. Farming. Saturday, Aui Livestock market and August 24,1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close, fresh pork cut trade slow, demand moderate to light. Fresh loins 1.25-1.50 lower than limited Tuesday sales; Picnics 3.75 lower than Monday; skinned hams 17-26 lbs. 3.004.00 lower; Bellies 12-16 lbs. 2.00-3.50 lower; other cuts not established. FRESH PORK CUTS Lions 14-DN lbs. 85.00- 85.25; load 91.00 export; 14-17 lbs. 84.00-84.25, 1.25-1.50 lower than limited Tues. sales; load 20 & up lbs. 75.50 trimmed. Picnic 4-8 lbs. 48.00, 3.75 lower than Mon. Boston Butt no sales reported. Spareribs no sales reported. Skinned hams 17-20 lbs. 73.00- late 73.00-74.00, 3.00- lower; 20-26 lb. 73.00- 3.004.00 lower. Bellies, SOLS 12-14 lbs. 70.00- late 70.00, 3.50 lower; 14-16 lbs. 70.00, 2.00 lower; load 16-18 lbs. 70.00. BNLS CT BUTT l-% - 3 lbs. 96.25; 3-6 lbs. 96.25-97.25. Pork Trim visual 80 lean 68.50 fresh; CHEM 90 lean 77.75-78.00 frozen; neck bone trimmings 70.00 frozen. Tenderloins 188.50. Jowls 31.00 frozen. Compared to Tuesday’s dose, beef trade dosed slow, demand light, steer beef not Lancaster Feeder Cattle Lancaster, Pa. Friday, August 19,1977 —' Feeder Cattle" 453 Today Last Friday 674 TREND: Small supply feeder steers 50-1.00 lower. Bulk of supply sold in lots of three or less, with few Good and mixed Good and Choice sold in lots of five to ten each. FEEDER STEERS: One lot Choice 470 lb. 42.85; one lot fleshy Choice 950 lb. 37.50; mixed Good and Choice 840-910 lb. 35.75-37.00, one lot 740 lb. 38.00; couple lots Good 885-920 lb. 34.00- Des Moines Carlot established. Heifer beef steady to 50 higher. Primal beef cuts, forequarters steady to 1.00 lower. No comparable cow beef sales. Sales on 29 loads steer and heifer beef confirmed. 3 cow beef loads. STEER BEEF 4 Confirmed Loads Choice 3 600-800 lbs. 62.00- 62.25, couple loads. Choice 4 600-900 lbs. 58.00. HEIFER BEEF 25 Confirmed Loads Choice 3 500-700 lbs. 60.25- 61.25, mostly 60.75, steady to 50 higher. Good 2-3 500-700 lbs. 56.75, 50 higher. COW BEEF 3 Confirmed Loads Utility (BNG) 2-3 45.00 load. Canner & Cutter 49.00- 51.00. CHOICES PRIMAL BEEFCUTS 6 Confirmed loads Fores 130-210 lbs. 48.50- 49.50, steady to 1.00 lower. 'Arm Chucks 45.0046.00. Ribs 30 lbs.-down 95.00 load. BEEF TRIMMINGS 12 Confirmed loads Beef Trimmings 50 CHEM lean (fresh) 26.00-26.50, few 27.50; BONELESS BEEF 4 Confirmed Loads Boneless beef '9O CHEM Lean (fresh) 70.00.; 85 CHEM Fean (fresh) 63.00; 75 CHEM lean (fresh) 51.50. 35.75; one lot 700 lb. Holsteins 32.00 and one lot 9001 b. 30.50. REMEMBER US when you purchase cattle in the South... call us collect from the sale. HAPPY TO SERVE YOU!! S. K. SHOTZBERGER. INC. LIVESTOCK TRANSPORTATION Gene Zwally, President Marvin Johns, Secy.-Treasurer P.O. Box 925, Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone: (717) 393-4641 (day or night) [list 27. 1977 Compared to Tuesday’s close: beef trade moderate with 16 loads steer and heifer beef reported by the USDA. Choice steer beef generally steady. Cow beef trade light with one load confirmed, no price comparison. Prime Special fed veal steady, Good and Choice boning veal steady to 1.00 lower. Spring lamb mostly 1.00 lower than last week. Fresh pork loins 1.00 to 1.50 lower, no sales reported other pork cuts. STEER BEEF (12 Loads Confirmed) Choice 3 selected 600-700 lbs. 6625. Choice 3 600-600 lbs. 6550- 6600, generally steady. Choice 4 600-900 lbs. 6150. HEIFER BEEF (4 Loads Confirmed) Choice 3 550-700 lbs. 6475. COW BEEF (1 Load Confirmed) Canner-Cutter 1-2 350 lbs. up 5550 part load; 35 lbs. down 5300 part load. CHOICES PRIMAL BEEF CUTS (11 Loads Confirmed) Fores 130-210 lbs. 5200. Arm Chucks 90-130 lbs. 4850-5000. Steer Rounds 70-90 lbs. 7400. Full Plates 3300. Flanks untrimmed 2700- 3100. VEAL CARCASS - HIDE ON Prime (special fed) 180-250 lbs. 113.00-116.00 steady. Good and Choice Boning type, Northeastern supplies, all mostly steady, 65-75 lbs. 5400-5600; 55-64 lbs. 5200- 5400; 45-54 lbs. 5000-5200; 35- auction news East Coast Carlot Meats Princeton, New Jersey August 22,1977 44 lbs. 4800-5000; 34 lbs. down 46004800. Midwest and west coast suppliers all mostly 1.00 lower 70-80 lbs. 5600; 60-70 lbs. 5400; 5060 lbs. 5200; 40- 50 lbs. 5000. SPRING LAMB, CHOICE AND PRIME 34 (12 Loads Confirmed) Compared to last week 55 lbs. down 102.00-103.00 mostly 1.00 lower; 65 lbs. down limited 102.00. FRESH PORK CUTS Loins 14 lbs. down 8900, 1.50 lower; 14-17 lbs. 8800, 1.00 lower. BEEF TRIMMINGS (14 Loads Confirmed) 50 PCI CHEM lean, fresh 2850-3300. Joliet Cattle Joliet, Illinois August 25,1977 Friday through Wed nesday’s salable receipts 7,175,5 days last week 7,950, same-period last year 9,487. At mid-week slaughter steers and heifers SO to 1.00 higher than last Wednesday. Supply mostly Choice steers and heifers. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 3-4 1100-1300 lbs. 40.50-41.25 Monday, 41.25-42.00 Wed nesday. Choice 24 1025-1250 lbs. 40.0040.75 Monday 40.50- 41.25 Wednesday; 2-3 950- 1050 lbs. 39.5040.50, load BUY THE [Myarsl SPRAYER TO FIT THE JOB ITWI ■TWIT Mill • Rustproof fiberglass lank with mechanical agitation. • Tank sizes, 100 and 150 gallons. . • Low PTO HP requirements. For rated performance 35 to 50 HP tractors recommended. • Tank filled with propeller type agitator mostly 4 1400 lbs. 39.50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Mixed Good and Choice 2-3 Choice, few Prime, 24 900- 900-1250 lbs. 38.00-40.00. 1075 Monday, 38.75-39.50 Some Mixed Good and Wednesday, 850-900 lbs. Choice holsteins 2-31250-1500 38.00-38.50, up to 38.75 lbs. 35.00-36.50. Good Wednesday. Mixed Good holsteins 2 1200-1400 lbs. Choice 2-3 700-1000 lbs. 36.00- J 33.50-35.50. 38.00. J&k} Myers FEATURING: fflUi • Hitch pins, reversible for Category 1 or 11 receptacles. • Compact, 3 point Hitch PTO Mr Sprayer. • Big Piston Pump offers Full Range from 20 to 500 P.S.I. and 12 GPM • AIR ATTACHMENT. Available for Row Crop, Two Way Swath, Adjustable Vanes.
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