m Livestock market and auction news Pa. Auction Summary May 6,1977 . Utility 28.01W1.00. BULLS: CATTLE 8884. Compared Yield Grade 1 1000-2100 lbs. with 9839 head last week, and 33.00-37.50, fewto 39.25; yield 7849 bead a year ago, grade No. _ 2 900-1700 lbs. Compared with last week’s 29.00-34,50. FEEDER market, slaughter steers CATTLE: Choice 300-750 lbs. steady to $1.25 higher, feeder steers 38.00-48.00, Slaughter heifers steady to Good 300-700 lbs. 31.50-40.00, s!■ higher. Slaughter cows Medium 300-650 lbs. 26.00- uneven, mostly steady to $1 31.00; Good & Choice 300-750' lower. Slaughter bullocks & lbs. feeder heifers 27.00- Btills uneven. Feeder Cattle 36.50, Medium 300-700 lbs. uneven, extremes $2 higher 23.00-30.00; Good & Choice to $1 lower. STEERS: High 300-750 lbs. feeder bulls 29.00- Choice & Prime No. 3-441.25- 37.50, Medium & Good 300- 43.25, Choice No. 2-4 39.00- 700 lbs. 26.00-34.00. CALVES 43.00, Good 35.00-39.00, 3991. Compared with 4465 Standard 32.00-35.50, few bead last week, and 3722 Utility 28.00- head a year ago. Vealers 32.00, Choice No. mostly $1 to $4 higher, spots 2-3 35.00-10.00, good 32.75- to $8 higher. VEALERS: 38.00, Standard 30.00-33.00, Prime 70.00-79.00, Choice few Utility 27.00-30.00. Utility 59.00-70.00, Good 48.00- & High Dressing Cutter 65.00, Standard & Good 110- slaughter cows 27.50-31.50, 130 lbs. 38.00-65.00,90-110 lbs. few to 32.00, Cutters 25.00- 34.00-15.00, Standard 70-90 28.75, Canners 23.50-26.50; lbs. 28.00-38.00,Utility 50-100 Shells down to 19.00. lbs. 18.00-28.00. Farm BULLOCKS: Choice 36,00- Calves, holsten bulls 90-120 39.00, Good 33.50-36.50, few lbs. 36.00-53.00; holstein Standard 31.00-34.00, few heifers 90-120 lbs. 35.00-48.00. Its A FACT 30 HER 1,688 p *AV msssm PENNFIELD DAIRY FEEDS FOR pennfleld feeds Local Calls Lancaster 299-2561 ■■—----r HOGS 6630 Compare with 8151 head last week, and 6828 head a year ago. Barrows & Gilts $1 to $2.75 higher. BARROWS & GILTS: US No. 1-2 200-400 lbs. 39.7541.75, No. 1-3 200-250 lbs. 38.00- 40.25, No. 23 190-260 lbs. 35.5038.00, few No. 24 250- 300 lbs. 33.00-36.00, few No. 1- 3 150-180 lbs. 30.00-36.00. Sows: Mostly steady to $1 higher. US No. 13 300375 lbs. 29.0033.00, few to 36.75, No. 23 300300. bs. 26.0030.00. Boars 18.00-25.00. FEEDER PIGS 1866. Compared with 1675 head last week, and 1472 head a year ago. Feeder pigs mostly steady to $6 lower per head. US No. 13 2035 lbs. feeder pigs 18.00-26.00 per head, No. 13 3530 lbs. 25.0036.50, No. 1-3 50-85 lbs. 30.0044.00, Utility 40-75 lbs. 28.0038.00 per head. GRADED FEEDER PIGS SALES 1662 head. Compared with .4127 head last week. Feeder pigs were uneven, extremes $3 higher to $ll lower cwt. US No. 1-2 711 Rohrerstown Rd., Lancaster, PA 17604 Toll Calls in 717 and 215 Areas Dial Free 800-732-0467 IN YOUR DAIRY PROGRAM 3045 lbs. 95.00-105.00, 45-65 lbs. 72.50-94.00, No. 23 2545 lbs. 81.00-99.00, few 106.00,45- 70 lbs. 66.0030.00, Utility 30- 45 lbs. 66.00-78.00. SHEEP 496. Compared with 579 head last week, and 507 head a year ago. Spring slaughter lambs unevely steady. Choice 30-100 lbs. 52.00-70.00, few 76.00, Good 40-90 lbs. 40.0037.00. Slaughter ewes 8.00-21.00, few to 29.00. Chambersburg Auction Chambersburg, Pa. May 5,1977 CATTLE 445. Compared with last Thursday’s market, slaughter steers grading Choice steady, Good $1 higher. Slaughter cows 50 cents to $1.50 higher. Choice 1100-1200 lbs. 23, slaughter steers 38.5040.75, individual at 41.35, Good 35.8538.10, Standard 32.6035.00. Choice slaughter heifers 35.00- 37.10, few Prime at 38.75, D 80 COWS Red Lion 2444511 Lancaster Farming Good 32.75-34.75, few Standard 31.8533.10. Utility and High Dressing Cutter slaughter cows 29.5032.00, few to 32.60, Cutters 27.75- 30.00, Camera 25.75-28.25, few Shells down to 23.00. Choice slaughter bullocks, individual’s 37.00 and 37.85, few Standard 32.50-34.25. Yield Grade No. 1, 1050-1750 lbs. 32.8536.85; Mixed Good and Choice 500-700 lbs. feeder steers 34.0042.00. Good 300-800 lbs. feeder heifers 30.5038.50. CALVES 523. Vealers grading Choice steady to $5 higher, Standard and Good $4 to $8 higher. Prime vealers 65.00-74.50, Choice 59.0039.00, Good 48.0039.00, Standard and Good 110-130 lbs. 47.0034.00, 90-110 lbs. 41.0048.00, Standard 7035 lbs. 36.00-42.00. Farm Calves: Holstein bulls and heifers 90-120 lbs. 45.0033.00. HOGS 212. Barrows and gilts $3 to $4 higher . US No. 1-2 200-230 lbs. barrows & gilts 40.3541.35, No. 13' 190-220 lbs. 39.8540.35, lot No. 24 260 RAGED RE FAT EAR Saturday, May 14.1977—5 lbs. at 37.25. US No. 1-3 300- 550 lbs. sows 30.00-35.25. Few Boars 18.00-23.50. FEEDER PIGS 69. US No 1-3 30-50 lbs. feeder pigs 27.00- 36.00 per head. SHEEP 37. Good and Choice 3040 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 48.00-56.00. Slaughter ewes 8.50-18.50. Baltimore USDA CATTLE 600: Moderately active, slaughter steers & heifers 50-1.00 higher, cows 50-100 lower, bulls 50 cents lower, few feeders steady. Supply 40 per cent slaughter steers & heifers, 35 per cent cows, 20 per cent feeders, balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 2-4 1040-1300 lbs. 39.50-42.00; High Good & Choice 24 38.75-39.50; Good 24 1000-1350 lbs. 34.50-38.75 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: High Good to mostly Choice 24 900-1130 lbs. 36.60-37.75 COWS: Utility 2-3 27.00- 31.75; Cutter 26.00-29.75; Canner & low Cutter 22.50- 1 26.00; BULLS: Yield Grade 1 1075- 1900 lbs. 33.00-36.75 FEEDER CATTLE: Choice steers 695-000 lbs. 40.00-41.00; Good & choice 775-885 lbs. 37.00- few 450-550 lbs. 40.00- HOGS 1200: Compared with Thursday Barrows & Gilts $l.OO-1.25 higher U Sl-3 200- 240 lbs. 40.00-40.50 US 2-3 230- 260 lbs. 39.00-40.00 SOWS: Steady to 59 cents higher U S 1-3 300-600 lbs. 30.00-31.50 VEAL & CALF AUCTION 150: Choice Vealers 140-300 lbs. 57.00-68.00; Good 115-275 lbs. 42.00-56.50; Standard and low Good 75-125 lbs. 27.50-41.00; Good calves 250- 400 lbs. 32.20-39.50; few choice 40.0044.00 SHEEP AUCTION 50: Choice spring lambs 90-100 lbs. 63.50-64.75 Greencastle Auction Greencastle, Pa. May 9,1977 CATTLE 87, Compared with last Monday’s market, slaughter cows $1 to $1.50 higher. One Good salughter heifer at 34.75. Utility & High Dressing Cutter daughter cows 28.60-31.50, one at 31.75, few Cutters 26.756-28.10, few Canners 24.00-26.35, Shells down to 20.00. One Good slaughter bullock at 35.00. Few Yield Grade 7 /a2 1060- 1440 lbs. slaughter bulls 31.00-36.10. CALVES 147. Vealers very active, $l6 to $lB higher. One Prime vealer at 71.00, few Choice 60.50-65.00, Few Good 53.50-61.00, Standard & Good 110-130 lbs. 55.00-60.50, 90-110 lbs. 50.00-57.00, Standard 70- 90 lbs. 44.0051.00, few Utility 55-85 lbs. 30.00-43.50. HOGS 40. US No. 1-3 210-255 lbs. barrows & gilts 40.25- 40.75. Few US No. 2-3 390-625 lbs. sows 28.25-29.00. One Boar at 24.25. FEEDER PIGS 15. One lot Utility 25 lbs. feeder pigs 15.00 per head. SHEEP 0. No sales on offer.
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