—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 2. 1977 14 | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | [Continued from Pace 10] another matter to develop and come forward with a progressive workable program.' I say it is alwasy easy time to “put up or shut up”. For me the Beef Research and Information act is a good Tax law blamed for energy problem Editor, Lancaster Far- escape income 1 will gladly supply more ming: “donnation on this subject, One of the main causes of uicome from such free on request, to anyone the financial plight of e »fractMm- who will write to me at Box agriculture today is our No tax advantage, even 12 ?, Gillette, Wyo. 82716. national energy problem and remotely comparable, was Sincerely, the resulting increase in Stephen Tarver farm and ranch operating development of energy from Gillette, Wyo. costs the inexhaustible energy ’ 3 But do we really have an s olll ®* B such as a® l " - P° w ® r > energy shortage in this wind P° wer - regrowable country" or are we simply' vegetation and waste con being denied an abundance version. , . of energy by our inequitable Congress has failed for income tax laws? over 50 There are at least six gross meqmty from the tax proven practical methods of kw. This has worked to the producing enormous disadvantage of amounts of usable energy those trying toraise capita! from inehaustible energy t° develop the inexhaustible sources. Why haven’t we energy sources, taken advantage of these if Congress continues, to inexhaustible energy fail to remove thi* inequity sources on a large scale? from the tax law, it is not The answer is quite ap- likely that there will be any Parent: significant development of In 1926 Congress passed these incrlwnstihlc sources in icome tax legislation which very soon because the enables those people with development capital will income from the extraction obviously continue to be of minerals and fossil fuels, attracted to where the tax such as oil and coal, to advantages are. idea and worth a try. It is off the fence” and try to help voluntary and anyone who ourselves: lam sure It is the doesn’t want to participate last chance in our lifetime to can get his money returned have such a self-help immediately. It is a program. Other food groups producer’s program, run by are trying to capture our cattle producers who receive beef market. Lets “Keep no salary for their effort. As Beef King” by voting yes few as 10 per cent of those July sth to the 17th. voting can have a recall Harry H. SUmbaugh referendum. I say “Let’s get Green Park, Pa. PORK PRODUCERS! Your county and state Pork Producers’ Council has initiated a campaign to increase producer participation in the check-off program of market hogs and feeder pigs at your local markets. Progressive feed salesmen have petitions for you to sign so you can indicate your support for the investment program. “HELP KEEP PORK ON THE MOVE FOR MORE PROFIT” Contact the salesman representing one of the feed companies listed below; RON L HERSHEY RALSTON-PURINA OLDMANS ALLIED MILLS MCCRACKEN FEED MILL INC. ZIMMERMAN BULK FEEDS PENNFKLD FEEDS JASON E. MILLER WOLGEMUIN MANOR FARM SUPPLY WEST WILLOW FARMERS ASSN. GRUBB SUPPLY CO. JOHN J. HESS II INC. AGWAY WHITE OAK MILLS LEROY M.SEHSEMG INC. STEVENS FEED MILL, UK. RED ROSE FEEDS MASTER MIX MARK HERSHEY FARMS WALL YODER other check off type The proposed programs doing? "_■ will help a few Looking at the first giving them new question, the answer is easy, advertising agent Ask any housewife. Her amount of family can’t afford more, and all the mji She’ll buy more if the price is newspapers, ra( lower. You know what that television station means. Do you want less for carry the ads, also/ your cattle? Madison additional dollars. ’ Avenue has never run a way producers can' successful advertising is through higher i - campaign for any farm lower, costs. We' product. Cotton,- wool and much about costs ■ Editor, Lancaster Far- The buyer will deduct app j es 5* three 84 ra ? dom to Pay the prices I mh»g: that amount ?£ Sl buyer Production areas where machinery dealer Next week cattle win send the extensive advertising has have no alternative! producers will vote m the Beef Board -68 ton cattle hee Q employed in an effort to work on improi national beef referendum, producers who will ed- !>«>st sales. Notice the ever prices we receive. At stake is a com- mSer the fuiTds .ml mcreBSul B percentage of off won’t do a pl„ to SSS ?or „«“d Z that strengthen domestic and programs. market. Know what the foreign markets, step up pnce of wool is.- Are con research on production These will include ad- sumers eating more apples? problems and improve vertising, public relations, do smithing positive to communications throughout--sales promotion, consumer improve our balance sheets the beef industry. It’s known education, production and the time is now. as the beef research and nutrition research, I urge all local producers information plan. marketing research and- *o vote “yes” in the beef This self-help plan was foreign market develop- referendum, designed by cattle producers ment. Yes vote urged for cattle producers. It will be funded by a 30 cent per $lOO deduction on all cattle John J. Hess II Inc. > Editor, Lancaster Far ming:l On June 18 a letter to the editor appeared in your paper that doesn’t make much sense to me. The writer states his family would eat more beef if be could get a better price for his cattle, and that is what the beef referendum is all about. Does General Mills, Proctor & Gamble, Kelloggs', Editor, Lancaster Farming: Before any cattle producer votes in the beef check off referendum, he or she should ask himself (herself) a couple of questions. 1. Why isn’t more beef being eaten now? 2. How are producers in If, we’re ever going to take charge of our industry, and Sponsored by Letter makes litt Beef check-off question e< etc., wait for the si markets to promote products? When a housewife down the highway and billboard advertising and sees it on TV, whal of meat does she buy? only a few years ago . was 10 cents higher than pork, why is pork now 10 cents higher than beef? The literature the writer referred to two weeks ago doesn’t make much sense because Sincerely, Wayne Miller Monnt Joy, Pa. all farmer membt No wonder people call us dumb] Walters. 1 Di Avoid Wash If you shop only 1 week, avoid waste l up fresh produce perishables first canned and frozen carry, you Drought latter part of the w
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