- .*- ■■ # •- ?> - jijWjigjW^wrrii^^ <Green Bragon ' v . / 29*1977 , .., 7 ' /}, , ■’-i fßiiee^ppr' ton: * - ' lcMtids sfamf* ton.) - 7 ‘ . . t J *^“" e '^ v "/ > % •»/-* y* -- A< l 5Cj 3*i Poilßtry Marketßeports „ INH»Pie#«Klg|ggMl()iet + ';®rts' 4*Wrt. J f Thurs. : ifFrl. *#Ea. Luge 471 J Large '535 -Is Mediums - 449 *3l t-19' •'••t * *brown i’ f7l v - < .»71 'SFeewees, SUnqMted *OFF GRADE ,4Urge 156 - 'lgtiecks r *3o si3o ;JjSBflL’ »30 ~ ‘^one^^Stew^rtwia^Eully^ste^dy. ■' -*> * •» . Report s*bts -v 9Angu»t2;l977 .APricesfpaidjßeßfiozenrGrade ‘M ’ - Brown-eggS'in cartons ; ‘'. >v. ; -a , <E®KARGE <SMAM, -|WBI *WH - '‘*s7*62 • “sffiSS! -W-78 *73*74 i f«sft69 < „ sNew *67*74 „ i»Bfc69 /- • Tt7s*76 »2 Wf56£57 's*3P32 *RJ. - ssBMl *76-77 .*61*62 .-35-36 . . - , ' "*WBi«6. W£B3 f5&71 , - . ' Mostly *BO-83 =76-79 ! 61-65 .- i T^^&^9ty;^®^|g^^J^Jt^ Blaine -7MO '>74-76 "59451 ' ’34-36 -no -mtty^ont. /4-itocludeiCentral andWestera Sections only. fowtoP ACMAaro'rtoffdiMntiy 1 J HL.Z.I£*, >4 I IMEST RUN EGGS aggj tEgg >lnc., 3<E6I) ;nest atnitionwide trading center - classified' byiwiigfifciiifB(WJozeri ;eithert-300'or ? 75frea!fes^BKiees.aEe]>F > €)B{buyerSdook ) vartd are weektesiicess{or«s&ftt&assifft!atioKwere sPep,€ase -35Wbs ■ f 4B t lbs 45’lbs 42 lbs. 39’lbs. 48 lbs. 48 lbs. Classification '■Extra'Large "Class'‘l -'Large 1 Class'2 - Large Class 3 -Medium Class 4 -'Small BreakmgStock Checks ||ancaster farming} ? J - " " * ■* P.O. Box 266 - lititz?PAl7s43 * Wrcctc * Office: 22 E. Main SOlititz/PA 17543 J ~E»88o t -Record-Express Building J *ama*4M7 t Phone: £ . Price JSnged on large ♦ •orLrtitz 71-7-626-1-164 -anttgenerally 2. cents higher + ,RoberVG.Campbell,Publisher “Sjt into >JoanneSpahtyAssist«nt editor - ,#■• jSSjSJJ- Born^Al&dcrit^Editor J ... , — : ||||' - ' 1 s#■ I*6 ;- ' 1 flak' * Z* ' ' ' ' ■■f *s|witlC(SlaB3H v ,; i ' •; * «, {llefflberfct of % publishers, Assddatkm; »n4’ fWiewlf Mifs|»pef T Assbt&hon -<**64- VSI ’ - - J 32 *33 . ; T’2o :<2V ’-71' J ssf6s .$5l %?32 * ’ -,>20 Tuesday Thursday J PV , 't’JJ a* -33 ■" r’ !•* t ' -g '4&gj ' z*• ' * V> 'x ' '%56' .~f*3d -wet<omtmotsmQ. :^^^miGvid^Ad iiSl^jJtßrekiiuiri^^XiPtan t.« • *FMad3tehia m Y - ?ser- •' > jGina^etitHie^ ~r . lEgg#'Pm?stpc}»ijge4t : - higher «n , -steady . : <deni ' > fair fairly. good' balance -oh (medium and 4acge, - ’ though j barely/, adequate to short on‘‘larger Prices to retailer: sales to ■volume buyers, consumer grades white eggs in cartons, deliverd: Store Door: <A -Extra Large 65-72; A. Large 64-66; A Medium 47%-52. . /i, At “* -z. . mmm- sizes undertone-steady. Lemu pointedout" V- '-1 - ,%&*)&&&? a*!* - * 7';. C t* n * s <r% vv£ V , , - - -s 1 * ■ V' --v" v >r -;. -'$ -. ; > t » u- 4 ' a poupicl^^^P - ft vi l A t CJ 'Wft,*' i, r- ■ * «a " • J7 J* x . *% "iV 1 1 11 u. *<■- -«£ 1— .y* 1 - 1 <\ f » -2k* -S 'iff 1 jJ f y t , 5a ">‘v ?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers