Hog Markets Lancaster Market Monday, August 1,1977 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 25-50 lower; sows 50-1.50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 200-235 lb. 44.50-45.00; Few US 1 200-235 lb. 45.75- 46.00; US 1-3200-240 lb. 44.00 44.50. SOWS: US 1-3 400350 lb. 33.0035.00. Vintage Hog Saturday, July 30,1977 Reported 558 head. No. 1210240 lbs. 44.50 45.60 f No. 2-3 210240 IDS. 43.5044.50; sows 32.0035.75; boars. 27.50-23.50; heavystralghts 255-300 lbs, 38.00-42.00; lightweights 135- 185 lbs. 40.0040.75. Wednesday, August 3,1977 " Reported 401 head. No. 1 210240 lbs. 45.25- 46.35; No. 23 210240 lbs. 44.0045.25; sows 33.7535.00; boars 27.00-32.00; heavystralghts 270300 lbs. 38.75-39.50; 1 shipment National Reputation - Local Service ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Do you want to make buying your Stockers t <d feeders easy. It can be very simple. Just call and give us your order. All orders filled to your exact specifications. Call us anytime'. We can be very helpful. WALTER M. DUNLAP & SONS Cbnsignorscan getstatetagsat ouroff ice, therebysaw»ng3sc marketing«xpertse: "vt-ZV, < } v Lancaster Auction Wednesday, Augusts, 1977 HOGS: Barrows and gilts 50 to mostly 1.00 higher; sows 501.00 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US 1-2 “200235 lbs. 45.0046.00; Few US 1 200235 lbs. 47.00; US 13 2002501b5.44.00-45.00; ■ Few US 1-2.170190 lbs. 38.00 44.00. SOWS: US 13 350525 lbs. 34.5035.50. New Holland Feeder Pig Wednesday, August 3,1977 Feeder Pigs 939- Today Last Wednesday Trend: Compared to last Wednesday feeder pigs mostly 5.00-10.00 higher, instances 15.00 up. All prices on a per hundred weight basis. US 1-2 30-40 lb. 92.00 111.00; 41-50 lb. 71.0090.00; 5339 lb. 62.0078.00. US 2-3 30-40 lb. 81.00-86.00; 41-55 lb. 70.00-86.00. US 3 30-68 lb. 50.0080.00. Utilii NEXT FEEDER TUESDAY, AUG. Consign ail your feeder pigs to Walter M. Dunlap & Sons where they will be handled by a capable and experienced staff. Feeder pigs received from 6 A.M. to il A.M. LANCASTCR STOCK YARDS Foiv Furthers li^oriiMrtioii^r.Cfiif^l7^397^S43fr^^ ..1 - •> fr. Indianapolis Thursday, August 4,1977 HOGS: 1200 Barrows & gilts active, SC -75 higher. US 1-2 200-230 lb. 44.25-44.35,35 head 44.35; US 1-3 200-240 lb. 44.0044.25. Sows: Moderately active, steady to 25 higher. -US 1-3 400-600 lb. 38.00-30.75. Peoria Hog Auction Thursday, August 4,1977 HOGS: 3500 Receipts currently 400 1 under estimate. Barrows and gilts moderately active, opening 50-75 higher. US 1-2 210-240 lb. 43.50- 44.00, 75 head 44.50; US 1-3 200-250 lb. 43.0043.50. Sows: Firm to 50 higher. US 1-3 350-500 lb. 37.5038.00. St. Louis Hog Market Thursday, August 4,1977 1357 HOGS: 4500 Barrows & gilts active, 75- 1.00 higher. US 1-2 200-240 lb. 44.00; US 13 200-260 lb. 43.50-44.00. Sows: Firm to mostly 50 higher. US 13 300450 lb. 37.00 to mostly 37.50. Lancaster Feeder Pig Tuesday, August 2,1977 Feeder Pigs Today Two Weeks Ago TREND: Compared to two weeks ago feeder pigs firm to 5.00 higher. Supply mainly US 1-2 40-95 lb. All prices on a per hundred weight basis. US 1-2 3040 lb. 97.00102.00; 67 head 