DARI - KOOL THE VALUE CHECK THESE OUTSTANDING FEATURES... ON THE NEW NEW NEW DARI-KOOL Equipped With Copelamatic GRAIN DRYING E SJ. V' SUPER B AUTOMATED BATCH GRAIN DRYER SHENK'S FARM SERVICE 501 E. Woods Drive New Tripoli Area - Phone (215)767-7611 Bulk tanks & Therma. Stor our Service Trucks Are Radio Dispatched Dari-Kool Direct Expansion Coolers with New Style Washing Unit Refrigeration Systems Heavy Duty Agitators Built-In Washing System Tube and Plate Pre-Coolers Temperature Recorder with New Alarm Circuit or Light Therma*Stor Heat Recovery System UIPMENT GT BATCH RECIRCULATING SALES-INSTALLATION—SERVICE Lititz, PA 17543 After 5 P M. Call Titus Burkhoider-717-859-1620 LEADER USED TANKS 1000 Gal. Girton D 2 -400 Gal. Girton D 2 • 300 Gal. Girton 500 Gal. Jamesway 400 Gal. Zero 600 Gal. Steinhorst Phone 717-626-1151 Quakertown Area - Phone (215) 536-1935 1 w | Dairymen... Call 717-626-1151 For Details on These Features On The ALL NEW DARI-KOOL- THE VALUE LEADER COOLING SYSTEMS «a> CIRCLE GRAIN BINS FEED BINS 24 HR. SERVICE OFFERED Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 14,1977 Now is the time [Continued from Page 10] continue for the next several weeks. Look for evidence of feeding activity on shade trees, oaks in particular as they are a favorite host tree. The feeding activity nor mally starts long before the average person is aware of their presence. They will start at the top of the tree and work down most of the feeding taking place at night. Control measures will vary. A few shade trees can be fairly well protected by using burlap aprons around tree trunks. As the cater pillars crawl down the tree in the early morning, they will seek shelter under the burlap and can be killed. This needs daily attention. Trees can also be protected with sprays. Since many trees are quite tall, this is a job that may be best done by a professional. In secticides registered for use on Gypsy moth are Sevin and Dylox applied according to lable instructions. Wooded areas are most succeptable but the high winds of last week will move them into new areas. To Check Soil Temperature For Soybean Planting Soybeans should be planted in warm, moist soil. A thermometer is an ideal instrument in helping you decide when is the best planting date. Special , bayonet type thermometers work best, however any wall type mercury thermometer will do. The ideal soil temperature will be about 62 degrees F. Soil temperatures should be checked on at least two consecutive days. The reading should be taken at Know Where the Activities Will Be? Read the Farm Women Calendar. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA Phone Lane 717-299-2571 about 8 a.m. when soil temperature has stabilized. The thermometer bulb should be inserted to a two inch depth. Full season soybeans will benefit most from early planting. This will allow a longer vegetative growth period before the start of the flowering period. Flowering is triggered by the shortened day length after June 21. This means maximum growth before June 21 will mean higher soybean yields. To Be Alert For Ticks The tick season is here. These pests may be on almost any dog or person that walk through un cultivated fields or woody areas from May to Sep tember. Ticks await their victims on low-growing shrubs and on tall grass. They attach to, and feed on the blood of dogs, humans as well as many other animals. There are two common kinds of ticks, the American dog tick and the brown dog tick. Both ticks are brown, but the American dog tick has a mottled white shield on its back. The brown dog tick is a household pest and cannot survive our winters outdoors. To control the American dog tick, first clean the area of tall grass and weeds on which tiie ticks await their victims. Also treat bushes 20 to 30 feet on either side of paths with either Sevin, Diazinon or lindome. The dog should also be treated with a per cent Sevin dust at weekly intervals or as needed for control of either the American Dog or Brown Dog Tick. 17
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