STORE HOURS: MON.-THURS. 8:00 A.M. to 6 P.M. Friday Till 9 Saturday Till 5 Feotures 115 volt electric motor ond 53 liter (14 gal Ion) receiving tank 39-95042 Nd mvmhhl* m Arimmm p Urt (, aJe e f campressar Carry Tank Take err wherever yeu need rtl t gal I 39-90133 | l/8"x14" 6 Inch Welding Chore Rods Shoes 93° 15" Buy 2 9*l3rd for V! Get Seeks fer V Ivy our spirt father chore Cheese frem Lincoln Foroweld srm 7 12 and get 2 pr or RklweU 3f-SOS*3, *O7 ,fi„Wiodtifcr I* *M«00« 9000 FT. BALER TWINE *10.99 CHECK OUR PRICE ON FENCING AND POSTS GRAVITY BOXES 1 6 5 b,*329 99 s>■oo99 • 225 Bu. *fX W EXIT 20 I LANCABTI LEBANON 1 •Mlfil" Air Compressor 249" EPHRATA WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW LARGER LOCATION TO SERVE YOU BETTER -■V / P' ! i r^! I. Implement & Tractor Enamel 999 I** 34-49349 le 49447 Got Spray Enamtl for V Wfth purdies* ef 1 gellon of enamel get for 1‘ Poml matches original colors. tXIT2I LANCASTER * READING r NEW HOLLAND (772\ 340} Jeans 1099 ■ ■ I YOUR ■ CHOICE • 63-40106 to 81284 denim nder (eon • 63-81404 le 81705 boot cut (can Cotton styles waist sizes 29-44 per manent press styles waist sizes 29 i\ With purchase ef Lee Jeans f Mesh cop with ad £ ; justoble strop t y> Only I 5" T V 0 EXIT 22 MORGANTOWN £ *l°}3 INTERCOURSE BAP Western Style Lee Red Cap Watterless Goop Hand Cleaner 99* Buy I,g(t 1 f»r V Suy one con at reguler price and get another for V 1 lb SUMMER CLEARANCE ITEMS - CLOSE OUTS - ONE OF A KIND - 4 FT. 3 FT. Rotary Cutter *347 77 Tractor Supply Co. P.O. BOX 38 RT. 896 2 miles south of RT. 30 East HARTMAN BRIDGE RD. LANCASTER, PA. 17604 PHONE: 717-687-7642 WESTERN TOWN DEPARTMENT For All Your Clothing ALSO OUR New Large HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER Assorted Do It Yourself Books 89' Get the tips te moke your home improvement protect really professional l Six Piece Screwdriver Set *l* I 1 39 Assorted mechanic's drivers, one philtips 39-07219 10 Ton Wagon - Last Years Model Reg. 384.99 NOW 400 Gal. 8 Row Sprayers 10% OFF Last Season Price Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1977 PRICES ROOD THRU JULY 23,1977 CHECK OUR NEW Adjustable Jack Posts 10" S«fe support for sagging floors and weak beams Tested to 20 fens 4740013 Ray-O-Vac 6 V Lantern Battery $ 1 Zinc/carbon system Seal ed in steel 32-70214 ,A Champion Spark Plugs 84* Resistor Hogs 99* Buy 7, get Bth for 1* Champion plugs improve fuel economy §uy 7 at regular price and get Bth for 1* ,1-78544-80119 Utility And Shop Light 12i 8 * 15.99 With cord, hanging chains, two 40 watt bulbs 47-36514. 11
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