door slide show focuses on nsylvania’s covered bridges - Pennsylvania As part of the July 4 bridges come with weekend activities at Otter of ghosts, robbers, Creek Recreation Area on and colonial Lake Aldred, Small will give That’s why they an outdoor slide talk July 3at the curiosity and 8:30 p.m. on covered bridges if people like Roger in central Pennsylvania. The ofHoltwood. public event is part of the JULY 5 -16 IN OF CLOSE OUT FABRICS 50c-$l.OO a (ding double knits - bonded acrylics - ' prints, etc. (30% off polyester knits) Reg. ;ucker plaids $2.19 »!• ted cream prints $2.19 *l* cloth prints and plain $2.19 ’l* tn batiste prints...., $2.19 , I.‘* try ■ underwear - quilts and pillows • panels for stuffing - blankets - sheets LAPP'S DRY GOODS 3137 Old Philadelphia Pike Bird-in-Hand, Pa. 17505 A Cage isn’t enough t Sale summer nature program provided by Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L) at its recreation facilities associated with the PP&L Holtwood Hydroelectric Project. Small, superintendednt of the Holtwood Plant, says there are more than 100 of these old-fashioned bridges in the Susquehanna River watershed and more than 30 in the Lancaster-York area. According to published accounts, Pennsylvania has the second highest number of covered bridges in the country. The closest such bridge to Lake Aldred is the restored Colemanville Bridge near PP&L’s Pequea Recreation Area in Lan caster County. Otter Creek Recreation Area is reached by leaving Route 74 at Route 425 and following signs into the recreation area. Guests are invited to bring their own chairs or lawn blankets for this outdoor event. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Conservation office relocated in Leb LEBANON, Pa. - George B. Wolff, chairman of the Lebanon County Con servation District, last week announced the relocation and new mailing address of the District office.' It is now Room 110 in the County-City Kendace Borry - (Continued from Pace 1] being corn and alfalfa. While her brother has taken care of most of the farm work for the past four years, Kendance says it didn’t take him long to get her involved and back to work. She plans to take an active role in helping run the farm. Kendace, or Kendy, as she is usually called, graduated from Kutztown State College, Kutztown, where she majored in library science. While studying at Kutztown, she was an active member of the college newspaper staff, being a head newswriter and columnist. Before coming to Lancaster Farming, she served as a librarian and media specialist in the Pennridge School District, Perkasie, Pa. She has travelled ex- It takes more than wire to make a cage system. More than anything else it takes a feeder. Sure, other components are important, but mainly it’s the feeder that makes the system. That’s why the Big Dutchman Tri-Deck system outsells the others. Tri-Deck is equipped with our SPEED FEED chain feeder that feeds every bird the right amount at the right time, without waste. When you compare poultry equipment remem ber that the real test of a cage system is its feeder. Big Dutchman is ready for the test. Big Dutchman, where proven ideas are put into action. SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA. 17603 (717) 393-5807 Route 30 West at the Centerville Exit AUTHORIZED Bi<i Putchman DISTRIBUTOR Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 2, 1977—19 Municipal Building. For merly, it had been located in Room 209 of the Post Office building in Lebanon. Wolff cited ease of access and parking as advantages of the Municipal Building location. tensively, including a three week stay in Ireland where she stayed with an Irish farm family, learning some of their different customs and helping them with the farm work. She would like to HEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. The Conservation District assists fanners in developing plans to conserve and protect their soil and water resources from the harmful effects of ac celerated erosion. return to Ireland again sometime soon. Her future plans on the farm include working and showing horses, improving and enlarging the family sheep herd, helping with the beef steers, and assisting her brother in running the farm. Canada Reindeer Canada’s only reindeer herd forages near Inuvik, the country’s northernmost incorporated town—about 130 miles north of the Arc tic Pole. The animals are descendants of stock im ported from Alaska in the 1930’5. An Eskimo who pur chased the reindeer from the Canadian Government three years ago operates the herd of 7,000 as a business, slaughtering them and ship ping the meat to markets m the south. Khyber Pass Pakistan’s Khyber Pass -20 miles of steep, rocky road —is traveled regularly by a fleet of vintage 1950 Amer ican cars that serve a taxis and trucks. Sale on English Dinnerware' This Saturday in front of store. ENGLISH DIN NERWARE and fancy pieces at close-out prices. Substantial discounts. All sales final, no returns. Shop now for your gifts. FRESH FRUITS IN BULK LOTS FOR HOME PROCESSING, N.J. BLUEBERRIES, Early Harvest Apples, Calif. Apricots, Bing Cherries and other canning fruits. PHONE AHEAD FOR FRUIT INFO. Home & Farm HARDWARE Wire Field Fencing — \LmmL~ COUNTY AUCTION Sat afternoon July 2- First Sat afternoon of each month year ’round Open daily till 5:30 Thurs. tills Fri.tUl9 Closed Sundays W 1 ZIMMERMAN & SONS Pb: 717-763-8291 INTERCOURSE, PA CONTROLLERS & FENCING SUPPLIES PEQUEA BATTERIES Ronks, Pa. 17572 Authorized/Distributor and Warrarrty/Station Write in orders for fence controllers shipped U.P.S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers