20 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. Jul Young dairy By JOYCE BUPP York County Reporter COCKEYSVILLE, Md. - Young dairy farmers today are optimistic about the future. Winners in the Young Cooperator Contest spon sored by cooperatives of the Pennmarva Dairymen’s Federation eagerly look Bergland says Asia seeks chance MANILA, The Phillipines - U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland said recently that the developing nations of Asia are looking “not for charity - but for a chance.” - The Secretary based his com ment on visits to six U.S. trading partners in Asia, conferences with a dozen U.S. agricultural officers posted in the area, and meetings with some 20 agriculture ministers at tending the Third Ministerial Session of the World Food Council in Manila. A FIRECRACKER OF A SALE Enjoy the best in gentle , high-capacity raking Bigger savings with big round bales start here ■» 241 Bigroil Baler The many superior features of IH Bigrofl Balers give you extra time, labor and quality-saving benefits Included is the ability to make full 6-ft diameter bales with loose cores that permit "breathing," yet have extra-tight sur faces for maximum resistance to weathering. And you also get dump-and-go convenience, which means you don’t have to back up to eject in order to get all of the windrow when starting a new bale • Exclusive lower belt tracking system lets belt float to tolerate loads, reduce wear • Exclusive individually replaceable upper belts • Exclusive twine guide positioning indicator for more convenient and twme-savmg wrapping performance • Exclusive vertical hitch adjustment to maintain level baler operation Let’s arrange a demonstration. Finance plans available. 2. 1977 forward to their chosen careers with a dedication perhaps rarely found m any other segment of the population. Roy Crum, newly-selected Young Cooperator from the Maryland Cooperative Milk Producers, sees a continuing increase in the efficiency of American dairy farmers. “I have been most favorably impressed by the determination on the part of the political and business community of Southeast Asia to improve their own lot,” he said. “They don’t want American charity - they want a chance - a chance to trade. “Economic opportunity is the only road to freedom and Southeast Asia is an agricultural region and may always be agricultural - we don’t know. But we do know that the world’s food needs Cepe & Weaver New Providence, Pa. farmers see optimistic future “I think family farms will continue to grow larger, but they’ll stay family operated,” believes the Woodbine, Md., dairyman. “I don’t believe they’ll lose their identity through that growth, though.” “The dairy industry has got to be promising,” stated will double in 35 years and Southeast Asia will un doubtedly be a part of that development. We are therefore pressing hard for reduced barriers to trade. “If a developing nation is permitted to sell its products, it will obviously improve the welfare of its people. From that, economic prosperity will evolve, and political stability will be the consequence. So a more liberal trading system is to the advantage of the world as a whole.” lb WE INVITE YOU TO USE THIS NEW HYDRAULIC DRIVE RAKE By reversing flow of oil, rake may be used as a Hay Tedder International • 720 and 830 Forage Harvesters the winner from Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers, Samel B. Welsh, of Leesburg, Va. “The age of the dairy farmer is going up; they’ll be less of us to do it,” Welsh added; “Food has to come from someplace.” His runner-up in the Maryland-Virginia com -petition, Douglas Perrow, dairyman from Spout Spring, Va. echoed those thoughts. “The percentage of far mers is decreasing each year. There’s a greater demand for the younger established farmers to do a better job,’’insisted Perrow. “Farming takes a lot of planning and a lot of luck,” reminded Robert Kauffman of Peach Bottom, who took top honors in the Interstate MUk Producers judging. “It looks a lot brighter now than a few years ago, but there’ll continue to be some operations weeded out; the most efficient will stay,” Get all-crop versatility, plus electrically controlled feeding and discharge Phone (717) 786-7351 Kauffman figures. “We’re riding the waves of inflation, with food prices not nearly keeping up with other parts of the economy.” Kauffman strongly sup ports the trend of the milk industry toward continued advertising and promotional efforts. “I’m personally very well pleased with the way ad vertising is going,” noted the High capacity. Fine-cut performance. Simple, easy control. Interchangeable quick-attach dnve-m crop units for row crops or hay pickup. Row crop, 2-row adjustable for wide or narrow rows fits 720 and 830; 3-row narrow for 830 only. Same 6-ft. hay pickup fits both. High speed, high-helix 12-knife cutterheads cut 3/16-m. lengths without recutter screen Fingertip electric controls for feeding and discharge. • 720 for tractors up to 130 PTO hp.; 830 for tractors up to 175 PTO hp • Dual electric clutches, remote controlled for start, stop, reverse ol feed system. • Hydra-Sharp knife sharpener bevels as it sharpens for maximum cutting efficiency. jjn fmvr &U& Umet U « WEAVER ft sfia= m&M =][;, INC. “leeway Pal" "7: R.D. 4 MYERSTOWN, PA. 17067 CALL COLLECT 717-866-5708 young Lancaster farmer. “Advertisi the new surplus i are going to mai ference in future _ milk in the tank. It bother me if the price were higher, i get the job done.” “If those who would only realize cooperatives are us,” concluded 1 - **i 5m us tor dottlls Easy flmn ca plans asalfabf*
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