool all week Greater New York-New Jersey: Rainy and cool all week, Sunday partly cloudy Middle Atlantic Coastal: Rain through Wednesday, remainder of week is clear, mild with colder nights Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Week begins very warm with heavy showers through Wednesday, then showers and cooler for midweek, Sunday brings clearing with.showers south (All Rights Reserved Yankee Inc Dublin N H 03444) Carlisle Auction Carlisle, Pa. August 23,1977 CATTLE 167. Compared with last Tuesday’s market; Choice slaughter steers 39.35-41.50, Good 36.35-39.00, Standard 30.00-35.50, Utility 26.75-29.50. Good slaughter heifers 35.35-36.10, Standard 33.00-34.60, Utility 24.85- 29.00. Utility & Commercial slaughter cows 25.75-28.00, Cutters 23.75-26.00, Canner a& Low Cutter 20.71-24.00, Shells down to 18.00. Good APOLLO THE OLD Ask the Old Farmer: 1 have a map of Windham, Connecticut, from the 1850 s which shows many buildings with the letters "T H" Instead ot the owner's name Do you know what the in itials stand -for 7 DM, Litchfield, Conn slaughter bullocks 33.25- 35.10, Standard 28.75-31.00. CALVES 206. Choice vealers 53.00-68.00, Good 40.50, Standard & Good 110- 130 lbs. 31.50-44.00,90-110 lbs. 26.00-34.00. HOGS 372. US No. 1-2 200- 240 lbs. barrows & gilts 46.35- 47.85, No. 1-2 200-250 lbs. 45.25-46.50, No. 2-3 190-230 lbs. 43.0045.10, No. 1-3 155- 180 lbs. 36.00-37.00. US No. 1-3 300-500 lbs. sows 33.50-37.50, No. 2-3 300-650 lbs. 28.00- 31.50. Boars 23.25-25.00. FEEDER PIGS 203 US No. 1-3 25-35 lbs. feeder pigs 24.QG-28.00 per head, No. 1-3 NEW ust 27, 1977 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ j Livestock market and August 25,1977 Receipts this week 11,600, last week 11,300, year ago 15,700. Slaughter Steers and heifers 50 higher with the advance posted early. Cows largely 1.00 lower with decline coming late. Bulls steady to 50 higher. Feeder cattle steady to 1.00 higher.' Bulk of slaughter steer and heifer supply YG 2-4. Average weight slaughter steers first three days 1118 lbs., compared to 1129 lbs. last week and 1140 lbs. year ago. Cows made up 3 percent feeder cattle numbered 2,700 including 2,550 from Wed. auction with 800 Canadians included. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Several consignments choice YG 3, 1140-1165 lbs. 41.00. Choice 2-4, 1000-1250 lbs. 40.00- part load YG 4, 1448 lbs. 40.25, load 1385 lbs. 40.50. Choice 2-3,925-1000 lbs. 39.25-40.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3, 1000-1200 lbs. 39.00- Good 37.00-39.00. Mixed good and choice holsteins 34.00-35.50, few largely choice 36.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Moderate showing choice YG 3, 950-1025 lbs. 39.00. Choice 2-4,875-1075 lbs. 38.00- 38.75, few choice 2-3, 800-900 lbs. 37.00-38.00. Mixed good and choice 2-3, 850-1050 lbs. 37.00- Good 35.00-37.00. COWS AND BULLS: Utility and commercial cows late 24.00-27.00, moderate volume early 28.00-28.50, few 35-50 lbs. 30.00-34.50, Utility 15-25 lbs. 8.00-12.00 per head. SHEEP 68. Choice 65-90 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 40.50-47.00, Good 65-70 lbs. 33.00-37.75. Sioux City Weekly 29.00. Canner and cutter late 22.00- Commercial and good heiferettes 30.00-36.00. Bulls YG 1-2, 1000-1600 lbs. 32.00- several YG 'l, 1600-1900 lbs. 35.50-36.00. Oklahoma Cattle August 25,-1977 Thursday feeder cattle auction. Estimated receipts 13,000. Same day last week 13,495, Fairly active, feeder cattle and calves generally steady with the week advance of 50 cents to 1.00 higher; majority receipts choice 400- 800 lb. feeder steers and 350- 700 lb. feeder heifers; fairly large attendance buyers. FEEDER STEERS: Choice and Prime 344-401 lb. 50.30-52.25; 502-512 lb. 46.10- 46.35; Choice 400-500 lb. 43.25-48.00; 500-600 lb. 40.00- 45.50; 600-700 lb. 38.25-41.50; 700-800 lb. 38.00-39.75; 800-910 lb. 38.25-38.75; mixed Good and Choice 300-500 lb. 38.75- 43.25; 500-600 lb. 37.5040.25; part load thin 502 lb. at 41.00; 600300 lb. 37.50-38.50, part load 908 lb. at 36.20; Good 300-700 lb. 35.00-37.25; few 700387 lb. 35.50-36.75; few Good 385349 lb. holstein steers 32.00-35.00. FEEDER HEIFERS: Choice and Prime 302-358 lb. 40.2541.50; 400444 lb. 39.70; llth ANNIVERSARY SALE V # HOW THRU SEPTEMBER 17 AMMO 12 -16 -20 Gauge Low Brass SHOTGUN SHELLS *» Winchester T-22 LONG RIFLE AMMO 38 SPECIAL WADCUTTERS Box of 50 •3.95 RELOADING SUPPLIES MEC 600 Jr.-12-16-20 SHOTSHELL RELOADERS *39.95 Lee 12-16-20 SHOTSHELL RELOADER *19.95 Red Dot POWDER 4 ib *15.95 Remington t Winchester Pattern CONTROL WADS Pen.ooo *5.75 CCI Shotshell PRIMERS Per 1.000 *7.75 RGBS Jr RIFLE RELOADER Complete w/dies *34.95 Hornady, Sierra & Speer BULLETS 25% « HAND GUN SPECIALS H & R Model 999 B „ 22 CALIBER sns.oo The Virigan 44 Caliber 6” barrel REVOLVER Dan Wesson 357 6" barrel REVOLVER Remington X-PlOO 221 CALIBER Over 100 Handguns In Stock Colt—Ruger—Smith—Wesson—H t R Dan Wesson—High Standard e—— • Free holster with purchase of every new handgun during sale! * Register To Win Pump Shotgun, 22 Caliber Rifle and Outers Bow J We Take Gun Trade-Ins —Use Our Lay-A-Way Plan » a*'' Open Monday thru Fri. 9-9; Sat. 9-5 jrl#} Open Labor Day 9-5 SHYDA'SCUN SHOP ... v 1&355. Lincoln Ave. Lebanon, Pa. * vs *«iJrjS^aaS?^--.^^: Choice 300-500 lb. 35.50-39.00; 500-700 lb. 35.00-37.50, part load fleshy 528 lb. at 34.40; few 700-750 lb. 35.50-36.75; mixed Good and Choice 400- 600 lb. 33.00-35.00 3 648 lb. at 33.50; Good 300-650 lb. 30.25- 32.75. FOR THE WEEK: Compared to late last week, feeder cattle and calves closed 50 cents to 1.00 higher; cows closed 25 cents to 1.00 lower, late sales SCHAEFFERS WOOD PRODUCTS Manufacturers Of: ★ FEEDER WAGONS * LOADING CHUTES ★ FLAT WAGONS ★ FEED BUNKERS * FEEDER RACKS-SKIDTYPE Any Size Any Size, Cattle I Horse ★ HAY WAGONS We Custom Build Anything Any Size To Suit Your Needs Out Of Wood. Also, Ask About Our Repair Service! (DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED) Phone 717-933-4834 Or Write: SCHAEFFERS WOOD PRODUCTS 80x4418 RD3 Myerstown, Pa. 17067 •2.75 •7.50 Carton of 500 SALE $ 88.50 $189.95 $139.95 $195.00 $144.95 $184.95 $138.75 auction news Utility and Commercial 7A 22.25-26.60; Cutter 1-3 20.50 22.50; Bulls near steady, lati sales YG 1-2 1000-1800 lb 28.00-33.00; salable receipt near 27,200 head, compare! to 29,504 head last week ant 29,732 head the comparabli week a year ago. Cows an< bulls totaled 2,800 head ant comprised 10 per cent of thi cattle receipts. Feeders 81 per cent of the total. NEW GUN SPECIALS REMINGTON 870 PUMP SHOTGUN Plain Barrel- $197.95 $141.00 Vent Rib- $227.95 $162.50 Smith & Wesson 12 & 20 GAUGE PUMP SHOTGUNS $79.95 Remington 760 PUMP RIFLE $224.95 $159.95 Chambered (or 3' mat Marlin Glenfield 22 Caliber BOLT ACTION RIFLE $37.95 7 shot with 4X scope Mossberg Pump Shotgun with Vent Rib AndAcc-U-Chokel2&2o6auge $114.95 HA RlO gauge SINGLE BARREL SHOTGUN 74.95 56.95 Free Longhorn Military Sling with every Rifle Purchased SPECIALS Outers - Blazer Outers - Hustler Stop In And See The New Hunting Clothing, Shoe & Boot Department 1 Up to 50% off on 10-X cloths 10-X Hunting Vest 5.95 !Y DEPT. 39.95 59.95
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