Vets urged to report unusual drug reactions JIVERSITY PARK, Pa. vitally concerned to know radioing veterinarians how these drugs perform a major role in assuring under actual field conditions, i the animal drugs they To that end, they sponsor a 'and dispense are safe feedback program to obtain effective, say experts -field reports on the safety . Penn State. and effectiveness of animal drugs. Practicing veterinarians are urged to participate in the program by reporting any unexpected adverse reactions to animal drug products. The veterinarian’s ex perience in recognizing unexpected drug responses is very valuable if he reports w animal drugs in the are initially approved rpA for safety and ef cy. The approval is d on scientific studies )rmed with a relatively ]I number of test jals. But FDA also is | J 1 agri-king / )\ key T 0 PROFIT . Just because it's yours, don't waste it I Don't forget. . . Needs new tests and new formulation by Agri-King, Inc. i f Boy! This new hay sure tastes good after eating corn silage ail winter. George F. DeLong Regional Manager 225 West Woods Drive Lititz, PA 17543 Call Collect 717-6264)261 Eastern Lancaster Co. Melvin Harr RD2 New Holland, PA 17557 Ph: 717-354-5977 Berks Co. Rofer Heller RDI, Robesoma, PA Phone: 215-593-6160 LOOK AHEAD TO YOUR UMMERF New hay, new pasture . . . (for more information —) Call or Write Your Nearest Agri-King Serviceman tern Penna, Southern Lancaster Co. Henry Delong, Jr. RD2 Box 69 Peach Bottom, PA 17563 Phone: 717-548-3471 A Northampton Co. Thomas Heist Main Street Alburtis, PA 18101 Phone 215-965-5124 them. These reports help FDA gather the facts needed to insure that only safe and effective drugs are used for animal health. -The veterinarian should report any unusual effect or response, whether or not it can be attributable directly to the drug. FDA would also like to learn of any unusually favorable experiences with animal drugs under field conditions. Each report received by the bureau is thoroughly Lancaster Co. Earl B. Cinder RD2, Manheim, PA 17545 Phone. 717-665-3126 Aldus R. Kir* RDI,Box67A Atglen, PA 19310 Phone; 215-593-5952 Chester Co. William Windle RDI. Atglen, PA 19310 Phone:2ls-593-6143 evaluated. Unless a reaction is serious, requiring in vestigation, the information will be collated with other reports on that drug, which over time, may develop into a pattern. Any practicing veterinarian encountering serious adverse reactions is encouraged to call Bureau of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) (301-443-3044) for assistance in documenting and resolving the clinical problem. ZRAM Sure does, but I hope the boss doesn't get so busy that he forgets to send a sample in to the lab to keep our ration balanced!!! Ben Greenawalt RD2 Conestoga, PA 17516 Phone: 717-872-5686 tern Penna, District VI horse judging held BOILING SPRINGS, Pa. - The 1977 District VI 4-H Horse judging contest was held on June 25 at the Bonny Brook Riding Club show ring, near Boiling Springs, Pa. The contest was won by the Dauphin County team consisting of Robin Weatherby, July Fari, and Tracy Conrad with a com bined score of 1073 points out of a possible total of 1350. The Cumberland County team of Deb King, Betsy Nichols, and Judy Long placed second with a score of tern Lancaster Co- Lebanon Co. Marvin Meyer RD2, Box 157 Annville, PA 17003 Phone: 717-867-1445 Central Penna. James L Yoder Regional Manager 250 Edwards Ave. Chambersburg, PA 17201 Call Collect 717-264-9321 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 2.1977—11 I I f I s I 1059 while the Lebanon ’County team of Jeanne Pierce, Donna Lansberry, and Liz Wells placed third with score of 1037. Highest placing individual in the junior division was Jodi Miller from Lebanon County. In the senior division, the highest score was awarded to Robin Weatherby from Dauphin County. Fifty-eight members representing the county areas of Dauphin, Cum berland, Lebanon, Adams, York, and Perry were represented. Each team placed four classes on confirmation, giving reasons in two, and two pleasure classes, giving reasons in one. YOUta IN GREAT SHAPE WITH EGGS! ATTENTION Special Summer Sale Extra Discounts On, O. o„ u ,< FARM FENCERS 12 volt & Elec. Models We now Repair and Service Farm Fencers. Hot Shot Stock Prod* Hogmen Vaccinate today AR-lAC Atrophic Rhinitis VACCINE Saves Your Pigs MAES INFLATIONS Buy 10 Inflations GET 2 FREE Complete Line of Fly Control Service Try Our Medication Program & Special Prices Today (C^SALE Wood Stock Canes ZIMMERMAN’S ANIMAL HEALTH SUPPLY RD4, Litftz, PA 17543 Home Store Phone: 717-733-4466 ATTENTION Available at David Good’s Farm Machinery Sale July 6 by Paul S. Zimmerman, Leola, RDI, Pa. 17540.
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