28-46 lb. 101.00 108.00; 40-60 lb. 88.00- 93.00;57-70 lb. 62.0075.50. CONTACT: JOHN CAMPBELL Atglen, PA (215)593-5529 GARY McGEE Spring Run, PA (717) 349-2340 DAN DERR Conowingo, MD. (301) 378-3280 PIG US 23 3040 lb. 89.00-99.00; 12 Head 37 lb. 102.00; 40-50 lb. 80.00- 19 Head 45-55 lb. 69.00- Few mostly US 3 3943 lb. 48.00- New Holland Hog Monday, Augiut 1,1977 Hog Auction 1208 1435 Today Last Monday TREND: Barrows and gilts 1.00-1;.50 lower 1 than last Monday. Bulk of supply US 1-3,-US 1 and US 1-2 scarce. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 200-235 lb. 44.7545.85; 11 Head US 1210-235 lb. 46.25- 46.60; US 13195-240 lb. 44.00- 44.85; US 23 (few lots) 245- 270 ib. 43.2543.50. Lancaster Grain Thursday,Aug.fi These prices are made up of the average prices quoted by anumber of participating ' area feed and grain con cerns. It should be noted, however, that not every dealer or broker handles each accomodity. All prices are per bushel except ear corn and soybean meal where are per ton. The average prices quoted Thursday, Aug. 6 are as follows: Bid+Offered+ Ear Com 50.00 57.75 Shelled Com 1.95 2.15 Barley 1.72% 1.80 Oats 827 1519 Local 1.20 1.40 Western 1.57 1.77 Wheat 2.15 2.35 Soybeans 5.77 Soybean Meal MEADOW GREEN FARMS will haul HAY, STRAW, & GRAIN To Local Auctions or Buy Outright' Paid at Scales CaH 717-9334080 or 717-9334377 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 6,1977 Futures Trading Chicago Cattle 40.15 41.65 Aug. Sept. Oct. 37.90 Nov. 37.80 34.00 Dec. Feb 37.65 33.50 March April May Trend-Cattle are lower. Hogs are lower. Potatoes are higher and eggs are lower. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. CHICAGO GRAIN FUTURES Aug. Sept. Oct. 229.00 Nov. Dec. Jan. March May 2.50% 2.18% Trend-Corn is higher, Wheat is mixed, Soybeans are lower and Soybean Meal is lower. Market Provided by Commodity Department Reynolds Securities, Inc. U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter Week to date Same period last week Same period last year LANCASTER STOCK YARDS If you want your hard-earned moneys worth in quality feeder cattle and if you want expert handling of your market cattle then we should get to know each other. Please feel free to call us at any time for up-to-the-minute market information. Remember - when it comes to livestock -J.M. Hoober is Number 1. OUR BUSINESS IS MORE THAN LIVESTOCK OUR BUSINESS IS SERVICE TO YOU FOR TOP MARKET DOLLARS »»**«•f •••••••••• \ J. M. HooberSteerDivision - Ph:{7l7) 397-6191,569-2084 A,' Please Call Us Soorr* t - J.M. HooberHog^. £/ Calf A Sheep Division PfK (717)397 6i91 ; 626r5659 (Closing Bids as of Thursday, July 21) ' Chicago New York Hogs Maine Potatoes 34.50 ( Closing Bids as of Thursday, Jnly 21 Wheat Com Soybean Meal 2.26% 1.98% 5.81% 2.37% 2.06% 2.45 2.143 T; Estimated Daily livestock Salughter Under Federal Inspection Cattle Hogs 570.000 1,050,000 567.000 1,076,000 573.000 1,078,000 3 Chicago Fresh Eggs 57.60 54.50 4.54 57.75 59.25 5.39 5.80 6.45 Soybean 6.24 152.30 152.30 150.50 5.65% 151.50 5,72% 153.00 Sheep 96.000 98.000 107,000
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