—Lancaster Farming,’ Saturday, July Z, 1577 18 Kiser speaks at By SALLY BAIR LANCASTER, Pa. - Dr. Harvey L. Kiser, director of economic services for the National Grain and Feed Association, told par ticipants in Penn Ag In dustries’ grain seminar this week that there will probably be set aside program for wheat in effect for 1978. He siad, “The government will require farmers to set aside certain acreage not to be produced.” While the government also has authority to set aside acreage for other feed grains, Kiser indicated that wheat would be the. most likely crop to be affected. He noted that a set aside program will come about only after 175 per cent of domestic needs have been attained. In discussing the farm bill now being considered in the Congress, Kiser indicated that an emergency food reserve will be established. The reserve will go no lower Egg ads PARK RIDGE, ILL.- With Fall’s many busy •activities and hearty appetites, homemakers are bound to “Fall for Eggs” as the convenient, economical solution to time-pressed meal and snack fixing. American Egg Board’s Fall promotional campaign revolves around six new recipes, three of which are included in display ad vertising and point-of-sale materials, and three of which can be distributed to YOUta IN GREAT SHAPE WITH EGGS! Paul Nelson than two million tons and could be no greater than 6 million tons. He said the final amount will hinge on in ternational agreements yet to be ~ readied. He said mutual'world- minimums for food reserves will be established. Kiser mentioned that the listed as editorial newspapers features. A highlight of the cam paign is an extraordinarily large fourcolor poster displaying “Easy, Economical, Elegant Eggs.” This seasonal campaign is part of an ongoing, large scale national program of advertising, publicity and merchandising of the “In credible, Edible Egg.” “Fall for Eggs” materials will be available through state egg promotion groups and American Egg Board. STOLIZFUS MEAT MARKET A 7 CUSTOM BEEF BUTCHERING I ; Our Own Corn Fed Beef HI y V- Right From The Farm ) / /- , v - ji I - -FRESH BEEF AND PORK— i| \ OUR OWN HOME MADE b A) SCRAPPLE A FRESH SAUSAGE XjLffl /jJ'TSsv l ' Bacon and Country Cured Hams tj Orders taken for freezer Meats PH. 768-3941 Directions: 1 block east of Intercourse on Rt. 772 - Newport Road STORE HOURS ™“ s rs - £jj Penn Ag. grain Senate has passed their version of a bill, but the House will not act on a final bill until some time later in July. Kiser said there will be an expansion and liberalizion of farm facility loans, and a three year extended loan program for on-farm storage, of wheat and rice. Of great concern to the staff members of this national association was a surprise announcement in the Federal Registry by Secretary of Agriculture Bob Bergland expanding the availability of Form G - type loans to associations of producers. Paul Nelson, director of information services for the association said, “We will follow it and said they spoke up strongly pay close attention to what is in opposition to the new happening”, ruling, calling it both illegal Nelson presented a slide and anti-competitive program on grain handling, because it will give offering suggestions for cooperatives an edge over ways to handle grain to other small businesses. He maintain the highest quality, explained that formerly Using a U.S.D.A. study, these loans were available Nelson said that breakage of only to farmers as in- corn is more economically dividuals, and to groups of damaging than breakage in farmers in the cotton, honey, wheat and soybeans, rice and soybean industries. He said that dropping Quoting from Farmland causes the most damage, News, a midwest and breakage is less when publication, Nelson said, 60111 in of a higher moisture “The proposal will enable content and has a higher farmers to do collectively temperature. He noted, of what now they can do only course, that for storage, low individually.” He added, temperatures and low “The full effect of the moisture content is more proposal is not known.” desirable. He said the effect could be He recommended that the “to rather severly alter the number of handlings be kept marketing of grain”. He to a minimum and that noted that the announcement binning and inventory be in the Federal Register was well planned .so that grain an unusual way of in- 630 be kept in a bin and traducing such a ruling. Five therefore grain will chop on thousand responses were grain to reduce damage. ——^^^ _ He pointed out that if grain J made, with over half in opposition to the ruling. He Dr. Harvey Kiser THE RIGIDPLY UNI- Here is an exceptionally strong and very easily constructed building, that is at the same time most attractive and allows the complete use of all interior space. An ideal and economical choice for:' FARROWING HOUSE {pictured above], FATTENING HOUSE, VEAL HOUSE, MACHINERT, UTILITY or SHELTER. ONE COMPLETE BUILDING PACKAGE - with everythin you need for Hie building style selected, on a sinfle defvery to your location - will include; laminated arches, purfins, insulation, sitfing and roofing; as wel as win dows, doors [or overhead doors], ridge vents and eve flaps - and all needed hardware CALL TODAY, FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Ripdply Rafters offer a complete ine of bufldmt materials that have liven proven performance for all types of buildincs. Contact us for dependable service on all your seminar is now being bandied three times, there will be one third less breakage if that can be reduced to- two handlings. Equipment should be properly maintained and conveyors should be run at the proper speed and capacity to reduce overall damage. SALE on 32' high - Free Dell Offer expiree Aug. 31,1977 JOHN L. STAUFF R.0.#2, East Earl, Pa. 175 - Phone: (215) 445-6175, Kiser also . proposed standards pollution devices on modified grain elf Hie standards, as are so restrict!' unenforceable tin Environmental Agency, bowing pressure, has suspt standards and wi evaluate and reinstat at a later time”, acr Kiser. a STIHL SG 17 Spr $24995
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