—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. May 14. 18 Ag committee reports on farm bill WASHINGTON, D.C. - The following information is provided to summarize the steps taken by the Senate Committee on Agriculture,; Nutrion, and Forestry on the omnibus farm legislation, as ordered reported by the Committee on May 4,1977 by an 18-0 vote. MAJOR FEATURES Continuation of major commodity programs for wheat, feed grains, rice, soybeans, and cotton, with revisions, for five years. Adoption of a new five year peanut program with a two-tier price system and poundage quotas. Elimination of present crop allotments to be replaced with a current acreage planted system. Establishment of extended loan or reserve program for wheat and authority for the Administration to begin negotiations toward an in ternational food reserve. Limitation of $50,000 on payments under wheat, rice, feed grain, and cotton programs. Extension of the P.L. 480 program for five years with increased emphasis 6n agricultural development. Extablishment of coor dinating mechanism and increased agricultural research commitment, in cluding animal resarch and nutrition. Extension of milk marketing order provisions for five years with support levels set at 80 percent of parity through March 31, 1978. Five-year extension of the National Wool Act with in creased support levels. Two-year extension of the food stamp program, while eliminating the purchase requirement. WHEAT For 1979-1982, the wheat target price will be based on i TROY-BILT 6 H.P. RECOIL START *615.00 Includes Row Marker 4 H.P. Pony Tillers Available SPECIAL USED CASE 18 H.P. FRONT END LOADER & TILLER. GOOD CONDITION A REAL WORK HORSE - PRICED RIGHT NORMAN H. ZIMMERMAN Myerstown R.D. 2 Phone (717) 866-4695 l A mile west Myerstown - West Main St. Shop Hours; t Mon.&Fri.-BtoB Sat.-8 to 12 + Wed. & Thors. I to 5 Toes. 197 cost of production but not less than $3.10 per bushel. The loan level will be set at 85 percent of the cost of production. There will be no prior deduction for storage charges on wheat loans beginning in 1977. The Committee en couraged the Administration to continue negotiations toward an international wheat agreement involving major wheat exporting and importing countries with the goal of setting U.S. cost of production as a minimum price. Regarding the budget implications of the Com mittee’s raising 1977 wheat targetprices, the Committee established October 1, 1977 as the first date on which any increased payments could be made. CORN For 1979-1982, target prices for corn will be based on the cost of production with the loan rate set at 85 percent of the target price. Supports for other feed grains will be established by the Secretary in relation to com. SOYBEANS 'The Committee agreed AMS/OIL SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS can increase the bottom line, PROFITS! Let me show you how. Call Mel Caldwell (717)872-7324 ♦ that a mandatory loan level be established at not less that $4.00 per bushel with the Secretary having t£e authority to make upward adjustments. COMMODITIES-GENERAL The Committee adopted a new system based on current year plantings which would replace the present crop allotments. The new plan would make any payments, now based on' the crop allotments, on the estimated' Don't Get Caught With Your Hay Down I Also Loss of Silo Capacity ! SAVE THE HIGH NUTRIENT CONTENT OF YOUR LUSH GREEN HAY AND CORN CROPS REDUCE HARVEST AND STORAGE LOSSES ... e New Agri-King Weather Proof Method And Chop That Same Afternoon on a Good Drying Day. BY SIMPLY APPLYING SILO-KING YOU HELP PREVENT....OVER-HEATING.... VITAMIN LOSS....ENERGY LOSS SEEPAGE....DIGESTIBLE PROTEIN LOSS YOUR COWS WILL EAT MORE SWEET, PALATABLE AND NUTRITIOUS SILAGE! SftllttW?stgrn Penna Southern Lancaster Co Lebanon Co. George F Delong Henry DeLong, )r. Marvin Meyer Regional Manager RD2 Box 69 RD2. Box 157 225 West Woods Drive Peach Bottom PA 17553 Annville. PA 17003 Lititz PA 17543 Phone 717 54S 3471 Phone 717-867-1445 Call Codec 1 717 626 0261 is»»rn Lamasier Ben Greenawatt Hotcr HtHrr Melvin Herr RO2 Concsloja PA 17516 RDI Robesonta PA RD2 New Holland PA 17557 Phone 717 872 5686 Phone 215 693 6160 Ph 717 354 5977 r ■rl u W{' ! >'n iaiicaster Co tan 0 Gmder RDP Manheim PA 17545 Phone 717 665 3126 domestiq and export needs, Committee also added silo less imports. The Committee' i oa ns to this authority, agreed that in no event could The Secretary was the acreage on which authorized to - establish a producers eligible for loan guarantee program of payments be reduced below U p to 80 percept of the total 90 percent of the producer’s cost for the construction of planted acreage. storage facilities for the The Committee agreed to same commodities as under add rice and soybeans to the the CCC loans above. present mandatory CCC xhe disaster payment' storage facility loan program was extended for program with the interest two years with some rate to be the cost of money - modifications. Producers to the government. The would be required to plant to yt TOO WET RESULTS ? Energy Loss - Vitamin Loss - Digestible Protein Loss (for more information ) Call or Write Your Nearest Agri-King Serviceman Southwestern Lancaster Co Southeastern Penna Aldus R. Kmf ROl Box 67A Atten PA 19310 Phone 215 593 5952 AGRI-KING KEY TO PROFIT TOO DRY - LEAF LOSS SILO-KING Allows You To Mow lN THE - HoRN,Ne ' Northeast Berts Co Chester Co WHam Wndle RDI. Aleten. PA 19310 Phone- 215-593 6143 receive deficiency payments.. Set-aside authority was continued and the Secretary also was given the authority to establish additional set aside through a bid system. Hie Committee agreed to prevent certain types of corporations and other entities from receiving direct payments. The Secretary of 1 Continued on Page 29] »■ V* *■ "sT’ lamoton Co Thomas Heist Mam Street Alburhs. PA 18101 Phone 215965 5124 South Central Penna James L. Voder fictional Manaeer 250 Edwards Ave Chambersburg. PA 17201 Call Collect 717-264 9321 wwwr
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